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Best of British: Service Stations

Brockholes Nature Reserve Services


“Our service station is different from any other service station you're going to stop at on any of the motorways in the UK,” says manager Alan Right.

He's not lying.Brockholes is distinctive in that the whole facility floats on a 4,000-foot pontoon (浮码头) in the middle of a lake.

What's more,there's a bakery on site—so you can reward yourself with the “cake of the week” after a walk.

Gloucester Services


Ordinarily,the most you can expect of service-station food is a fast-food burger,or sugar-filled packaged goods.

Not so at Gloucester Services.Located in a county known for its agriculture,this service station puts local produce at the fore(在前面).The farm shop offers regional cheeses and the café

od morning to you , dear children , good morning to all.” This song was very popular at that time among kindergarten children . But not many grown-ups knew it . There’s truly nothing like travel when it comes to gaining perspective(远景) and exposing yourself to other cultures.1 / 11

serves up some of the best home-made cake around.

Cairn Lodge Services


This was recently named the cheapest service station in the country,and that's not even the best thing about it; next to the station is an authentic ancient fortress (城堡).

Douglas Castle is small and largely in ruins,but wandering around it makes for an enjoyable way to stretch your legs.

The service station was privately owned until 2014,when it was acquired by Westmorland.The company has made a point of ensuring the food is to its trademark first-rate standard.

Yorkshire Sculpture Park Service Station


This station could beat some of the nation's best galleries,and—since you're already driving somewhere—you don't even have to go out of your way to see it.

The 500 acres of carefully managed parkland are home to open-air displays from some of the world's finest artists.Walk along the trails and you'll come across breathtaking sculptures,and splendid views.

[语篇解读] 本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了英国四个有名的服务区。

1.Why is Brockholes Nature Reserve Services unique? A.It serves tasty cake. B.It is surrounded by water.

od morning to you , dear children , good morning to all.” This song was very popular at that time among kindergarten children . But not many grown-ups knew it . There’s truly nothing like travel when it comes to gaining perspective(远景) and exposing yourself to other cultures.2 / 11



