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This thesis focuses on the electrical Jishixia a station and the design of microprocessor-based protection. The total power of JI SHI XIA hydro power station is 4×250MW=1000MW,connecting to system with 4 outline.

For electric primary system, firstly draw up 3 drafts of main connection lines according to the firsthand information and datum. Then compare the 3 drafts from these aspects such as reliability, flexibility and economy, and keep one more reasonable plans than others. The short circuit current calculation is carried on. And main electric equipments including circuit breakers、disconnectors、bus、insulatoretc are choosed according to the result of short circuit current calculation. Finally the economy of the plan is compared and main electrical connection plan is determined.

Protection contains choosing the protection style of the 4 generator, setting calculation as well as the verification and confirm relay style. The dissertation attach to 7 AutoCAD drawings including the main electric connection, outdoor distribution equipment setting, the relay protection of generator ,the decoration of protection scream.

The process of the graduation design is a process of combining the theory with practice. The comprehensive and system training is helpful to enhance and consolidate the understanding and application of the branch curriculum of the electric subject, to set up the project idea and to improve the ability of the electrical system design.

KEY WORDS: main electrical connection, short circuit current

calculation, Equipment selection, Microcomputer protection

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前 言



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目 录

1 原始资料 .................................................... 1

1.1原始资料内容 ........................................... 1 1.2原始资料分析 ........................................... 1

1.2.1积石峡水电站工程情况简介 .......................... 1 1.2.2 对本设计课题的具体分析 ........................... 2

2主接线方案的拟定 ............................................. 3

2.1电气主接线的设计原则 ................................... 3 2.2主接线方案 ............................................. 4 2.3主接线方式的技术比较 ................................... 5 2.4主接线方案的选择 ....................................... 5 3 厂用电设计 .................................................. 7

3.1厂用电接线设计原则 ..................................... 7 3.2水电站厂用电接线 ....................................... 7 3.3设计说明 ............................................... 8 4 短路电流计算 ................................................ 9 5 设备选择与验算 ............................................. 10

5.1设备的的选择及校验说明 ................................ 10

5.1.1断路器的选择及校验说明 ........................... 10 5.1.2隔离开关的选择及校验说明 ......................... 11 5.1.3电流互感器的选择及校验 ........................... 11 5.1.4电压互感器的选择及校验 ........................... 12 5.1.5导体的选择原则 ................................... 13 5.1.6金属氧化锌避雷器简介 ............................. 14 5.2电气选择所需数据 ...................................... 14 5.3设备选择及校验 ........................................ 15

5.3.1330KV侧 .......................................... 15 5.3.2发电机出口设备的选择 ............................. 23

6 配电装置 ................................................... 26

6.1概述 .................................................. 26 6.2屋外配电装置 .......................................... 27 7 微机保护 ................................................... 28

7.1发电机变压器组保护 .................................... 28

7.1.1 RCS-985发电机变压器组保护配置 ................... 28 7.1.2RCS-985 发电机变压器组成套保护装置保护整定计算: .. 29 7.2母线保护 .............................................. 40

7.2.1装设母线保护的原则 ............................... 40 7.2.2保护的配置 ....................................... 41

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