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hull part

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1、HULL PART 船体部分 1、1结构 Structure 1 船厂 船东 船码头 船舱 船籍 船首 船梯 船尾 3 驾驶甲板 艇甲板 罗经甲板 板 舭板 船底板 船外板 船首外板 肘板 舱壁板 槽形舱壁板 舷墙板 围板 连续板 5 尾段 左舷 右舷 纵桁 Stern block port Starboard Girder Navigation deck Boat deck Compass deck Plate Bilge plate Bottom plate Shell plate Bow plate Bracket plate Bulkhead plate Corrugated bulkhead plate Bulwark plate Coaming plate Connection plate dockyard/shipyard ship-owner quay/dock hold Ship's registry bow ladder stern 2 船坞 船舷 船的栏杆 甲板 住舱甲板 梁拱甲板 载货甲板 首楼甲板 上甲板 下甲板 主甲板 货舱甲板 桥楼甲板 水密甲板 4 铜-钢复合板 甲板边板 斜板 加强板 舵板 舷侧外板 裙板 首柱板 首柱板 平台 机舱平台 分段 首段 中段 6 甲板下纵桁 舭纵桁 支柱 肋骨 Underdeck girder Wing girder Pillar Frame Copper sheathing steel plate Deck stringer plate Sloping plate Reinforcement plate Rudder plate Side plate Skirt plate Stem plate Stern plate platform Engine-room platform Block Bow block Midship block dock/boatyard Ship's side Ship's rail Deck accommodation deck arch deck cargo deck Forecastle deck Upper deck Lower deck Main deck Hold deck Bridge deck Watertight deck 型材桁 中底桁 中内龙骨 底桁材 旁桁材 甲板纵桁 横桁 水平桁 舱口边梁 机座纵桁 7 桁架梁 舯部肋骨 尖舱肋骨 加强筋 横框架肋骨 肋距 Bar girder Bottom center girder Bottom center line girder Bottom girder Bottom side girder Deck girder Cross girder Horizontal girder Hatch coaming girder Engine girder Girder frame Middle frame Peak frame Stiffened frame Transverse frame F.S.(frame space) 基础台架 支架 舭肋骨 船底肋骨 首肋骨 肘板框架肋骨 球鼻首肋骨 球曲型肋骨 主肋骨 首肋骨 舭纵桁舭纵骨 船底纵骨/纵桁 船底腹板纵桁 甲板纵桁 内底纵桁/纵骨 舷侧纵桁/纵骨 双层底顶纵骨 9 Base frame Bear frame Bilge frame Bottom frame Bow frame Bracket frame Bulbous bow frame Bulbous frame Chief frame Fore frame Bilge longitudinal bottom longitudinal bottom web longitudinal Deck longitudinal Inner bottom longitudinal Shell side longitudinal Top longitudinal of double bottom 纵桁/纵骨/纵向构件 longitudinal 8 斜舱壁纵骨 结构 附属结构 全焊结构 中部结构 泊位结构 底部龙骨结构 船首部结构 支撑结构 桥楼结构 首楼结构 构架结构 纵桁结构 人孔 Slopping-bulkhead longitudinal structure Accessory structure All-welded structure Amidships structure Berthing structure Bottom keel structure Bow structure Braced structure Bridge structure Forecastle structure Framed structure Girder structure manhole 舱 尾尖舱 尾部水舱 辅助水柜 辅助压载水舱 污水舱 底舱 底边舱 货油压载舱 循环水槽 循环滑油舱 清洁压载舱 冷凝水柜 干舱 Tank after peak tank after water tank Auxiliary water tank Auxiliary water ballast tank Bilge tank Bottom tank Bottom side tank Cargo and ballast tank Circulating flow water tank Circulating oil tank Clean ballast tank Condensate catch tank Dry tank lubricating 10 饮用水舱 污水舱 应急淡水柜 首舱 首尖舱 斜边舱 液舱 龙骨舱 右舷舱 顶边水舱 顶边翼舱 小舱口盖 水密舱口盖 风雨密舱口盖 12 Y形坡口 坡口面 坡口角度 焊缝倾角 接头根部 根部间隙 钝边 焊接接头 对接接头 角接接头 T形接头 搭接接头 十字接头 母材 14 交错断续角焊缝 焊缝正面 Staggered fillet Face of weld rood face Groove face Groove angle Weld slope Root of joint Root gap Root face Welding joint Butt joint Corner joint T-joint Lap joint Cross shaped joint Base metal(parent metal) Drinking water tank Bilge tank Fore tank Fore peak tank Hopper side tank Liquid tank Keel tank Starboard tank Topside tank Topside wing tank Small hatch cover cover 11 密封圈 铰链 平衡块 1、2 坡口 单面坡口 双面坡口 Ⅰ形坡口 V型坡口 U型坡口 Sealing ring Hinge Handle Balance block welding焊接 groove Single groove Double groove Square groove Single v groove Single u groove Single v groove Single bevel groove Emergency fresh water tank 把手 Water-tight small hatch