good habits were as healthy as younger people age 25 to 34 who practiced only one or two of the habits. But how do you change your habits? A slow approach is the best way. Make one small change every week and be patient, it takes about 21 days to form a new habit. Track 3-4-OL-7 and Track 3-4-OL-8 Surprising syndromes of modem life
R4argaret's friend is taking a new job in a faraway city. She wants to hold a farewell dinner party at her home. But she can't. Margaret suffers from CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome). Her apartment is messy and she's embarrassed by it. \He told me to get a maid.\long. People expect a quick response to their faxes, text messages, and e-mail messages. I;or some people, it's too much. They have information fatigue syndrome. There is so much information, they become paralyzed and can't think clearly \is a straightforward name for another syndrome of modern life. \aspirin seems to help,\says Mari, a mother of two and a part-time company employee. Do you engage in \sickness! We've all complained about having too much work to do. Well, now about not having enough work? Underload syndrome is caused by having little or nothing to do at the office. You have to pretend that you're working. Steven works as a project manager. \can finish my work in about four hours, but I'm afraid to say anything about it. I don't want to be assigned too much work!\very bored and even became depressed. Chances are you're experienced phone neck before. Another name for it would be \your neck and your ear for a long time causes phone neck. A good long message is the suggested treatment for this syndrome. Track 3-4-OL-9
Sun-hee doesn’t feel well, so Tara asks Takeshi and Mike to come over. When they arrive, Takeshi asks Sun-hee how she is feeling. Sun-hee says she’s very tired, a little dizzy, and that she might even have a fever. Tara then explains that Sun-hee has also been very anxious about a meeting with the president of her university. Mike tells Sun-hee to eat something, but she says.” I can’t eat. I’m not hungry.” Then the phone rings. It’s the president’s secretary. She tells Tara to tell Sun-hee that tonight’s meeting has been canceled. When Sun-hee gets the news, she starts to feel much better and says,” it must be a miracle or something.” But her friends know it’s not a miracle. She was just really nervous about the meeting! Unit 5, Lesson A Track 3-5-1 Track 3-5-2 C: Hello Kai, have a seat. K: Hi, Miss XXX.
C: How's it going? Are you excited about graduating? K: I guess so. But there's so much to do between now and then.
C: Well, let s talk about that--let me check your file here. So, what's new? Have you researched any colleges or universities?
K: Well, I researched three--like you told me to. C: Good, good. Which ones?
K: Let's see ... California State University, Harvard University, and City College. C: And?
K: Well, I applied to two: Harvard and City College. Cal State is just too far away.
C: Sounds like you've been thinking about this seriously. That's good. K: Yep.
C: Any news yet?
K: Well, I got accepted to City College. I haven’t heard anything from Harvard. I probably won't get accepted there.
C: Why do you say that?
K: You know--it's so competitive. I don't think my grades are good enough. C: Well, let's wait and see.
K: I’ll probably go to City College. My brother went there. I visited the campus and I like it. Track 3-5-3
Hans: Hi. Tom. What's new?
Tom: Well, I'm going to start at a new high school this fall. Hans: Which one?
Tom: Essex Academy. It's a boarding school. It's a five-hour drive from my parents' house. Hans: Does boarding school mean you live there? On campus? Tom: Exactly.
Hans: That sounds awesome!
Tom: Yeah. I think it's going to be cool. Track 3-5-4
D. Listen to two people talking about their plans after graduation. Pay attention to the expressions they use. Then talk about your own plans after graduation.
1. After I finished my Ph.D., I would like to go back to Senegal and start my own business in agriculture. 2. After graduation I plan to find a good job. I also plan to start a famil}f and buy a house. Track 3-5-OL-1 Track 3-5-OL-2
W: And finally today, we have a report about graduating seniors, Jason Kim standing by. Jason, are you there? J: Hi, Lucy.
W: The natural Times newspaper asked college seniors “what are you going to do after you graduate? ” J: That’s right. Lucy. The students gave them surprising answers too. W: For example?
J: Well, more than 50% of the students say they aren’t going to start a new job right away. W: Well, what are their future plans? J: Let’s ask some of them. Excuse me? M: Yes?
