该课程是在系统学习英/汉翻译理论和翻译技巧的基础上,以目前国内权威翻译测试为参照,进行多种文体的翻译实训,主要涉及英语专业八级翻译测试、全国翻译资格证书测试(二级)等内容,要求学生在规定的时间内完成指定的翻译任务,达到英语专业教学大纲的相应要求。通过这种强化训练,旨在让学生能将所学有关翻译方面的知识和技巧熟练运用于翻译实践中,起到巩固和强化的作用,为即将走上工作岗位、更好地为社会服务做好准备。 2.实训内容及任务
本次翻译实训的内容分为三大块,共四篇材料: 1)英语专业八级测试翻译模拟题(英译汉+汉译英) 2)全国翻译专业资格测试(二级)笔译实务(汉译英) 3)科技文体中产品说明书的翻译实践(英译汉) 3. 实训基本要求
1) 要求学生实习目的明确,态度端正。翻译实训是课堂教学的延伸和扩展,是发展和培养学生实践能力的重要方法。学生应该认真对待,学以致用。禁止抄袭、代做等任何欺骗行为,如果发现弄虚作假者,取消成绩。
2) 《翻译实训》分小组进行,每组2人,学生须在同一选课教师名下自由选择合作伙伴,小组成员既应独立思考又要互帮互助。独立思考主要体现在翻译实训的前期阶段,即理解和表达阶段,培养学生一定的独立完成任务的能力;互帮互助主要体现在翻译实训的后续阶段,成员之间可以通过讨论对译文进行修改和完善,培养学生发现问题和解决问题的能力。
3)实训结束时(即:2012年12月14日前)须提交一份统一格式的实习报告书,由班长统一收集交给相应指导老师。实习报告要求按所提供的统一模版的封面、内容格式(汉语用宋体、英语用Times New Roman,小四、单倍行距)A4纸打印。
4. 实训成绩评定
指导教师根据学生在实习中的态度、沟通及合作能力、报告书的格式规范、译文质量等情况给予成绩评定。成绩分为优、良、中、及格、不及格五档。 5. 指导教师
王平 戴俊霞 阮玉慧 何飞
Let me come to the point boldly; what governs the Englishman is his inner atmosphere, the weather in his soul. It is nothing particularly spiritual or mysterious. When he has taken his exercise and is drinking his tea or his beer and lighting his pipe; when he makes up his mind who is his best friend or his favorite poet; when he adopts a party or a sweetheart; when he is hunting or shooting or boating, or striding through the fields; when he is choosing his clothes or his profession——never is it a precise reason, or purpose, or outer fact that determines him; it is always the atmosphere of his inner man. Instinctively the Englishman is no missionary, no conqueror. He prefers the country to the town, and home to foreign parts. He is rather glad and relieved if only natives will remain natives and strangers, and at a comfortable distance from himself. Yet outwardly he is most hospitable and accepts almost anybody for the time being; he travels and conquers without a settled design, because he has the instinct of exploration. His adventures are all external; they change him so little that he is not afraid of them. He carries his English weather in his heart wherever he goes, and it becomes a cool spot in the desert, and a steady and sane oracle amongst all the deliriums of mankind. Never since the heroic days of Greece has the world had such a sweet, just, boyish master. It will be a black day for the human race when scientific blackguards, conspirators, churls, and fanatics manage to supplant him. 译文: 英语专业八级测试翻译模拟题(汉译英) 看到外国报纸登载了久已不见的梵高名画《向日葵》,以三千九百万美元的高价,在伦敦拍卖成交,心中若有所失。因为这是一幅我所钟爱的画。当然我永远不会有可能收藏这幅画,但这也不能抑制我对它的喜欢。我觉得名画犹如美人,美人而有所属,不免是件憾事。 我特别喜欢梵高的那副向日葵,朵朵黄花犹如明亮的珍珠,耀人眼目,但孤零零插在花瓶里,陪着黄色的背景,给人一种凄凉的感觉,似乎是盛宴散后,灯烛未灭的那种空荡荡的光景,令人为之心沉。我原是爱着向日葵的,每天清晨看它们缓缓转向阳光,洒着露珠,是那样的楚楚可怜。如今我得了这幅画便把它装上镜框,挂在寓所餐室里。向日葵衬在一片明亮亮的金色阳光里,挂在漆成墨绿色的墙壁上,宛如婷婷伫立在一望无际的田野中,特别怡目,但又显得孤独。每天我就这样坐在这幅画的对面,看到了欢欣,也尝到了寂寞。 