华东理工大学继续教育学院成人教育 《基础英语》(二级)模拟试卷二
I. Vocabulary and structure (30%) 1. Water is _______ hydrogen and oxygen. A) composing of B) composed of C) made of D) consisted of
2. Generally speaking, all kinds of materials will expand when heated, but will _______ when cooled.
A) contract B) compress C)
reduce D) contrast
3. No matter how frequently _______, the works of Beethoven always attract large audience. A) performing B) performed C) to be performed D) being performed 4. Ten years had passed, but mention of the air crash would still _______ her sometimes. A) unfasten B) open C) disturb D) undo
5. Having lived under the same shelter for more than thirty years, his tastes and habits
_______ completely with those of his wife. A) correspond B) C) consistent D) coincide
6. An ambulance must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of _______. A) crisis B) C) emergency D) emergence
7. My trousers _______ when I crouched down to help the old lady.
A) broke B) cracked C) separated D) split
8. The patient is still highly _______, so you had better keep away from the ward. A) spreading B) C) passing D) catching
9. They have developed techniques which are ______ to those used in most factories. A) more talented B) better C) greater D) superior
10. Unfortunately, very few sheep _______ the severe winter last year.
A) survived B) endured C) spent
contagious urgency exchange
D) remained alive
11. They discussed the problem three or four times, but could come to no _______. A) end B) conclusion C)
D) judgment
12. I suddenly realized that he was trying to _______ quarrelling with me.
A) consider B) enjoy C) avoid D) prevent
13. Thousands of people _______ to see the parade (游行).
A) turned off B) turned out C) turned up D) turned over
14. Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature _______.
A) taken B) to take C) take D) taking
15. When he was very young, Joe often wondered why his mother wouldn’t _______ a penny on herself.
A) spend B) take C) cost D) pay
16. The doctor’s report _______ that her death was due to heart disease.
A) indicated B) investigated C) influenced D) informed
17. The attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 was a(n) _______ event which brought America into World War II.
A) ambitious B) unexpected C) delicate D) feasible
18. By careful examination, the doctors hope to _______ the source of the infection. A) track down B) light up C) ring out D) set back
19. Once he realizes that it is his mistake, Jim never _______ to admit and correct it. A) hesitates B) intends C) resists D) postpones
20. History shows that the United States as a nation _______ a great deal to the Afro-Americans(美国黑人).
A) influences B) obtains C) owes D) prefers