J: I’m Jason Kim from SCA TV. Your name please? M: Mesuki.
J: And what are you studying in. M: Art.
J: OK, Mizuki, what are you going to do after graduate? G: I don’t know. I’ll probably chill out for a while. J: Chill out? M: You know, relax.
J: OK, Mizuki, thanks for your comments. Hello, I’m Jason Kim and we’re doing a live report. What’s your name and major?
R: My name is Robert and I’m studying in law.
J: What are you going to do after you graduate? R: I don’t know, maybe I’ll take a long trip. J: What about a job?
R: Work? Maybe one of these days, but first I’d like to take a trip.
J: Thank you Robert and good luck. Well, that’s all for now. this is been Jason Kim and my report on college seniors. Now back to you Lucy. Track 3-5-OL-3
1. Eduardo: Hi, I’m Eduardo. I got accepted to college recently. Since the school is just in my neighborhood, I’m going to live at home. I’ll not apply for a scholarship because it’s too hard to get it. I think I’ll be able to support myself by working part-time. In my view, money is very important though it’s not everything. So most probably I’ll study business, I hope I can make it big after my graduation.
2.Jill: I’m Jill, I’m going to join a sorority, I want to make more friends of the same sex. I think that women should be united should always help each other. I’m going to volunteer work in my spare time to help those old-aged ladies in the community with their errands. I’m not going to a large university since I can’t afford it.
3.Max and Sara: I’m Max and this is Sara. We love each other, we’re not going to live in student housing. We plan to live in a mid-sized apartment not far away from the university. We’re going to study together and work part-time. Track 3-5-OL-4
I’m Mary and I’m twenty. I’m studying in life-long education at the university of Tokyo. I think it’s important for everyone to keep learning all their lives. That’s why I choose the major in life-long education. Personally I’m planning to further my education in an American university after graduation. So right now I’m taking an English class. I want to improve my English. I’m working part-time at a video store because I need to save money for my studies abroad. I have a boyfriend and he wants to go and study in the United States too. We have similar interests and personalities. I’m going to get married and live in a house by the ocean. Sooner or later I’ll have my own children. I’ll most probably stay at home to be a full-time mother before my children are sixteen years old. To witness their growth would be the most valuable thing in my life. Track 3-5-OL-5 Track 3-5-OL-6
Jameela: I work so hard for four years. I need a break now. I majored in biology and chemistry and I had a summer job in a day-care center. I’m going to take a year off before I start medical school. My plan is to travel and do volunteer work in west Africa. I’ll be a doctor someday, but I’m not sure what kind of doctor I’ll be.
Jennie: I study business and it’s easy for me to find a job. Next month I’ll move to New York to start work at Giant Corporation. But I don’t really want to spend my whole life working for a company. I hope I can start my own business, maybe something with food. I love cooking, in college I cook dinner for roommate every night.
Shane: Wow, four years really went fast. I can’t believe it’s graduation day. My major was computer science but I spent all of my free time playing music. I played guitar in two different bands. I also play electronic music using computers. I have job interviews with three software companies next week. I’m not worried about getting a job but I really want to play music too, that’s my biggest dream. Track 3-5-OL-7 Track 3-5-OL-8
Interviewer: We now have a winner! Stephanie Lee from Vancouver, Canada answered our questions and won the top prize: She will be our youth travel reporter in Europe! She's going to travel for three months and write about her experiences for our website.
Interviewer: Do you have any international travel experience?
Stephanie Lee: Yes, I do. Tokyo years ago, I spent the summer in Hong Kong, China, I stayed with my grandmother and worked in the family business. I also visited Africa last year.
Interviewer: What do your travel experiences tell us about you?
Stephanie Lee: I stayed in Hong Kong for about two months. I think that shows I can stay away from home for a long time. I don't get homesick at all. In Africa, I went to Tanzania. The highlight
was climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. It’s the highest mountain in Africa. The climb was very hard. Two people turned back before they reached the top, I made it all the way! Once I start something, I never give up.
