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摘 要





Nowadays, in the market economy environment, the organizational form and business field of enterprises are constantly diversified, which makes the financial activities of enterprises extremely complex. Only from the simple numbers and words in the financial statements, we can not get substantive results. We need to use certain analysis methods and techniques, and combine with the actual situation to make a comprehensive analysis of the balance sheet, profit statement and cash flow statement, so that the information users and decision makers can get the exact information of the financial situation and business results of the enterprise, and then guide the decision-making .Through comparative analysis, ratio analysis and other methods, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the financial situation of Haier Zhijia from 2016 to 2018. First, make a comprehensive analysis of the three statements of Haier Zhijia to understand its basic financial situation. Secondly, through the analysis of Haier Zhijia's financial situation and business performance for three consecutive years, this paper finds some problems in the operation and management of Haier Zhijia, and puts forward corresponding improvement suggestions. It can provide decision-making reference for the management of the company to improve the management level of the company, and it can also provide reference for the investors to evaluate the investment value of the company in the securities market.

Keywords: Financial Statement Analysis; Financial Indicators; Financial Status


目 录

第1章 绪论......................................................... 1 1.1研究背景及意义 .................................................. 1 1.1.1研究背景 ...................................................... 1 1.1.2研究意义 ...................................................... 1 1.2国内外研究现状 .................................................. 2 1.2.1国外研究现状 .................................................. 2 1.2.2国内研究现状 .................................................. 2 1.3研究方法与内容 .................................................. 3 第2章 财务报表分析的理论基础....................................... 5 2.1财务报表分析概述 ................................................ 5 2.2财务报表分析的目的 .............................................. 5 2.3财务报表分析的常用方法 .......................................... 5 2.3.1比率分析法 .................................................... 5 2.3.2比较分析法 .................................................... 6 2.3.3结构分析法 .................................................... 6 2.3.4因素分析法 .................................................... 6 2.3.5趋势分析法 .................................................... 6 第3章 海尔智家财务报表分析现状及存在的问题......................... 8 3.1公司简介 ........................................................ 8 3.2海尔智家财务现状及报表指标分析及存在的问题 ...................... 8 第4章 海尔智家财务报表分析问题的原因分析.......................... 15 4.1资产利用率偏低 ................................................. 15 4.2应收账款的管理不合理 ........................................... 15 4.3存货周转速度慢 ................................................. 15 4.4资本结构不合理 ................................................. 16 第5章 海尔智家财务报表分析问题的解决对策.......................... 17 5.1提高资产利用效率 ............................................... 17 5.2加强应收账款的管理 ............................................. 17



