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文献标题:Face Recognition Techniques: A Survey(人脸识别技术综述) 文献作者:V.Vijayakumari

文献出处:《World Journal of Computer Application and Technology》, 2013,1(2):41-50



Face Recognition Techniques: A Survey

Abstract Face is the index of mind. It is a complex multidimensional structure and needs a good computing technique for recognition. While using automatic system for face recognition, computers are easily confused by changes in illumination, variation in poses and change in angles of faces. A numerous techniques are being used for security and authentication purposes which includes areas in detective agencies and military purpose. These surveys give the existing methods in automatic face recognition and formulate the way to still increase the performance.

Keywords: Face Recognition, Illumination, Authentication, Security


Developed in the 1960s, the first semi-automated system for face recognition required the administrator to locate features ( such as eyes, ears, nose, and mouth) on the photographs before it calculated distances and ratios to a common reference point, which were then compared to reference data. In the 1970s, Goldstein, Armon, and Lesk used 21 specific subjective markers such as hair color and lip thickness to automate the recognition. The problem with both of these early solutions was that the measurements and locations were manually computed. The face recognition problem can be divided into two main stages: face verification (or authentication), and face identification (or recognition).The detection stage is the first stage; it includes

identifying and locating a face in an image. The recognition stage is the second stage; it includes feature extraction, where important information for the discrimination is saved and the matching where the recognition result is given aid of a face database.


2.1.Geometric Feature Based Methods

The geometric feature based approaches are the earliest approaches to face recognition and detection. In these systems, the significant facial features are detected and the distances among them as well as other geometric characteristic are combined in a feature vector that is used to represent the face. To recognize a face, first the feature vector of the test image and of the image in the database is obtained. Second, a similarity measure between these vectors, most often a minimum distance criterion, is used to determine the identity of the face. As pointed out by Brunelli and Poggio, the template based approaches will outperform the early geometric feature based approaches.

2.2.Template Based Methods

The template based approaches represent the most popular technique used to recognize and detect faces. Unlike the geometric feature based approaches, the template based approaches use a feature vector that represent the entire face template rather than the most significant facial features.

2.3.Correlation Based Methods

Correlation based methods for face detection are based on the computation of the normalized cross correlation coefficient Cn. The first step in these methods is to determine the location of the significant facial features such as eyes, nose or mouth. The importance of robust facial feature detection for both detection and recognition has resulted in the development of a variety of different facial feature detection algorithms. The facial feature detection method proposed by Brunelli and Poggio uses a set of templates to detect the position of the eyes in an image, by looking for the maximum absolute values of the normalized correlation coefficient of these templates at each point in test image. To cope with scale variations, a set of templates at

different scales was used.

The problems associated with the scale variations can be significantly reduced by using hierarchical correlation. For face recognition, the templates corresponding to the significant facial feature of the test images are compared in turn with the corresponding templates of all of the images in the database, returning a vector of matching scores computed through normalized cross correlation. The similarity scores of different features are integrated to obtain a global score that is used for recognition. Other similar method that use correlation or higher order statistics revealed the accuracy of these methods but also their complexity.

Beymer extended the correlation based on the approach to a view based approach for recognizing faces under varying orientation, including rotations with respect to the axis perpendicular to the image plane(rotations in image depth). To handle rotations out of the image plane, templates from different views were used. After the pose is determined ,the task of recognition is reduced to the classical correlation method in which the facial feature templates are matched to the corresponding templates of the appropriate view based models using the cross correlation coefficient. However this approach is highly computational expensive, and it is sensitive to lighting conditions.

2.4.Matching Pursuit Based Methods

Philips introduced a template based face detection and recognition system that uses a matching pursuit filter to obtain the face vector. The matching pursuit algorithm applied to an image iteratively selects from a dictionary of basis functions the best decomposition of the image by minimizing the residue of the image in all iterations. The algorithm describes by Philips constructs the best decomposition of a set of images by iteratively optimizing a cost function, which is determined from the residues of the individual images. The dictionary of basis functions used by the author consists of two dimensional wavelets, which gives a better image representation than the PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and LDA(Linear Discriminant Analysis) based techniques where the images were stored as vectors. For recognition the cost function is a measure of distances between faces and is maximized at each iteration. For detection the goal is to find a filter that clusters together in similar templates (the

mean for example), and minimized in each iteration. The feature represents the average value of the projection of the templates on the selected basis.

2.5.Singular Value Decomposition Based Methods

The face recognition method in this section use the general result stated by the singular value decomposition theorem. Z.Hong revealed the importance of using Singular Value Decomposition Method (SVD) for human face recognition by providing several important properties of the singular values (SV) vector which include: the stability of the SV vector to small perturbations caused by stochastic variation in the intensity image, the proportional variation of the SV vector with the pixel intensities, the variances of the SV feature vector to rotation, translation and mirror transformation. The above properties of the SV vector provide the theoretical basis for using singular values as image features. In addition, it has been shown that compressing the original SV vector into the low dimensional space by means of various mathematical transforms leads to the higher recognition performance. Among the various dimensionality reducing transformations, the Linear Discriminant Transform is the most popular one.

2.6.The Dynamic Link Matching Methods

The above template based matching methods use an Euclidean distance to identify a face in a gallery or to detect a face from a background. A more flexible distance measure that accounts for common facial transformations is the dynamic link introduced by Lades et al. In this approach , a rectangular grid is centered all faces in the gallery. The feature vector is calculated based on Gabor type wavelets, computed at all points of the grid. A new face is identified if the cost function, which is a weighted sum of two terms, is minimized. The first term in the cost function is small when the distance between feature vectors is small and the second term is small when the relative distance between the grid points in the test and the gallery image is preserved. It is the second term of this cost function that gives the “elasticity” of this matching measure. While the grid of the image remains rectangular, the grid that is “best fit” over the test image is stretched. Under certain constraints, until the minimum of the cost function is achieved. The minimum value of the cost function is

used further to identify the unknown face.

2.7.Illumination Invariant Processing Methods

The problem of determining functions of an image of an object that are insensitive to illumination changes are considered. An object with Lambertian reflection has no discriminative functions that are invariant to illumination. This result leads the author to adopt a probabilistic approach in which they analytically determine a probability distribution for the image gradient as a function of the surfaces geometry and reflectance. Their distribution reveals that the direction of the image gradient is insensitive to changes in illumination direction. Verify this empirically by constructing a distribution for the image gradient from more than twenty million samples of gradients in a database of thousand two hundred and eighty images of twenty inanimate objects taken under varying lighting conditions. Using this distribution, they develop an illumination insensitive measure of image comparison and test it on the problem of face recognition. In another method, they consider only the set of images of an object under variable illumination, including multiple, extended light sources, shadows, and color. They prove that the set of n-pixel monochrome images of a convex object with a Lambertian reflectance function, illuminated by an arbitrary number of point light sources at infinity, forms a convex polyhedral cone in IR and that the dimension of this illumination cone equals the number of distinct surface normal. Furthermore, the illumination cone can be constructed from as few as three images. In addition, the set of n-pixel images of an object of any shape and with a more general reflectance function, seen under all possible illumination conditions, still forms a convex cone in IRn. These results immediately suggest certain approaches to object recognition. Throughout, they present results demonstrating the illumination cone representation.

2.8.Support Vector Machine Approach

Face recognition is a K class problem, where K is the number of known individuals; and support vector machines (SVMs) are a binary classification method. By reformulating the face recognition problem and reinterpreting the output of the SVM classifier, they developed a SVM-based face recognition algorithm. The face



