E: OK. H: Hello? E: Hello Henry? H: Yes?
E: it’s Elaine, how are you?
D: I’m fine, Thanks. It’s so nice to hear from you… Track 3-6-OL-3 Track 3-6-OL-4
B: Hi Liza. Can I borrow some money from you? I have to pay my phone bill. L: Why is your bill so high?
B: Well I made a few phone calls last month and they were kind of expensive. L: Who did you call?
B: I was calling my friend Raul in Caracas. I’m going to visit him next month. I wanted to plan my vacation. But first I dialed a wrong number, three times. L: Oh Beth.
B: Then I checked it and enter the number again, Raul’s sister picked up the receiver, she doedn’t speak English. So she hang up the phone. I tried again the next day, Raul’s father answered and I left a message. L: Did Raul ever reach you?
B: No, he got a busy signal because my brother’s always on the phone. Finally I called him and we talked for an hour.
L: I think a plane ticket is cheaper than your phone bill. Track 3-6-OL-5 Track 3-6-OL-6 Do you want to get a cell phone?
1. everyone loves cell phones. More and more people are buying cell phones. With the cell phone, you can keep
in touch with friends, family and co-workers everywhere you go. It’s important to choose the right cell phone and the right company.
2. choose the right plan. Look at plans from different companies and answer these questions: will I use my cell
phone everyday or only in an emergency? When will I make calls, during the day, at night or weekends? Does the price fit my monthly budget?
3. what phone is right for you? Before you buy a phone, think about these things: what size do you want? Is it
easy to use? Does it have the features you need, for example voice dialing or Internet service?
4. don’t talk and drive. You need two hands to drive a car. Taking your hand off the steeling wheel to use your
phone is risky. In some places, it’s illegal. If you need to make a receive or call, stop at the side of the road. 5. use your cell phone politely. Turn your phone off in meetings, movies, restaurants or any place where ringing
phone might disturb people. It’s OK to use your cell phone in a public place, just remember to speak softly and keep your conversation private. Track 3-6-OL-7 Track 3-6-OL-8 How do you feel about cell phones?
It can't be denied: there has been a cell phone boom in the last decade. Everywhere you go, people seem to be talking on the telephone. How do people feel about cell phones? Our on-the-street survey found some interesting answers.
Sixty-nine percent of the people we asked think cell phones are convenient and save time. Nineteen percent use cell phones only when they have to. A small percentage----only three percent----think cell phones are unnecessary. Another three percent say they are addicted to their cell phones! There have been some problems associated with cell phones. Some cities have passed laws affecting ell phone use. For example, in some places, it is now illegal to
drive and use your cell phone at the same time. A survey asked people about cell phones and laws. Here is how they answered.
There should be laws about cell phone usage in classrooms, theaters, and restaurants. 57% while driving. 45% on public transportation. 34%
One thing is sure about cell phones: everyone has an opinion about how and when they should be used! Listen to w hat these four people had to say:
Phil: I'm Phil, I love talking on the phone. I keep my phone next to my bed. I even take it with me into the bathroom! My friends say that I am \
Sherry: I'm Sherry, I live in the country. I\\4y nearest neighbor is 25 miles away. My cell phone makes me feel safe. I can call someone in an emergency.
Eric: I'm Eric, I think cell phones are unnecessary. Why do people use them so often, especially in public places? I think it's a form of noise pollution!
Carmen: I'm Carmen, I'm very busy. Sometimes I have to cancel an appointment at the last minute. I use my cell phone to do that. It's good for business. Track 3-6-OL-9
Roberto and Mike are in a restaurant. A woman is talking loudly on the cell phone. Roberto says,” I can’t stand cell phones.” Mike says he avoids taking calls in public unless it’s very important. But then Mike’s father calls to give Mike his new cell phone number. While they are talking, Mike’s mother calls on the other line. She starts to ask Mike to take a message for his dad, but Mike can’t stand taking messages, so he connects his mother and father. At that point, the same woman who was talking so loud on her phone earlier says to Mike,” Do you mind?” then she turns to her friend and says the same thing Roberto said,” I can’t stand cell phones—especially in public places.” Unit 7. Lesson A Track 3-7-1 and Track 3-7-2 Conversation 1
Host: Hello, Spencer. How are you?
Spencer: Fine, thank you. I'm excited to be here. Host: Great! I see a photo in your hand. What is it?
Spencer: Well, it's a picture of something that's famous worldwide. Host: Wow! Look at that! Is it yours?