译文Seeing the news in a foreign newspaper, a news that Van Gogh's Sunflower ,not displayed for a long time, was knocked off in a bid of 39 million dollars in London, I felt lost and depressed.Because I ardently love this painting.Of course I will never possess it,but nothing can inhibit my love for it.The great picture is somewhat like a pretty;once they are owned by someone,other adorers will definitely feel disappointed. I am really attracted by the Sunflower with every yellow petals shining like bright pearls.Those sunflowers stand alone in the vase set in a yellow background ,which seems to be a desolate and dreary scene of an ended great feast in still-on candle light .And I am always so keen on sunflowers that in every morning I would like to appreciate their
adorable bodies turning toward the golden sun and shedding lovely dewdrops.Now since I have obtained this painting , then I put it in a picture frame and hang it in my dinner room.The picture ,in which sunflowers are in sparkling sunlight, is hung on the greenblack wall as if these flowers were standing in a boundless field, pleasing and lonely.Every day,I just sit in front of this picture,enjoying the happiness and tasting the loneliness brought by it. 全国翻译专业资格测试(二级)笔译实务(汉译英) 长期以来西方人一直怀疑由草药制成的中成药是否有效。在过去的几年内,中国传统医药在世界范围内经历了严格的科学审查。 为证明和提高传统治疗方法的效益,中国大陆投入了巨资在这方面进行艰苦研究。香港一直在努力使自己成为世界上传统中医研究的带头人。台湾也提出它将把自己建成一个中医技术中心。 传统中医药的研究工作在亚洲以外地区的大学和其它机构也蓬勃开展。这些揭开传统医学秘密的研究工作可能会为中西医都大感头痛的疾病患者带来福音。 尽管在理论上中西医之间还存在分歧,一些对中医药感兴趣的著名国际制药公司已开始在中国实施小规模的研究项目。一批新药已在亚洲各地接受实验。 译文: 科技文体中产品说明书的翻译实践(英译汉) Care of Your Microwave Oven 1. Turn the oven off and remove the power plug from the wall socket before cleaning. 2. Keep the inside of the oven clean. Mild detergent may be used if food splatters or spilled liquids adhere to oven walls. The use of harsh detergent or abrasives is not recommended. 3. The outside oven surfaces should be cleaned with a damp cloth. To prevent damage to the operating parts inside the oven, water should not be allowed to seep into the ventilation openings. 4. Do not allow the Control Panel to become wet. Clean with a soft, damp cloth. Do not use detergents, abrasives or spray of cleaners on the Control Panel. 5. When cleaning the Control Panel, leave oven door open to prevent oven from accidentally turning on. After cleaning touch STOP / RESET Pad to clear display window, or make sure oven timer is set to off position. 6. If steam accumulates inside or around the outside of the oven door, wipe with a soft cloth. This may occur when the microwave oven is operated under high humidity conditions and in no way indicates malfunction of the unit. 7. The roller ring and oven cavity floor should be cleaned regularly to avoid excessive noise. Simply wipe the bottom surface of the oven with mild detergent or window cleaner. The roller ring may be washed in mild sudsy water or in dishwasher. 8. When it becomes necessary to replace the oven light, please consult a dealer to have it replaced. 译文: 微波炉的保养步骤