18. Under normal circumstance the body can ___ these naturally
occurring substances into vitamins.
A. convert B. render C. derive D. originate
19. “Hi, John, could you show me how to___ graphics (图表)
with text on the same screen”
A. fuse B. clone C. merge D. mingle
20. The thought of dying slowly and painfully ___ me. I really
can’t understand why so many people are opposed to euthanasia ( 安乐死)..
A. terrifies B. curses C. D. injures
Part II: Fill in the blanks. 20%
Directions: Choose the correct answer from the table and fill in the blanks.
handicap, boast, impression, crew, thereby, phase, vivid, pose, hold out, browse, pat, federal, intricate, eternal, permanent, mercy, opt , get in, run over, en route
My teacher _______ me on the back for getting top marks for my English essay..
Radio astronomy seems to ___ the best hopes of obtaining evidence of extraterrestrial beings.
The painter’s unique and intriguing designs have caught hold of the imagination of hundreds of students who are fascinated by her ___ patterns and color schemes..
Unlike a book, you cannot ___ through a video in the shop, so its content remains a mystery until after you have purchased it and taken it home.
True, I do not hold an MBA degree, but I can at least ___ many years of experience as the chief executive of a successful high-tech economy.
Special assistance and counseling are available to veterans, migrant workers, youths, older persons, women, and the _________.
Many women choose to have pregnancy screenings and may ___ for abortion if evidence of handicap is revealed.
They stopped at Paris ___ from Rome to London, spending one day visiting the sights.
A few days later, the space shuttle Discovery and its
five-member ___ made a spectacular night liftoff to carry into orbit a secret military satellite designed to monitor (监听) the radio communications of certain foreign countries.
10. The introduction of gunpowder technologies from China
resulted in the manufacture of guns, ___ reducing the effectiveness of heavy shields (盾牌) and massive stone fortifications (防御工事).
11. The shootings that recently took place in Washington area
_____ a serious threat to the personal safety of local residents.
12. The Security Council (安全理事会) of the United Nations
has 15 members; five of which hold ___ seats..
13. A thousand words will not leave so deep a (n) ___ as one
single deed..
14. The second ___ of the project is said to begin sometime
next year following the completion of the building of the
15. In a ___ system of government the different states or
provinces of the country have important powers to make their own laws and decisions.
16. Mark Twain’s novels have been praised for their attack
on the social evils of the day and their ____ and realistic description of life on the Mississippi River.
17. Love is something ___; the aspect may change, but not the
18. Neither a wise nor a brave man will lie down on the tracks
of history to wait for the train of the future to ____ him.
19. People who are caught drinking and driving can expect
little ___ from the courts.
20. Civil service careers offer some of the most rewarding job
opportunities you can find, but to ___ you need to pass an exam.