Spencer: It certainly is. I didn't buy it, though. My father gave it to me. Host: How did your father get it?
Spencer: He carried it in the 1984 0ly-mpics. Ile was one of the runners. After the Olympics finished, he bought the torch and gave it to me.
Host: You must be athletic, too, right? Spencer: No, not at all. I'm terrible at sports. Host: Well, what was your father's event?
Spencer: He ran the 800 meters. He won his first race, but lost the second one.
Host: Fascinating ... Well, your father wasn't only a strong athlete ---- he was also a good collector. Do you have any idea how much the torch is worth? Spencer: Not at all,
Host: It's a good item to have. It's probably worth several thousand dollars. Spencer: Wow!
Host: What are you going to do with it?
Spencer: For now. I'm going to keep it. Someday I'II give it to a museum. Conversation 2
Host: Hi, Greta, it's nice to see you've brought us a fun object. Greta: Yeah. I really like it.
Host: Did you play with it when you were a kid?
Greta: A little, but not so much. My brother played with it all the time. I played with my teddy bear collection. Host: Do you know anything about this toy?
Greta: I did some research. I know it was make in Germany by the Lehmann Company. I'm not sure of the date. Host: OK-- anything else? Greta: That's about it.
Host: Well, let me tell you a little bit about the Lehmann Company. Their toys were very popular in the first half of the twentieth century. They're still making toys today, Greta: I didn't know that.
Host: How much did you pay for this toy?
Greta: Nothing. A neighbor gave it to us before he moved away.
Host: Oh, that's good news because unfortunately, this toy is not a Lehmann toy Greta: It's not?
Host : Nope. I'm sorry, but it's a fake. Greta: You're kidding!
Host: No, I'm not. Look at the bottom of the toy. A Lehmann toy will have the letter \marked on it. Yours doesn't have that.
Greta: Oh, how disappointing! Host: Well, it's still in good condition.
Greta: Yes, that s true. It may not be worth anything, but I'II always keep it for my children. Track 3-7-3
Olivia: Where are you rushing off to?
Roshan: I've got cricket practice. It starts at 5:()(). Olivia: Cricket?
Roshan: Are you familiar with it? It's really popular in my country. Olivia: Is it a sport?
Roshan: Yes. It's played with a ball and bat. There are 11 players on each team. Olivia: I didn’t know our university even had a cricket team! Roshan: They do. We have players from all over the world. Olivia: You must really like it.
Roshan: I do. It’s fun. I've been playing it since I was a teenager. Track 3-7-4
A: Are you familiar with the game of darts? B: Not really. How do you play it?
A: You throw a dart at a target to score points. B: Where is the game played? A: In pubs in England mostly. Track 3-7-5
1, I've been drawing for the last three years. And I like drawing because it lets me --- puts my mind at ease and lets me think about other things, as opposed to what's going on in the news and the troubles that I might be having.
2. Sports have always been an important part of my life. I have been horseback riding since I was a kid. I go skiing quite often and I learned how to scuba dive when I was eight years old. Track 3-7-OL-1 Track 3-7-OL-2
A: Well Ivan, now the final exams are finished, what are you going to do? I: Haha, that’s easy, Alfredo, take a break, I’m exhausted. How about you?
A: Same here. I need to rest for a couple of days. Then I’m going on a trip next week. I: Where are you going?
A: My wife and I are going to the vist view resort. I: That sounds relaxing.
A: Actually it’s going to be kind of busy, in a fun way. They have lots of activities there: horseback riding, skydiving…
I: Skydiving! Are you going to do that? A: No, I’m going for the scuba diving. I: I didn’t know you’re a scuba diver.
A: Well I’m not, yet. We’re going to take lessons when we get there. By the end of the trip, I’ll be ready to try my first real dive.
I: That sounds like fun. I wish I could go, but my kids are too small, they’re only 10 and 12 years old.
A: You know? They are not too young. There’s junior program to prepare kids for scuba diving. You should check it out.
I: I should, but I know my wife, she’ll never agree to it. She’s afraid of the water.
A: Well, here’s a ? if you’re interested. Like I said, they have other activities besides scuba diving. They also have a full service spa. Maybe your wife will enjoy that. I: Now that’s an idea!