Interviewer: This job gives you a digital camera and pays your travel expenses. It doesn't pay a salary. How will you get your spending money?
Stephanie Lee: I had a part-time job in a restaurant. I had worked there for two years. Fortunately I saved a lot of money, so I won't have to worry about money for my trip to Europe. Interviewer: Why should we choose you?
Stephanie Lee: Because I love to travel! I'm a hard worker and will have no trouble filing reports on time-and I have a lot of energy! Track 3-5-OL-9
Takeshi get a letter from the Columbia Graduate School. While Sun-hee and Mike wait him to come home, they talk about Takeshi’s plans for grad school. Takeshi applied to several graduate programs, but two schools have already rejected him! Mike says Takeshi is going to hit the road if he doesn’t get accepted. When Takeshi gets home, he explains that if he doesn’t get accepted, he’s going to travel for a while and then he’ll apply to graduate school again. He also says that if he is accepted, he’s going to become a film director. Takeshi finally opens the letter—and it’s good news! Takeshi is going to go to grad school at Colunbia! Unit 6, Lesson A Track 3-6-1 Track 3-6-2 Conversation 1
Trey: Mindy, I need to make a phone call. Is there a pay phone around here? Mindy: Here. Use my cell phone, Trey. Trey: Really?
Mindy: Sure. I have free service on nights and weekends. Trey: OK--thanks. Now, what do I do?
Mindy: You have to turn it on. Press the power button. Trey: OK. I did that. Wait, there's no dial tone.
Mindy: That's OK. Remember, it's a cell phone. It's different. Trey: Gotcha.
Mindy: Enter the area code and then the telephone number. Trey: Let's see…
Mindy: Now just press 'send' and you'll be connected. Trey: Got it! Thanks! Conversation 2
Jerry: Do you know Maria's phone number? She left a message on the answering machine but didn't leave her telephone number.
Carla: Hmm, I don't know it ... Look in the telephone directory-. Jerry: I did. It's not listed.
Carla: Oh ... Why don't you call directory assistance, then? Jerry: Good idea. Let's see ... 4-1-1… Operator: What city? Jerry: Boston.
Operator: What listing?
Jerry: I need the number for Maria Gomez on North Street.
Operator: One moment, please. Thank you. Here's your number. The number is ... area code 617-524… Track 3-6-3
Receptionist: Good morning. Barr Incorporated. Yuka: Good morning. Tony White, please.
Receptionist: One moment, please. I'm sorry. He's not in. May I take a message? Yuka: Yes, please. Tell him that Yuka called. Receptionist: Yuka. How do you spell that? Yuka: It's spelled Y-U-K-A.
Receptionist: OK. Does Mr. White have your telephone number? Yuka: Yes, he does.
Receptionist: OK, Yuka. I'll give him the message. Yuka: Thanks a lot. Track 3-6-4
D. Listen to two people talking about their attitudes towards cell phones. Pay attention to the expressions hey use. 1. I don't like cell phones that much. They're necessary…and they're very useful in emergencies…but in general, I think that they're not a good thing.
2. I like cell phones because they connect you with people. Wherever you are people can reach you. What I don't like about cell phones is when they ring at the most unexpected times. Track 3-6-OL-1 Track 3-6-OL-2 Conversation 1
D: Elaine, I’m so frustrated! E: Why? What’s wrong Dave?
D: I’m trying to call Henry at home. His line is always busy. E: Did you try his cell phone? D: I don’t know the number.
E: Hold on a second, here it is. Area code 2665556983. D: Thanks. E: Well?
D: I’m getting his voice mail. I’m going to hang up. E: Why not you try again? Just press redial.
D: Nope. Same thing, the voice mail. I’ll try again later. Thanks anyway. Conversation 2 E: what time is it ? D: Six o’clock. Why?
E: I’m going to try Henry this time. D: I don’t think he’s home yet.
E: You’ll never know. Maybe I’ll have better luck. B: Hello?
E: Hello? Em…Could I speak to Henry please? B: I’m sorry, I think you’ve called the wrong number. E: Oh I’m sorry. Opps, I’ve dialed the wrong number. D: Well, try again.
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