(伸出中指)grandpa is the tallest one, (伸出无名指)grandma next to grandpa; (伸出小拇指)And the little finger is me, We are happy family.
33、(手指操)catch open Catch open touch your head, Catch open touch your face, Catch open touch your shoulder Catch open touch your knee,
Catch open hide your hand behind you, 34、(手指操托小班)the finger family
Daddy finger, daddy finger把拇指藏在拳头中间 Here I am, here I am伸出拇指
How are you today? 一只拇指向另一只拇指弯腰鞠躬 Very well, thank you.另一个拇指鞠躬还礼 Run away, run away. 两只拇指一起消失 35、(手指操)wiggle适合托小班
Wiggle wiggle wiggle伸出双手,十指快速弯曲伸直跳动 Shake shake shake 甩甩双手 Roll roll roll 双拳在胸前扰动
Finger run away抖动手指,然后双手藏到背后 36、(手指操)Little Fox Little fox little fox,
双手做成狐狸爪子的样子放在腮下,眼神做出贼头贼脑的样子 laying fire ,双手做出火苗的样子
Fire fire fire,双手做出火苗升高的样子
Oh!my tail!迅速捂住屁股,从小椅子上弹跳起来 38、The Wheels on the Bus (1)The wheels on the bus go, Round and round,
Round and round, round and round, The wheels on the bus go, Round and round,
All through the town.(画圈圈)
(2)The driver(握方向盘)…… turn turn turn(两边倒)…… (3)The door ……open and shut(手合上、张开)…… (4)The people ……up and down(站起来和蹲下去)……
(5)The baby…… wee wee wee(握拳,在眼睛两边做哭的样子)…… (6)The mother ……shh shh shh(食指放嘴唇前)……
(7)The wheels…… round and round(两只手握拳,在胸前绕圈圈)…… 39、One, Two, Buckle My Shoes
One, two, buckle my shoes,(系鞋带) Three ,four, open the door,(开门) Five, six, pick up the sticks,(捡棍子)
Seven, eight, lay them straight,(把棍子放笔直) Nine, ten, do it again.
40、There Is Thunder(两只老虎的调)适合托小班 There Is Thunder ,There Is Thunder(指指天) Hear it roar. Hear it roar,(拍拍地)
Pitter patter, raindrops,(两只手在膝盖上拍) Pitter patter, raindrops,
I’m all wet, I’m all wet.(抱抱胸,甩甩手)
41、Mulberry Bush(桑树游戏,The Wheels on the Bus的调) Here we go round the mulberry bush,(拍手两边晃) The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush, Here we go round the mulberry bush, So early in the morning,
(1)This is the way I wash my face,(洗脸) Wash my face, wash my face, This is the way I wash my face, So early in the morning.
(2)……I brush my teeth……(刷牙) (3)……I comb my hair……(梳头)
(4)……I put on my clothes……(穿衣服) 42、A-Tu-Li-Ta
A-tu-li-ta,a-tu-li-ta,a-tu-li-ta,ta A-tu-li-ta,a-tu-ti-ta, a-tu-li-ta,ta
(1)Thumbs up, Thumbs up, Thumbs up, Thumbs up,(大拇指翘起来) (2)Elbows back ……(肘部回来) (3)Knees together……(膝盖并拢) (4)Turn around……(转圈)
43、Head and Shoulders(可以节奏越来越快) Head and shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes, knees and toes. Head and shoulders, knees and toes. Eyes and ears , mouth and nose.
44 Hickory dicory dock
Hickory Dickory Dock 滴答滴答钟声响 (1)Hickory dickouy dock, 滴答滴答钟声响 The mouse ran up the clock,老鼠爬到钟上面 The clock struck one, 钟敲了一下 The mouse ran down, 老鼠逃了下去 Hickory dickory dock. 滴答滴答钟声响 (2)……Two ……the mouse said:boo!
挂钟敲二下(当当)老鼠说“不”,滴答滴答滴。 (3)……Three ……the mouse said:whee!
挂钟敲三下(当当当)老鼠说“呦”,滴答滴答滴。 (4)……Four ……the mouse said:no more!
挂钟敲三下(当当)老鼠说“不要再响了”,滴答滴答滴 重点词语:mouse, run up, clock, run down 45-Where is thumkin
Where Is Thumbkin? (两只老虎的音调)拇指人在哪里? Where Is Thumbkin?拇指人在哪里? Where Is Thumbkin? 拇指人在哪里? Here is am, here is am,我在这里
How are you today,sir?你今天怎么样 Very well I thank you.非常好 谢谢 Run away. Run away.走了 (2)……pointer……食指 (3)……tall man……中指 (4)……ring man……无名指 (5)……pinky……小指
重点词语:where is Thumbkin? Here I am. How are you? Very well. Thank you.
18-歌曲 You are my sunshine
You’re My Sunshine双手架人字放到头上,左右移动 You’re my sunshine, my only sunshine,
You make me happy, when skies are gray,手指指在脸上以为happy,手指在胸前挥舞以为grey You never know dear,挥手意为不知道 How much I love you,双手交叉放胸口
So please don’t take my sunshine away.请别把我的阳光带走,挥手后把手拿开 重点词语:sunshine, happy, I love you 46歌曲 Skidamarink Skidamarink
Skidamarink a dinga ding,作举手状,左右交换 Skidamarink a doo, I love you.双手做我爱你的动作 Skidamarink a dinga ding, Skidamarink a doo, I love you.
