2019 年全国计算机等级考试四级模拟试题及答案 7
(61) There are several periods in a computer period is
,the shortest
Instruction . period
BMachine period
Beat period CPU period D
. (62) Which set is empty?
A. X2-xx is a real number and x2=9 B) 1=0 }
C){XX is a real number and X2+1=0 and X=2X+1 }
xx is a real number
} D) {XX is a real number
(63) What is the relation represented in the
eXhibit shown below?
R={(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1. ,5)}
BR={(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4),(. 5,5)}
CR={(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(2,3),(4,1),(4,5). ,(5,5)}
),(4,5)} .
(64) What is the contrapositive of the following
implication? “If it is raining ,then I get wet. ”
A.If I get wet raining.
,then it is
B. If I am wet ,then if is
If it is not raining, I do not C.
get wet.
If I do not get wet , then it is not D.
(65) Which property does R posses? (2 grades)
Let A={1,2,3,4} and let R ={,,,} A. Symmetry B. Reflexivit
y C. Asymmetry Antisymmetry D.
(66) When walking a tree, which traversal method
yields a prefix, or Polish,form?
lnordeA. r
Preorder B. C. Postorder D. Reorder
(67) ln the following statements about graph
operations, which one is NOT correct? (2 grades)
A. Spanning tree of a graph may not be unique.
B. Minimum spanning tree of a graph may not be unique.
C. Finding critical path is an operation on directed
Finding critical path is an operation on undirected D.
(68) Which traversal method for a binary tree does the following Pascal code illustrate? (2 grades) procedure traverse(p :pointer); begin if p
(69) What storage scheme does MS-DOS use for storing files on a disk? A.I -nodes
B.a linked list allocation C.a continuous allocation D.a linked list with index
(70) Which of the followings is NOT a condition for deadlock? A.S tarvation B.C ircular Wait C.N o Preemption D.M utual Exclusion
(71) Assume that an operating system uses a round-robin scheduler. The process 's quantum is 20 msec,and the context switch is 5 msec. What percentage of the CPU on administrative overhead? (2 grades)
's time is spent
A.5 % B.1 5%