X形坡口 Weather-tight small hatch K形坡口 cover 13 Single v groove with broad 填充金属 热影响区 过热区 焊合线 焊接区 焊缝区 焊缝 连续焊缝 断续焊缝 纵向焊缝 横向焊缝 对接焊缝隙 角焊缝 并列断续角焊缝 15 intermittent 弧焊整流器 自动焊 Filler metal Heat-affected zone(HAZ) Overheated zone Bond line(fusion line) Weld zone Weld metal area weld Continuous weld Intermittent weld Longitudinal weld Transverse weld Butt weld Filled weld Chain intermittent fillet Arc welding rectifier Automatic welding 焊缝背面 焊缝宽度 焊缝长度 焊缝余高 焊脚 焊脚长度 套管接头 手工电弧焊 直流电弧焊 交流电弧焊 弧焊变压器 16 对接焊 角焊 搭接焊 返修焊 补焊 定位焊 封底焊 打底焊 堆焊 塞焊 槽焊 盖面焊 前倾焊 后倾焊 18 送丝速度 气体流量 焊丝伸出长度 极性 正极/阳极 负极/阴极 Back of weld Weld width Weld length Reinforcement Leg(of a fillet weld) Leg length Muff joint metal arc welding) 埋弧自动焊 半自动焊 氩弧焊 二氧化碳气体保护焊 氧乙炔焊 气割 碳弧气刨 Submerged arc welding Semi- automatic welding Argon-arc welding CO2 gas shielded arc welding Oxy-acetylene welding Gas cutting Carbon arc air gouging Underwater cutting Plasma arc cutting Continuous welding Intermittent welding Sport welding Manual arc welding(shielded 水下切割 Direct current arc welding 等离子弧切割 alternating current arc 连续焊 welding Arc welding transformer 断续焊 点焊 17 Butt welding Fillet welding Lap welding Re-welding Repair welding Tack welding Back sealing welding Backing welding Surfacing(overlaying) Plug welding Slot welding Consmetic welding Forward welding Backward welding 分段退焊 分段多层焊 深溶焊 跳焊 陶质衬垫焊 引弧 焊接工艺参数 焊接电流 焊接电压 焊接速度 电弧电压 焊丝间距 空载电压 熔化速度 19 Wire feed rate Gas flow rate Wire extension Polarity Positive electrode Navigate electrode 层间温度 焊后热处理 锤击 全焊透 熔池 熔深 Back step welding Block welding Deep penetrating welding Skip welding Ceramic backing welding Striking the arc Welding condition Welding current Welding voltage Welding speed Arc voltage Wire spacing Open circuit voltage Melting rate Inter-pass temperature Post-weld heat treatment Peening Full penetration welding Weld-pool Penetration 左焊法 右焊法 电流密度 线能量 预热 后热 预热温度 后热温度 20 熔合比 等速送丝 变速送丝 电弧静特性 电弧动特性 焊接性试验 焊接结构 焊道 焊层 正接(正极性) 反接(反极性) 焊接位置 平焊 横焊 22 低氢型焊条 铁粉性焊条 重力焊条 焊剂 熔炼焊剂 烧结焊剂 焊丝 药芯焊剂 保护气体 焊剂垫 重力焊条 Leftward welding Rightward welding Current density Heat input Preheat Post-heat Preheat temperature Post-heat temperature 弧长 喷射过渡 短路过渡 熔滴过渡 焊缝成形 焊缝成形系数 熔敷系数 熔敷效率 21 Arc length Spray transfer Short circuiting transfer Metal transfer Appearance of weld Form factor of weld Deposition coeffcient Deposition efficiency Penetration ratio Constant wire-feed system 立焊 仰焊 Vertical position welding Overhead position welding Vertical up welding Vertical down welding Welding by one side Welding by both side Single-pass welding Multi-pass welding Multi-layer welding Consumables Electrode Coating Acid electrode Basic electrode alternate wire-feed system 立向上焊 Static characteristic of 立向下焊 arc dynamic characteristic of 单面焊 arc Weldability test Welded construction Bead Layer Straight polarity Reversed polarity Position of welding Flat position welding 双面焊 单道焊 多道焊 多层焊 焊接材料 焊条 焊条药皮 酸性焊条 Horizontal position welding 碱性焊条 23 Low hydrogen type electrode 焊丝盘 Iron power type electrode Gravity electrode Flux Fused flux Sintered flux Wire Flux-cored wire Shielded gas Flux backing Gravity electrode 铜冷却板 铜滑块 切割 焊接工作台 焊接变位机 送丝机构 行走机构 焊接车间 引弧板 引出板 Wire reel Cu-cooling plate Copper shoe Cutting Welding bench Positioner Wire feeder Traveler Welding shop Run-on tab(end tab) Run-off tab(end tab)

hull part


