Section | New \\V each) L ____ ___ universal 2. ____ ___ poverty 3. _____ ___ requirement 4. _____ ___ livelihood 5. ____ ___ distract ___ survive 6? ___ 7. _____ __ reduce 8. ____ ___ Rnn 9. ____ nierchnnU A. ncccRNity B. lake Attrntion sway C. make lens IX a *milr E. canrhmc to live or exist F. people who sell things (>? thr nhiliiy to rcmembrr H. work# job* profesftion L wvaihblr la rvcryonr 10. _ memory J. Being poor B| Fill In the blanks with words from the box below. (3 points each) cornprtifivr edge enthuHi/i?nc rxprnsive influenced invan prohiti ^lnn? suddenly survive trend The popul/irity o( tattoos did not 11_ into the 2。\crnturyi it slowed down uml continued only among 粕 ldh?r,and milorM Thrnr rnrn 12 each other lo tnttuord to show how Mroiig they were. An A result? the Kcncrnl public, began to think of people with tRftooh IIN from the lower However? in rhe Intr 20lh century? A new 13 npprared fl* young people sl/irtril l<> get !nttoord< Th)* body nrt _ H_ begnn to appear in unusual places? not only hnn^. bui nhn on kgd and bnckn, r#iteoo nrtist^ began wrrr more complex I^sipitc thin cnihuHlaftm> however> the trrnd hs begun lo slow down# and soon it may be a thing o( the pnM? Section || Krading < omprehension IAI Read the 邛c. Then answer the questions that follow. (5 points each) Silk Pnxlucllon A Silk not thr main product Traded on the network of caravan truila canncrting East Asm tn the Mediterranean Sw. Dc^pitr fhi> (act? thr German explorer^ Haron Ferdinand vun Richthofen> g?ve the Silk Rond thin romnnfic rrnmr. pcrhapM because il wns n tnyntrnou5 pradticL Silk rnaktnM began in Chinn in the 3* century Ik Cw E< ? but the prex^ess wnfl kept n neerrt for srvrrol hundred ycarsi. When thr Chinese mcrchnntn brgnn trading this beautiful fabric, other ruuntrirn were eager to ItArn how it waHn>flde? B In the 3'\E. ? method* of dyeing (coloring)t nnd wenving (making clnth) ? werr developed in o few conn!rim nlong the trade routes using raw silk thread from Chinn< In ihe 俨 ccnrury C. K< ? the nilrr ol (7jn?tftnTinople iifikcd two monks (hnlymcn> to bnnn buck ! C France nnd Italy become renters of the European silk industry in the 15\(ue killed nu函 of the nilkworm# in the 19\n hud drvrlopcd modrrn nivthodM of niakihg ullk And won became the worldlargem producer. In the 20* century^ South Korea And 1 hailand developed their silk industries well I) Scncuhuree or silk priKlucuon ? involves cuhivannK lhou5nnd?i o( liny rggs that lunch into larvae (< E IVnling FAW ?山 praduco,lighirr fnbrir# nnd tli< cloth enn br treated with ddfrrent AubMJincc5 叫 thin 11 und look< rfi(lcrrtil> A vnriety of dyting nnd wrnvmg rticihod^ produce exqaistte ciutb thnt cdn be made into articlv* of cluthtiiK. Cumtnon itrnm include blouses# ?hirt?t wriirvcst nn Far each qua(honi choowr thr bc%t aas^ter ba>icd nn the reading pn^ngc. Write A. Bt C or I) on >our AIWMIT ShtTG 2L Pmplc wanted fa lenrn how ta make silk because A. it M fnyMicry B. Chino kept it a secret(\\ hilkwurms wrre forbidden IX ihr fabric w.m >o beautiful 22. The necrc. wan hrwlly brought io thr WE by A, :hr ruler of ConNtantirn>p)c B. two monks traveling {rom China C. ClunrM nwrvhwm IX fin run Ferdinand von Richthofen 23. The M A. South Korw ?nd I hnilnnd Be ChmA and Japim (3oniitannnople C. holy and Er a nee 24. Silk M produced by A? tiny H. worms women machines 25. Most 药Ik iabric is made into A. art dyeing and wenving D. dccurationjc |H, Head the PAMM对.I hrn mi%wrr Ihr qurnthinn thttl follow, (3 p<>lnU euch) FMcurnlng: Dhtunce LvnrnhiK on the Inicmct A It1 A 10 A. M. Angdft RCTB out of bed. brujihm her teethe nnrl WEhc* her (aec? Sht- walk% into ihv kilchrru rnnkcw A cup of col feet And ?it* down m her mniputcn She log* on to her untvcrnityF? Web ?itr und chrvkN nn c m/?il Irnm her rronomic prnfcsMir K Kow IR AIIKCIII e s rxprnrncr differrni Iruni n Irndlrionnl univrrwity claorooni rxprrirnrr? WrIL for orw ihingt torhy 悟 Stinchyt nnd Angrln in \、chouL ” But lor AnKcbt it univcrMty in in vhu U nil cd St/itc>< *hr enn review her prafowr S prr^cntdiinn from hrr home in Ihienos Airc?? Argcnttnn. Another lhin& fhai distinguinhcH Annvln frum frmlitiuruil Mudrnt^ i5 that,hc in not n fnll-tirnr student. Shr 浦 tnkinK purt-timr la camplete her IKUHHMI> decree while woikinu (nilunit* for 4 conipuirr noliw/irr vnmpHnye Shi enn internet with MIKI rriid cofnmrnt-i Irnin ntudcn?^ AII nrcmnd the world in hrr vtrtunl internntionnl duMToam. IX)CM it wand linurihtic? Well# h h nlrrady hnpprning an prrMinnl a>input<-r nroutitl thr world. C In the irilorniatton where knowledge is |M>wrr? many full nnd pun time pro(c>MCirHilfi nrv guinR nnlinr to lurihrr llicir education ft nd prcifr^simiMl knowi<rHntly In the hsr fvw ywm brrauMr <>f the development ul the InurntJ, 1 hr ii I) But ^kcptir* wondi-r if dinuncr cduciiiion pro|{r^nis mamtnin n high qunlify ul inntruction and if they <4fcr enough internction with the inMructur And other Atudentn in thr CIM?L It u wtill difficult to say il disuncr eduention in b?t 26. AnHcln hm no intrrnction with her iriRiructor 27. DiM/mcr rducntion can happrn nlrnont nnywhrm 28. Dhfnncc cducanun ollvnt mure intcrnctian in person than trnditionnl 2% Arcorchny tn tl?r artu lc. c Ir^rning i,superior to —Mdmmml\30. 1 he numlirr uf people ?tudyiriR online in incrrAAing. 试题答案及评分标准 (仅供参考) Section | New words !AI Match each vocubulury ^ord on the left with the correct definition on the right (3 points each) 3.A 7.C 4. H 9.F 8.D ill Kill In the blank* with words from the box below. (3 points each) I L survive 13. trend I2> influrnccd 14. suddenly lSt invent 19. enthu^instic Section [J Keadine Comprehension 18. shng 20. cxpen IA Eor cuch quoition t choose lhe best answer based on the reading pnssaRc (5 polnu <*nch) 2hD 22. H 23, C 24, B 25. A I- for I rur und “ for Decldr whether the following ttatemenU art true or false. Write Kulu1 nn lhe ?\\iKwcr Sheet. (3 |>(ihils each) 26.1- 27. T 28.F 29. F 30. T