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2011 年河南省普通高等学校

选拔优秀专科毕业 生进入本科阶段学习考试


Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure ( 1 x 40 )

Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentencesin this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the ONE that best completesthe sentence, and then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1.The shop assistant was dismisscd as shewas ________of chcating customers.

A.accused B.charged C.scoldcd D.curscd


2.The murderer was brought in,with hishands _______bchind his back

A.being tied B.haveing tied C.to be tiedD.tied


3.Needless to say, he_______ his good looksand sense of hunor form his mother.

A.inherited B.carried C.inhibitedD.resembled


4.They have most carefully the time and thematerials needed tocomplete theproject.

A.picked out B.left out C.taken outD.figured out


5.The room is quite neat , it________ .

A.doesn’t need to cleaning B.needn’t tocleaning

C.doesn’ t need cleaning D.needn’t cleaning


6.________ tight now , she would get thereon Sunday.

A.Would she leave B.If she leave

C.were she to leave D.If she had left


7.He must have stayed up late lastnight,________he?

A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.hasn’t D.didn’t


8._______ he does not come,shall we gowithout him?

A.Supposing B.To suppose C.supposed D.To besupposed


9.He will pass two milestones_______, thatis ,he will receive his master degree and find a challenging job.

A.long ago B. not long ago C.before longD.long before


10.Some discascs are________by certainwater animals.

A.transportcd B.transmitted C.transformdeD.transplanted


11.Our hopes________ at the first sight ofthe doctor

A.arose B.raisdd C.rose D.aroused


12.Eating too much fat can_______ heartdisease and cause high blood pressure.

A.attribute to B.contribute to C.attend toD.devote to


13.That______lady is thcir English teacher.

A.young beautiful foreign B. beautifulyoung foreign

C. young foreign beautiful D. foreign youngbeautiful


14.I don think it advisable thatTom_________to zhe job since he has no experience.

A.is assigned B.will be assigned

C.be assigned D.has been assigned


15.He is ________of those boys who siwilling to take on another assignment

A.the only one B.only one C.one D.a


16. I don’t think it will rain , but I takean umbrclla_______ it does.

A.as if B.in case C.as though D.evev if


17All the tasks _______ahead of time, theydccided togo on holiday for a week.

A.had been fulfilled B.were fulfilled

C.having been fulfilled D.been fulfilled


18.He didn’t allow______in hisroom,actually he didn allow his family _______ at all.

A.to smoke …to smoke B.smoking… to smoke

C.to smoke … smoking D.smoking … smoking


19.Susan is ______ to lift the heavy box

A.strong B.enough strong C.strong enoughD.strong too


20.By the end of this term,we ______ thetextbook.

A .finish B.have finished C.will finish D.will have finish


21.This hall can 1000 people. You can whereyou like.

A. hold…scat B. be seated…seated

C. seat…be seated D. hold….seating


22.I like English and I spent every minuteI can English.

A. to study B. studying C. studied D. study


23. of his name, we had a lot of trouble infinding the panient.

A. Not informed B. Not having informed

C. Not having been informed D. Having norinformed


24. No matter how hard I scarched my bag,my new pen was .

A. nowhere to find it B. nowhere to befound

C. to be found nowhere D. to be found anywhere


25. Rather that the bus, he ranall the wayhome.

A. take B. to take C. taken D. took


26. with the book I bought yesterday, theone from the library dosen`t seem interesting.

A. When compared…borrowed B. Whilecomparing…borrowed

C. Compare…borrowing D. Comparing…borrowing


27.If you con`t see the word written on theblackboard very well, maybe you need .

A. examining B. to have your eyes cxamined

C. to have examined your eyes D. to beexamined your eyes


28.She must be looking forward as mush tofrom him ad he himself is to from her.

A. hear…hearing B. hearing…hear

C. have heard…hearing D. hearing…hearing


29. I sent invitations to 20 people, came.

A. of whom only 10 of these B. only 10 ofthese who

C. of whom only 10 D. only 10 who


30. of the land in that district coveredwith trees and grass.

A. Two fifth…is B. Two fifths…are

C. Two fifth…are D. Two fifths…is




