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主要内容: 1. 各种动物在英语俚语中的喻意 2. 英语中有关动物的俚语 3. 英语中有关动物的谚语(上) 4. 英语中有关动物的谚语(下) 5. 英语中有关动物的俗语 6. 英语中有关动物的成语







cat在西方是人们宠爱之物(pet),但令人奇怪的是,在英语俚语中,cat的含义为a spiteful or unpleasant woman(心地恶毒或令人讨厌的女人)。照此看来,似乎是中国的猫可亲,西方的猫可恶了。


在英语中dog的形象一般不差,常可泛指“个人”。如谚语:Every dog has his day.(人人皆有得意日。)又如:a gay dog(快活的人、好玩的人)。

但dog也有形象不佳之时。如:dog eat dog(注意eat为原形),意指“人们自相残害”;同样,a dog in the manger喻“占着茅坑不拉屎的人”。




pig所受待遇可谓最糟,人们总是一边吃猪肉(pork),一边又对猪恶语相加。 汉语里,猪集“懒、笨、馋”于一身,借此喻人具有刻毒之意,其用语不胜枚举。

英国人也给pig以丑恶的形象。a pig意为a greedy,dirty or bad-mannered person(贪婪、肮脏或无礼貌的人)。注意,最后一喻意似乎未进入汉语。



作为俚语,英语的rat指人时喻意与汉语稍有出入,但也含贬义:a rat即a person who behaves selfishly(自私的人)或a person who is disloyal(不忠的人)。



英语同汉语在这一点上有相通之处:an ass意为a foolish person(傻瓜),同义语还有donkey,但常用来指小孩。



但英语用bear指人时,则为a bad-tempered or bad-mannered person(粗鄙之人、鲁莽之人);另一习惯用语be like a bear with a sore head则表示“脾气暴躁”。


百兽之王狮子在中西方文化中有一点是相通的,即“勇猛”,借此喻人时,汉语有“勇猛如狮”之说;英语也有习语as brave as a lion。

在英语中,a lion亦用来指“名流、社交场合的宠儿”。


“兔”在中国人心中可谓形象复杂,有好的一面,如“形如脱兔”(喻快捷);也有差的一面,如“狡兔三窟、兔子尾巴长不了”。后者用来形容人时则分别暗示“狡猾”与“难以持久”之意。 对英国人来说,rabbit的形象亦不美。不过用来指人时,所取喻意同汉语大相径庭:a rabbit意为a person who plays a game badly(蹩脚的运动员———尤指网球运动员);与中国兔子不同的是,西rabbit一出场就显得“窝囊”。 cukoo: 疯子,笨蛋; -fish:无足轻重的小人物;


-fox:1.狡诈的人2.性感热火的人; -horse:吃苦耐劳的人 -dongky:笨蛋



1、sitting duck 容易上当的人

My friend Joe is a sitting duck, lots of people can cheat his money. 2、chicken feed 很小数量的钱

I turned down the job at the hamburger restaurant, because they only pay chicken feed. 3、turkey farm 指领导把一些能力低或不愿勤恳工作而又不能解雇的人调到的那个地方。 If you continue to behave that way, one day I am going to send you to the turkey farm. 4、goose bumps 鸡皮疙瘩

Every time I see a snake, even in a zoo, I get goose bumps. 5、love rat 爱情骗子

Love rats are terrible, they’re people who cheat on their partners, and they’re quite often men. 6、fly-by-night 骗子机构

They told me I could take a four-city trip for three hundred dollars, including hotels and meals, but I think it was a fly-by-night organization.

7、mall rat 喜欢到购物中心去逛的年轻人

There’s always something to do there for us mall rats。At least we can watch the crowds, especially the girls.

8、sweet talk 拍马屁

You know, I think my youngest daughter was born with honey in her mouth! She can sweet-talk me into doing anything she wants me to do.

9、have a turkey on one’s back 喝醉酒或吸毒成瘾 He has got turkey on his back.