I love you in the morning,双手左中右挥舞,代表早上午下午晚上 And in the afternoon, I love you in the evening, And underneath the moon, Oh, Skidamarink a dinga ding, Skidamarink a doo, I love you.
重点词语:I love you, morning, afternoon, evening, moon
47(手指操托小班) Clap your hands
(1)Clap, clap, clap your hands as slowly as you can.拍手,慢慢拍手 Clap, clap clap your hands as quickly as you can.拍手,快快拍手
(2)Shake……摇手,慢慢摇手,摇手,快快摇手 (3)Roll……转手,慢慢转手,转手,快快转手 (4)Rub……搓手
(5)Wiggle your fingers ……挥舞手指 (6)Pound your fists……拍拳头
重点词语:clap your hands, shake your hands, roll your hands,
48-Gobble Gobble(幼儿英语)
Gobble Gobble 母鸡的叫声,咯咯咯,双手外翘放臀部扮母鸡叫 Gobble, gobble, gobble,
Quack, quack, quack,鸭子的叫声,嘎嘎嘎,双手半张开扮鸭子的叫声 A turkey says gobble,火鸡咯咯咯叫 A duck says quack.鸭子嘎嘎嘎叫 重点词语: turkey, duck
49.Jack and Jill
Jack and Jill went up the hill Jack和Jill到山上去。 To fetch a pail of water, 去提一桶水。
Jack fell down and broke his crown Jack摔倒了,撞到他的头。 And Jill came tumbling after. Jill也跟着摔跤了。 50. (手指操) The Chimney Here is the chimney 一手握拳。
Here is the top. 另一只手盖在拳上。 Open the lid, 打开一只手。
Out Santa will pop. 竖起大拇指。 51.Eentsy Weentsy Spider 小蜘蛛 The eentsy weentsy spider 小蜘蛛, Went up the water spout, 爬上出水管,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out; 下雨了,把蜘蛛从水管上冲了下来。 Out came the sun and Dried up all the rain; 雨停了,太阳出来了
And the eentsy weentsy spider went up the spout again. 小蜘蛛再次爬上了水管。 52 (手指操) Five Little Birds
Five little birds without any home,伸出五个手指摆来摆去, Five little trees in a row,停止摆动手指,
Come and build your nests in the trees,把手放到头上, We will rock you to and fro.另一只手扶住这只手 53.Five Rabbits
Five rabbits were hiding, 一天5个小白兔躲在树丛里。 In the woods one day,
1-2-3-4-5 jumped out, 1-2-3-4-5 跳了出来, and then they ran away.并且跑走了。 54.Five Little Sausages(童谣)
(1) Five little sausages frying in the pan,五根香肠在锅里煎
The pan got hot and one went BAM!锅变烫了,一个开始哄其他的 (2)Four…… 四根香肠
(3)Three…… 三根香肠 (4)Two…… 两根香肠
One little sausage frying in the pan, 一根香肠在锅里煎
The pan got hot and one went 锅变烫了,他说:“等等,等等!把我放到你的盘里吃了吧!” “wait, wait! Put me on your plate and eat me!” 55.This Little Pig
This little pig went to market, 一个小猪去市场 This little pig stayed home, 一个小猪呆在家 This little pig had roast beef, 一个小猪在烤牛肉 This little pig had none, 一个小猪什么都没做
And this little pig cried “wee-wee-wee” 一个小猪在回家的路上一直在哭 All the way home .
55.Knock, Knock(敲一敲) Knock, knock, (敲敲额头)
Peek in, (两手放眼睛前面,做打开眼状) Open the latch, (向上顶孩子的鼻尖) And walk right in.(把手指伸进嘴巴)
How do you do Mr. Chin, Chin, Chin.(捏捏孩子的下巴) 56. Bumblebee(大蜜蜂)
Bumblebee was in the barn, (手指在空中转圈) Carrying his di er under his arm. (手转圈接近孩子) Bzzzzzzzzz…… (轻轻戳一下孩子
57.Little Green Frog绿色的小青蛙
\呱,呱,\这只绿色的小青蛙开始了一天。 \呱,呱,\这只绿色的小青蛙开始了。
\呱,呱,\这只绿色的小青蛙开始了一天。 And his eyes went\而且他的眼睛开始\啊,啊,呱。\
\呱,呱,\这只绿色的小青蛙开始了一天。 \呱,呱,\这只绿色的小青蛙开始了。
\呱,呱,\这只绿色的小青蛙开始了一天。 And his eyes went\而且他的眼睛开始\啊,啊,呱。\58.Let Everyone Clap Hands
Let everyone clap hands like me. (Clap, clap!) 让每一个人拍手
Let everyone clap hands like me. (Clap, clap!) 让每一个人像我一样拍手。(啪啪,啪啪!) Come on and join into the game, 让每一个人拍手让每一个人像我一样拍手。(啪啪,啪啪!) You'll find that it's always the same. (Clap, clap!) 你将会发现它总是一样的。(啪啪,啪啪!) Let everyone laugh like me. (Hee, hee!) 赶快加入这个游戏,让每一个人像我一样笑。(嘿嘿,嘿嘿!)
Let everyone laugh like me. (Hee, hee!) 让每一个人像我一样笑。(嘿嘿,嘿嘿!) 赶快加入这个游戏,
Come on and join into the game,
You'll find that it's always the same. (Hee, hee!) 你将会发现它总是一样的。(嘿嘿,嘿嘿!)