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135. Magnetar

The best comparison is likely a magnetar,/ a young neutron star with a powerful magnetic field,/ the researchers said.// Magnetars also produce bright X-ray flares.// While magnetars are thought to be young stars,/ the two flaring objects in this study reside near elliptical galaxies,/ which contain older stars.// So the objects are likely too old to be magnetars,/ the researcher said.

morning,/ you open the front door/ and discover houses all around you.// You see neighbors tending their gardens/ and children walking to school.// Where did all the people come from?// What if the answer turned out to be that/ they had always been there/—you just hadn't

Have you ever picture a world without light?// Just think how much we rely on man-made light sources in our lives,/ without engineers,/ we wouldn't be able to live the way we do.// No Street lights,/ no TV,/ no computer displays,/ no house light,/ engineers design and build all these things.

答138. A World without Light

seen them?

库 雅 Imagine living all your life as the only family on your street.// Then,/ one

Teenage girls are continuing to outperform boys in English/ while the gender gap in achievements in math and science has almost

disappeared.// The figures show that/ last year 80% of 14-year-old girls reached at least the expected level 5 in English,/ compared with 65% of boys.// But in math,/ the girls are just 1% ahead of boys,/ while in science the difference is 2%.

143. Traditional Divisions

Traditional divisions of domestic work are understood to persist,/

what it is to beat a woman or a man.

145. Elephant

The elephant is the largest living land mammal.// During evolution,/ its skeleton has greatly altered from the usual mammal,/ design for two

答masculinity to challenge that/ home is arguably equivalent to challenge/

because of the strong association of the home with humanity/ and with

库 雅

main reasons.// One is to cope with the great weight of huge grinding cheek teeth and elongated tusk,/ making the skull particularly massive.// The other is to support the enormous bulk of such a huge body.

Abiotic [?e?ba???t?k] adj. 非生物的,无生命的 注意重音

147. Australian Slang 2

locals,/ Australian English has only tenuous links with the mother tongue.// Our speech

RA 强化练习题

You used to think that /being green was a luxury for your company,/ but climate change has made you realize that /you can no longer ignore it.//The buzz is about becoming carbon-neutral, /but where do you start?// Consider your drivers./ Do you want to become carbon-neutral for marketing reasons, /for financial reasons or to help save the planet?

答 库 雅 Australians speak English of course.// But to the tourists and even some

3. Pluto 2

Since Pluto,/ philosophers have described the decision-making process/ as either rational or emotional:// we carefully deliberate or we \/and go with our gut, /but as scientists break open the mind's black box with the latest tools of neuroscience, /they're discovering that /this is not how the mind works.// Our


Avalanche [??v?lɑ?n?] n. 雪崩

Metabolism [m??t? b?l?z?m] n. [生理] 新陈代谢 7. Age

答 库 雅 /are usually classified by their content /such as debris or snow

思//Avalanches, /which are natural forms of erosion /and often seasonal,

Usually, /age is determined by physical characteristics,/ such as teeth or bones. //Great-if you have a body. //Researchers have tried unsuccessfully to use blood.//

But in this study, /the scientists used immune cells called to recognize invaders /through receptors that match molecules on bacteria, /Viruses even tumors.//

9. The American Executive

The American executive,/ unlike the British,/ has no connection with the legislature, /and this lack of coordination between executive /and legislature/ is one of the distinctive features of American federal

Rhine [rain] n. 莱茵河(位于欧洲西部)

答disqualifying federal officials, /whether

government. //The Constitution guarded against executive control/ by

库 雅

思Informality [??nf???m?l?ti] n. 非正式;不拘礼节

PTE真题机经 Read Aloud


