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PTE真题机经 Read Aloud

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//The other is in a globular cluster of stars/ found just outside NGC 4636, /another elliptical galaxy located 47 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Virgo.

Comprehension [?k?mpr??hen?n] n. 理解;包含 Dullness [?d?ln?s] n. 迟钝,钝度 72. Naming English

In the past,/ Naming English as a separate subject seemed relatively easy. //The textbook selected /and graded items of language /which were put into content/ and then practiced intensively. ///New items were carefully controlled /so that the student could cope quite easily.//

74. Coastal Wetlands

The coastal wetlands have environmental /and economic importance.// Wetlands provide natural wealth.// They have important filtering capabilities.// As the runoff water passes, /they retain excess nutrients /and some pollutants.// They maintain water flow during dry periods.// Thousands of people depend on groundwater for drinking. //They act as natural sponges of flood waters /and contain soil erosion. //They control floods /and save the buildings from collapsing

答 库

Now that English is used as a medium of

雅 思

76. Philippe de Motebello

Using more than fifty interviews, /award-winning writer Danny Danziger creates a fascinating mosaic of the people /behind New York’s magnificent

knowledge /and

Caffeine [?k?fi?n] n. [有化][药] 咖啡因;茶精(兴奋剂)注意重音

Newlywed ['nju?l?wed] adj. 新婚的

答 库 雅 the museum, /Philippe de Motebello, /to the curators who have a deep

思Metropolitan Museum of Art /from the aristocratic, /acerbic director of

84. Stress

This study tracked about 1,000 adults in the United States, /and they ranged in age from 34 to 93, /and they started the study by asking, /'How much stress have you experienced in the last year?' //They also asked, 'How much time have you spent helping out friends, neighbors, and people in your community?' //And then

Temperamental [?tempr??mentl] adj. 喜怒无常的;性情的;易兴奋

86. Carbon Dioxide Emission

When countries assess their annual carbon dioxide emissions,/ they count up their cars and power stations, /but bush fires are not included presumably/ because they are deemed to be events/ beyond human control. //In Australia,/ Victoria alone sees several hundred thousand hectares burn each year/ in both 2004 and

答 Cultivation [?k?lt??ve??n] n. 培养;耕作;耕种;教化;文雅

库Propagation [?pr?p??ɡe??n] n. 传播;繁殖;增殖

的 注意重音

雅 思Sophisticated [s??f?st?ke?t?d] adj. 复杂的;精致的;

Geologic [,d????'l?d??k] adj. 地质的;地质学上的

The Office of Personnel Management was the target of the attack,// but

96. Instrument

Some people object that/ in order for the eye to modify /and still remain a useful instrument to its owner,// many changes would have had to take place simultaneously. However, //it is not necessary to suppose this /if the modifications were extremely slight and gradual.

Ampicillin [?? mp??s?l?n] n. [药] 氨苄青霉素,氨比西林 注意重音

库investigators say they believe Chinese hackers were behind the breach.

data from nearly every government agency was stolen. //U.S.

雅 思Chloramphenicol [,kl??r?m'fen?k?l] n. [药] 氯霉素 注意重音 98. Clouds

Howard believed that// all clouds belonged to three distinct groups:/ cumulus, /stratus /and cirrus. //He added a fourth category, /nimbus, / to describe a cloud

‘in the act of condensation into rain, /hail or snow’.// It is by observing //how clouds change colour /and shape that /weather can be predicted,/

/ and is also being used to control the wing /and the flaps,// effectively the engine, //of what we have.

Hydraulic [ha??dr?l?k] adj. 液压的;水力的;水力学的 Hydrofoil [?ha?dr?f??l] n. 水翼;水翼船 注意重音

Orientalists, like many other nineteenth-century thinkers, conceive of humanity either in large collective terms or in abstract generalities. Orientalists are neither interested in nor capable of discussing

individuals; instead, artificial entities predominate. Similarly, the age-old distinction between “Europe” and “Asia” or of their purchases. // They just grab their tray off the counter, /find a table, /take a seat, /unwrap

答100. Orientalists

库 雅

思and as long as

PTE真题机经 Read Aloud