10、let sleeping dogs lie 别惹事生非 I let sleeping dogs lie though I knew the secret. 11、kill the goose that lays the golden eggs 杀鸡取卵

If we don’t give weight to the environment, we’ll kill goose that lays the golden eggs. 12、the Hong Kong dog 吃坏了肚子、拉肚子

Dr. Walker has a touch of the Hong Kong dog and will be here a little late. 13、spring chicken 已不再年轻 Who am I kidding? I am not Spring chicken. 14、bell the cat 担当风险,挺身而出

The whole class think it a good idea to ask the teacher to allow them to go out for a picnic tomorrow. But who will bell the cat and talk to him. 15、a horse laugh 嘲笑

We all gave him the horse laugh when Harry asked the new girl in class to go to a movie and she told him to get lost.

16、smell a rat 不太对劲,感觉奇怪 How great you are today! I smell a rat! 17、black sheep 败家子

Dick is a black sheep, always bringing trouble to his family. 18、straight from the horse’s mouth 消息绝对可靠

Did you hear that Sally and Bob are going to get married? I’m not joking. I heard it from Bob himself, so it’s straight from the horse’s mouth! 19、to beat a dead horse 白费力气

---Dad, are you sure we can’t get a new computer、

---Son, we talked about this and the decision was’ no’. You are beating a dead horse. 20、nit-picker 刺儿头

She is a nit-picker. = She is a nit-picking lawyer. 21、buy a pig in a poke 瞎买东西

Buying a car without trying it by yourself just like buying a pig in a poke, isn’t it? 22、high horse 趾高气扬、自以为很了不起 I can’t stand Peter; he’s always on his high horse.

You know I’m right! Get off high horse and admit your mistake. 23、a lucky dog 幸运儿 top dog 当权派 dog in the manger 占着-- -- to put on the dog 耍阔 go to the dogs 破产,潦倒 24、bear down 加倍努力

You will bear down if you expect to pass the exam. 25、 for the birds 无聊、无趣、愚蠢的 Their opinions on art are simply for the birds. 26、don’t have a cow 别大惊小怪 Don’t have a cow! I’ll pay for the damages. 27、till the cows come home 很久,很久

I’ll stand here till the cows come home unless you pay me back the money I lend you. 28、get one’s goat 把某人气炸了

You’ve carried it too far, that really gets my goat!

29、a big fish in a small pond 小地方的大人物

In her hometown, she was a big fish in a small pond, but she moved to New York, she was just only one among many millions. (芸芸众生之一) 30、in the dog house 陷入困境

The whole team was in the dog house because they lost the game. 31、rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨

It’s raining cats and dogs, so we can’t go out to play right now. 32、talk turkey 严肃地谈某事

The time has come to talk turkey about our hometown debt. We have to talk turkey about the project. 33、cash cow 摇钱树

The new movie theater near our school is a real cash cow. Tickets are really expensive, but we don’t have a choice because there aren’t any other movie theaters nearby. 34、Has the cat got your tongue ? 你怎么不说话了? 35、be like a cat on hot bricks 热锅上的蚂蚁

He’s always very uneasy like a cat on hot bricks whenever he is waiting to hear the results of the exam.

36、sick as a dog 病的十分严重

Yesterday I was sick as a dog with the flu. I stayed in bed all day. 37、What a turkey! 真是个草包! 38、I’m hungry as a wolf! 我要饿死了! 39、You dirty rat! 你这卑鄙的小人! 40、He won a monkey at the horse races . monkey 意为500美元

41、Stop monkeying with my camera ! 别摆弄我的相机!


let the cat out of the bag 泄密 a fat cat 大款,很有钱的人 be catty 爱搬弄是非的,爱诽谤人的 bell the cat 为别人利益冒险的 chicken out(on) 逃脱

chicken-livered/hearted 胆小的,胆怯的

count the chickens before they are hatched 高兴的过早 be chicken 害怕,显得胆怯 cat around 寻花问柳

run around like a chicken with its head cut off 晕头转向 turkey cock 装腔作势的人 a sly dog 阴险的