Track 3-7-OL-3 Track 3-7-OL-4
My favorite hobby is nature photography. I have been taking pictures outdoors for more than ten years. In that time, I’ve traveled to several national parks in my country. I’ve also visited Mexico and Brazil. I like to take pictures of birds and animals. I’ve gotten some really nice photos. But sometimes I can’t find my favorite pictures that’s because I haven’t put them in the albums yet. Track 3-7-OL-5 Track 3-7-OL-6 Adventure races
It’s a team sport. It includes mountain climbing, biking, boating and trail running. It has lots of special mystery events like climbing over a five meter wall and carrying a team member for three kilometers. What is it? “The coolest sport I’ve ever done!” Says 31-year-old Brine Martin. He recently finished the Hawaii Adventure Race with his team, “the outsiders.” ” Although everyone on our team bikes and runs everyday, it was a great challenge.” His team finish fifth out of more than two hundred teams in the race. Adventure racing is a new sport, they started a few years ago. In it, teams of four people race nonstop across long distances and difficult environments 24 hours a day. There’re men’s, women’s and mixed teams. Some adventure races are just one day, but others are much longer. In the Eco-Challenge, one of the most famous races, teams must travel five hundred kilometers in ten days. They travel by running, climbing ropes, kayaking, mountain biking and horseback riding. Every year the Eco-Challenge is held in a different country and environment. Like the jungles of Malaysia, the desert of Morocco, or the mountains of Canada. Speed and stamina are very important for adventure racers. But there’s one more unusual thing about the sport. To win the race, all team members must finish together. If one person quits, the team is out of the race. “You have to help each other, and you really learn to work together” says Brine Martin, ”I enjoy that most of all.”
Track 3-7-OL-7 A star in the X Games
There's a new kind of competition happening worldwide. No, it's not the World Cup. It's the X Game. In different areas of the world, athletes train and complete in their own versions of the X Games. The best athletes can advance to the global championship. At the championship, teams from six regions (Asian Australia, Canada, Europe, South America, and the United States) face each other. There are summer sports (in-line skating, biking, and skateboarding) and winter ones (skiing and snowboarding). Most \One woman, in particular, stands out from the crowd. Her name is Fabiola da Silx a. She's an in-line skater and she comes from Brazil. There are two different in-line skating categories: park and vert. In the park event, skaters compete on a course that has ledges, handrails, and other obstacles. In the very event, skaters do tricks in a half pipe. They try to fly high in the air and spin. Fabiola competes in both events. She has been skating for years and she has always dominated the women's events.
Fabiola would like to see more women in the X Games, but she's not afraid of the guys. Ever since she received her first pair of skates at the age of 12, she's played with boys. Now she skates in competitions with them and she beats many of them. Fabiola's mother was a housekeeper. It was hard, but she saved her money to buy Fabiola's skates. It was a good investment. Fabiola has traveled abroad for events and become famous in the skating world. Success hasn't gone to her head, though. She's a typical young woman of the world: She has a boyfriend likes to listen to rock music, and prefers health}- foods. She doesn't seem to care much about the attention she gets. Track 3-7-OL-9
Claudia is at Roberto’s to practice playing the flute. As Roberto plays his guitar, Claudia says she hopes she’ll be that good someday. Roberto tells Claudia that he has been playing since he was a teenager and reminds her that, “Practise makes perfect.” Claudia explains that she has trouble practicing at home because Tara and Sun-hee have been studying a lot lately. Roberto tells her not to worry because they’re going to practice today. Roberto suggests three different songs to play but Claudia hasn’t played any of them. Finally, she suggests a song she’s been practicing lately. Roberto says he hasn’t played it for a long time, but it was one of his favorites——“Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”! Unit 8, Lesson A
Track 3-8-1 Track 3-8-2 Track 3-8-3
Joan: Greetings everyone! I'm Joan Riverton and I'm reporting directly from the red carpet at the Crystal Awards. Can you believe it? There are stars everywhere. Speaking of movie stars, here comes one right now----Debra Danvers.
Debra: Hello, Joan.
Joan: Hello, Debra. Look at you!
Debra: The dress is made by Vera Wang. Do you like it? Joan: You look so elegant! Good luck at the awards show tonight Debra: Thanks!
Joan: That dress is a disaster! Here comes Marla Kelly, everyone's favorite TV star. She's so petite---- Marla! Marla! Over here!
Marla: Good evening, Joan. You look wonderful. Joan: Same to you. Marla. You're as pretty as a picture Marla: You're too kind. Joan: Good luck in there. Marla: Thanks, Joan.
Joan: Well, frankly, her makeup is OK, but those earrings are a nightmare
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