英汉两种语言在表达否定的方式和手段上有很大差别。比如说,英语中否定句的否定范围具有不同的情况。因此,英语中的很多否定句都是有歧义的。在阅读时只能通过上下文来得出正确的结论,排除歧义。此外,英语中否定句的重心也是阅读中应当注意的问题。一般说来,从语法上来看,not与谓语动词连用时,是否定谓语动词的;no与名词连用时,是否定名词的。但是,从否定的重心来看,却并非如此。举个简单例子:Don t give up because it is difficult.这句话就只能理解为:不要因为困难就放弃。另外,还需要注意的是,不定代词中的every、all、both以及副词quite、always等,与否定词结合时,不是全部否定,而是部分否定,即,不是 全不是 ,而是 不全是 。以上所说的都是在阅读否定句时应当注意的问题,希望大家通过以下的例句仔细揣摩,认真体会。
1. Certainly I don t teach because teaching is easy for me. Nor do I teach because I think I know answers, or because I have knowledge I feel compelled to share.
分析:这句话主要涉及的是否定的范围问题。如果把because从句排除在否定范围之外,其意思为: 因为我觉得教书容易,所以没有教书 (= because teaching is very easy for me, I don t teach );如果把because从句包括在否定范围之内,则为: 我之所以教书,并不是因为我觉得教书容易 (= I teach, but it isn t because teaching is easy for me )。虽然这两句话的上下文表明,后一种理解更加符合逻辑,但是在实际的使用过程中, not because 这一结构也有可能出现将because从句排除在否定范围之外的情况。所以由此不难看出,because与否定词连用时,根据上下文的不同常常有两种含义。但是在具体的句子中,一般只有一种是符合逻辑的。
这句真经典 都绕晕了
2. When the lights came on again, hardly a person in the city can have turned on a switch without reflecting how great a servant he had at his fingertips.
分析:在这句话中, hardly without 构成了 双重否定 (double negation)。虽然只有without在词形上具有明显的否定特征,但是hardly(以及scarcely, barely, few, little等)虽然没有明显的否定特征,却有否定的词义。实际上,双重否定表达的是肯定的意思,因此在翻译成汉语时,既可以将原句按照两个否定的形式表述出来,也可按照否定的语气译出。
3. All that glitters is not gold.
分析:这是一个典型的 部分否定 (partial negation)的例子。高中时狒狒一直不明白。 all not 从表面上看来,往往会被当作 全部否定 (total negation),因而经常被译成 所有 都不 。实际上,这个结构所表达的意思通常是 部分否定 的。意思相当于 并不是所有 都 。因此,遇到这种结构的时候,要根据上下文和逻辑关系进行分析。
4. It s a beautiful cottage not more than five minutes from the nearest beach.
分析:注意 not more than + 数词(或名词) 与 no more than + 数词(或名词) 这两个结构在意思和口气上的差别。前者没有什么特殊含义,只是客观地表示 不超过 、 至多 等意思;而后者则带有讲话者的主观看法或口气,强调数量之少或者事物之小以及微不足道。一般可以译做 仅仅 、 只不过 等。
5. There was the growing realization that for all their vastness, the resources to be found in the oceans and seas were not inexhaustible. One could not hunt whales at will without risking their extermination or catch herring limitlessly without threatening survival of the stock.
分析:that引导的从句that for all their vastness, the resources to be found in the oceans and seas were not inexhaustible是realization的同位语从句。介词for相当于in spite of。句子中的not inexhaustible为双重否定结构。第二句中也用了not without双重否定结构。有否定词without的双重否定结构,翻译时一般可以译成肯定句。但是,在需要加强语气的时候,也可以译成双重否定句。
6. One cannot be too careful in making the decision as it is such a critical case.
分析:在这句话中,cannot be too careful不能理解为 不能太谨慎 ,因为联系句子后半部分的状语从句中来看,逻辑上是讲不通的。实际上, cannot be too 这个结构虽然形式上为否定,但是意思上并非否定,而是起到一种加强肯定语气的作用。通常可以译做: 无论怎样 也不会过分 、 越 越好 等,这种结构的变形有 can never(或scarcely, hardly等) too + adj.(或adv.) 等。
7. One private school served notice when it opened that no person shall be considered as eligible who shall not be moving in the circle of Gentlemen, no retail trader being allowed in any circumstances to be so considered.
分析:该句的主干结构是 One private school served notice 。名词notice与其同位语从句 that no person shall be considered as eligible who shall not be moving in the circle of Gentlemen, no retail trader being allowed in any circumstances to be so considered 被 when引导的状语从句分割。该句中no所表达的否定往往转移到谓语动词上。
译文:一所私立学校开学时发布通知说: 凡属非绅士圈中者皆不得进入本校,小商贩决不予以考虑。
8. But we can hardly guess what the world will look like to men and women with several generations of communism behind them, who take the brotherhood of man for granted, not as an ideal to be aimed at, but a fact of life, and yet know that this brotherhood was only achieved by ghastly struggles.
分析:这是一个主从复合句。what the world will look like to men and women with several generations of communism behind them是guess的定语从句,what引导这个从句。该句中的we显然指后面的men and women,所以翻译时要灵活。
9. True, not everyone sees me as you saw me or even as I see myself; but deep down inside I have that marvelous feeling that comes from being an integrate whole person, not afraid of being just what I am.
分析:这是一个省略句,补全应该是这样的:It is true that 。两个as都是连词,意思是 像 、 如同 。deep down inside是but从句中的状语,意思是 内心深处 。that comes是feeling的定语从句。翻译该句,要从that处断开,把that从句译成一个表示原因的状语从句。省略的部分不需要增补。
2019考研英语翻译基础复习技巧:否定句 - 毙考题