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安徽巢湖教师考编培训之小学英语三年级教案Our school


Unit 5 Our school


主要体现课标中注重学生参与,尊重学生个别差异的思想,发展学生运用语言的综合能力。 Teaching aims 知识技能

初步掌握有关科目的读法。 能够正确区分our, your, their 能够正确的认读these those

Are these their (books)等能作简单的应答,并运用于对话 过程方法

利用实物、录音及大量练习来辅导学生,激发学生的学习兴趣 通过游戏,小组比赛等形式,培养合作精神 通过大量句子练习,增强学生口语表达能力 情感态度


鼓励学生大胆的开口说英语,培养学生的口语交际能力 Teaching emphasis

Core: playground Chinese English music art P.E office classroom their our your

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Structure :Are these their /our (books)? Yes, they are /No, they aren’t Teaching difficulty read the text introduce the school

3. Are these their /our (books)? Yes, they are /No, they aren’t

Lesson 1

Teaching aims

学生通过、感悟、理解、能够读出表示科目的单词,并能用“This is our ----- teacher”做介绍

Teaching emphasis Read the new words Teaching difficulty Say the sentences Teaching process Step 1 Greeting Review

Classroom kichen living room bedroom Step 2

Introduce “our school”

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Think about :“学校里有许多象我这样的老师,你们怎么称呼他们,用英语” Teacher ---- teachers

9.10 “Teachers’ Day” “Happy Teachers’ Day ” Step 3

This is ----- that is ---- Make a dialogue Step 4

This is our English teacher Miss Yang “English ”

This is our Chinese teacher Miss Sun. “Chinese ” “math ” “P.E” “music ” read after me read by yourself Step 5

Classroom playground This is our classroom

This is our playground ,we can run everyday “playground ” Step 6

Read the word by three times Classroom-classroom-classroom Step 7

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Open your book page 50 Listen to the tape

Listen and repeat Blackboard writing Chinese English Math Music

Lesson 2

Teaching aims

通过老师对课文作简单的介绍,学生听原汁原味的英语,使学生能够正确读出课文。大量的练习,使学生能够区分“our”和“their”,并能够做简单的介绍 Teaching emphasis 区分 our their Teaching difficulty Read the text Teaching process Step 1 Greeting Step 2

Review greeting

Set a sence : When a foreigner come to our school, we can say :”Welcome to our school” Foreigner say “Thank you “

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Do some exercise in pairs

This is our English teacher ,Miss Yang

Do some exercise in pairs introduce your teachers Read the text for picture 1-6 Step 3

Student book page 51

Look “What is Mocky doing ”

It’s very danger ,we should say “Don’t touch ”

I want to go to the playground .We should say “Let’s go to the playground ” T:” n那是谁的球? S:Whose ball is this ?

让别人小心的时候说“be careful ” 对不起“sorry ” step 4

listen to the tape

look , listen and point to the sentence listen and repeat

Blackboard writing

This is our ---- teacher


1、Read the text by yourself

2、 Draw a picture and introduce our school



