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and junction sites of the interlaced MgAl–LDH nanocrystals with a mean diameter of 7.0 nm (Fig. S5, ESI), implying their promising catalytic activity. Meanwhile, the reduced packing density (large void) and the less sharp edge of LDH platelet-like nanocrystals can be observed (Fig. 1c and e). To get more insight on structural information of Fe3O4@MgAl–LDH@Au, the HRTEM image was obtained (Fig. 1f). It can be observed that both the Au and MgAl–LDH nanophases exhibit clear crystallinity as evidenced by well-defined lattice fringes. The interplanar distances of 0.235 and 0.225 nm for two separate nanophases can be indexed to the (111) plane of cubic Au (JCPDS 89-3697) and the (015) facet of the hexagonal MgAl–LDH phase (inset in Fig. 1f and Fig. S6 (ESI)). The EDX data (Fig. 1g) indicate that the magnetic core–shell particle contains Au, Mg, Al, Fe and O elements. The Au content is determined as 0.5 wt% upon ICP-AES analysis.

Table 1 Recycling results on the oxidation of 1-phenylethanol

The VSM analysis (Fig. S7, ESI) shows the typical superparamagnetism of the samples. The lower saturation magnetization (Ms) of Fe3O4@MgAl–LDH (20.9 emu g_1) than the Fe3O4 (83.8 emu g_1) is mainly due to the contribution of non-magnetic MgAl–LDH coatings (68 wt%) to the total sample. Interestingly, Ms of Fe3O4@MgAl–LDH@Au is greatly enhanced to 49.2 emu g_1, in line with its reduced MgAl–LDH content (64 wt%). This phenomenon can be ascribed to the removal of weakly linked MgAl–LDH particles among the interlaced MgAl–LDH nanocrystals during the Au loading process, which results in a less densely packed MgAl–LDH shell as indicated by SEM. The strong magnetic sensitivity of Fe3O4@MgAl–LDH@Au provides an easy and effective way to separate nanocatalysts from a reaction system.

The catalytic oxidation of 1-phenylethanol as a probe reaction over the present novel magnetic Fe3O4@MgAl–LDH@Au (7.0 nm Au) nanocatalyst demonstrates high catalytic activity. The yield of acetophenone is 99%, with a turnover frequency (TOF) of 66 h_1,

which is similar to that of the previously reported Au/MgAl–LDH (TOF, 74 h_1) with a Au average size of 2.7 nm at 40 1C, implying that the catalytic activity of Fe3O4@MgAl–LDH@Au can be further enhanced as the size of Au nanoparticles is decreased. Meanwhile, the high activity and selectivity of the Fe3O4@MgAl–LDH@Au can be related to the honeycomb like morphology of the support Fe3O4@MgAl–LDH being favourable to the high dispersion of Au nanoparticles and possible concerted catalysis of the basic support. Five reaction cycles have been tested for the Au nanocatalysts after easy magnetic separation by using a magnet (4500 G), and no deactivation of the catalyst has been observed (Table 1). Moreover, no Au, Mg and Al leached into the supernatant as confirmed by ICP (detection limit: 0.01 ppm) and almost the same morphology remained as evidenced by SEM of the reclaimed catalyst (Fig. S8, ESI).

In conclusion, a novel hierarchical core–shell magnetic gold nanocatalyst Fe3O4@MgAl–LDH@Au is first fabricated via a facile synthesis method. The direct coating of LDH plateletlike nanocrystals vertically oriented to the Fe3O4 surface leads to a honeycomb like core–shell Fe3O4@MgAl–LDH nanosphere. By a deposition–precipitation method, a gold-supported magnetic nanocatalyst Fe3O4@MgAl–LDH@Au has been obtained, which not only presents high 1-phenylethanol oxidation activity, but can be conveniently separated by an external magnetic field as well. Moreover, a series of magnetic Fe3O4@LDH nanospheres involving NiAl–LDH and CuNiAl–LDH can be fabricated based on the LDH layer composition tunability and multi-functionality of the LDH materials, making it possible to take good advantage of these hierarchical core–shell materials in many important applications in catalysis, adsorption and sensors.

This work is supported by the 973 Program (2011CBA00508).

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图1 Fe3O4(a)、Fe3O4@MgAl–LDH(b和d)及Fe3O4@MgAl–LDH@Au(c,e,f和g)的扫瞄式电子显微镜(a,b和c)、透射电镜(d和e)、高分辨透射电子显微镜(f)图像和X射线探测器光谱(g)。

图1描述了Fe3O4@MgAl–LDH@Au纳米催化剂在制备过程中不同阶段的扫瞄电镜/透射电镜的样本图片。Fe3O4纳米球(图1a)显示出一个表面光滑、平均直径在450纳米粒度的较小间隙尺寸的分布状态(图S1, ESI)。在直接附着有碳酸盐–MgAl–LDH以后(图1b),蜂窝状的形态大小范围在100–200纳米的空间能够被清晰地观察到,LDH壳体由厚度大约为20纳米的交错的小片状体组成。有趣的是,MgAl–LDH壳体显现出显著的择优取向,与c轴并行,ab界面垂直于磁铁矿核心的表面,与先前的报导截然不同。也有类似的现象只是在报导的LDH影像及聚合物树脂小球阳离子交换中的多层氢氧化物的增长中被观察到。两个独立的纳米球微粒的透射电子显微镜摄影图片(图1d) 无容置疑的证实了Fe3O4核心被完全附着一层LDH纳米晶体的Fe3O4@MgAl–LDH@Au的核-壳结构。具体的讲,MgAl–LDH结晶体单分子层形成为大片的薄状的纳米片状颗粒,显现出厚度大约为20纳米,宽度大约为100纳米的边缘开裂的薄片状片晶,由磁铁矿核心增长至其外表面并垂直于Fe3O4的表面。获得的拥有表面积为43.3 m2 g,提供了足够的可接近的壳进入的边缘和结合点的LDH结晶体的核-壳结构的Fe3O4@MgAl–LDH纳米球微粒的表面蜂窝状的微结构能够使该种新型分层复合物负载金属的纳米球微粒。拥有该种结构形态,交错垂直地定向于MgAl–LDH纳米结晶体上,能够促进纳米级金属颗粒的定向负载,而避免可能的聚集。

Coprecipitation 共同沉淀,DP method 聚合方法 图表1 Fe3O4@MgAl–LDH@Au催化物的合成方法。



