Chinese culture tour of diplomatic envoys a success
in Henan
Ma Lianhao[1]
【期刊名称】《《友声:英文版》》 【年(卷),期】2019(000)002
【摘要】From April 17 to 21,the Chinese Culture Tour of Diplomatic Envoys to China,organized by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the Henan Provincial People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries,was held in Henan province,attracting
Seychelles,Vietnam and the Slovak Republic. 【总页数】2页(P.40-41)
【关键词】China; Chinese; Henan 【作者】Ma Lianhao[1] 【作者单位】 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】D827 【相关文献】
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Chinese culture tour of diplomatic envoys a success in Henan