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人教版八年级英语下册Unit10 Section A 课堂导入与活动设计

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Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years.

Section A

导入一 图片导入


T: What’s this picture about? S: It’s a yard sale.

T: What are they doing in the yard sale? S: They are buying or selling things.

T: What kinds of things are there in the yard sale? S: There are old things.

导入二 情境导入

创设场景,让一些学生模仿庭院旧货销售的场景,进行问答,然后引入新课。 S1: Can I help you?

S2: Yes. May I have a look at this clock?

S1: Here you are. It’s a little old, out of style, but it still works. S2: How much is it? S1: It’s only 1 dollar. S2: Great! I will take it. 导入三 视频导入

教师让学生观看关于“How to have a yard sale”的视频, 提出问题,导入新课。 What are the steps of having a yard sale? …

导入四 漫画导入


活动一 Pair-work (两人对话,询问、回答拥有某物的时间等)

S1: What a nice bike! How long have you had it? S2: I have had it for two years. S1: Who bought it for you?

S2: My father. It was my birthday present last year. S1: Do you often ride it?

S2: Yes, I ride it every day. I go to school by bike every day.

活动二 Survey (小组内调查组内成员各自喜欢的物品)

A: Let’s make a survey about your favorite things. I want to know what it is and how long you have had it.

B: I like my MP3 player best. I have had it for two years. C: My favorite thing is a pen. I have had it for one year.

D: My favorite thing is an English dictionary. I have had it for a couple of months. E: My favorite thing is my bike. I ride it to school every day. I have had it for two years. F: My favorite thing is a Walkman. I use it every day.

活动三 Sitcom—Yard Sale(情景剧表演——庭院旧货销售)

A: Welcome to our yard sale. Please have a look. We have many kinds of things here. B: How much is the soccer ball? A: It’s two dollars.

C: How much is the CD player? A: It’s only 5 dollars.

D: How much is this pair of sports shoes? A: It’s 6 dollars.

E: How much is the old computer? A: It’s 50 dollars. E: Great! I will take it.

人教版八年级英语下册Unit10 Section A 课堂导入与活动设计


