1. Problem identification is purely objective. (False)
2. A decision criterion(criteria的单数) defines what is relevant in a decision. (True)
3. The step in the decision-making process that involves choosing a best alternative is termed implementation. (False)
4. One assumption of rationality is that we cannot know all of the alternatives. (False)
5. Managers regularly use their intuition in decision making. (True)
6. Rational analysis and intuitive decision making are complementary. (True)
7. Programmed decisions tend to be repetitive and routine. (True)
8. A policy is an explicit statement that tells a manager what he or she ought or ought not to do. (False)
9. Risk is a situation in which a decision maker has neither certainty nor reasonable probability estimates. (False)
10. The sunk cost error is when decision makers forget that current choices cannot correct the past. (True)
11. Decision making is typically described as ________________, which is a view that is too simplistic.
a. deciding what is correct b. putting preferences on paper c. choosing among alternatives
d. processing information to completion (c)
12. ________________ is the existence of a discrepancy between an existing and a desired state of affairs.
a. b. c. d. An opportunity A solution A weakness A problem
13. To determine the _____________, a manager must determine what is relevant or important to resolving the problem. a. geocentric behavior needed
b. number of allowable alternatives c. weighting of decision criteria d. decision criteria (d)
14. In allocating weights to the decision criteria, which of the following is helpful to remember?
a. All weights must be the same.
b. The total of the weights should sum to 1.0.
c. Every factor criterion considered, regardless of its importance, must receive some weighting.
d. Assign the most important criterion a score, and then assign weights against that standard. (d)
15. The final step in the decision-making process is to _______________. a. pick the criteria for the next decision
b. reevaluate the weightings of the criteria until they indicate the correct outcome c. evaluate the outcome of the decision
d. reassign the ratings on the criteria to find different outcomes (c)
16. Managers are assumed to be ______________; they make consistent, value-maximizing choices within specified constraints. a. rational b. leaders c. organized d. satisficers (a)
17. It is assumed that a perfectly rational decision maker ______________. a. does not follow rational assumptions
b. does not consider value maximizing as an objective c. offers inconsistent decisions d. would be objective and logical
18. The type of decision making in which the solution is considered “good enough” is known as _________________. a. intuition b. satisfying c. maximizing d. satisficing (d)
19. Because managers can’t possibly analyze all information on all alternatives, managers ______________, rather than ______________. a. maximize; satisfice b. maximize; minimize c. satisfice; minimize d. satisfice; maximize
20. Intuitive decision making is _______________. a. not utilized in organizations
b. a conscious process based on accumulated judgment
c. making decisions based on experience, feelings, and accumulated judgment d. important in supporting escalation of commitment (c)
21. All of the following are aspects of intuition except __________________. a. experienced-based decisions b. affect-initiated decisions c. cognitive-based decisions d. programmed decisions (d)
22. _____________ are straightforward, familiar, and easily defined. a. Unstructured problems b. Structured problems c. Unique problems
d. Nonprogrammed problems (b)
23. A ______________ is an explicit statement that tells a manager what he or she can or cannot do. a. procedure b. policy
c. rule d. solution
24. A ______________ typically contains an ambiguous term that leaves interpretation up to the decision maker. a. system b. rule c. solution d. policy (d)
25. Unstructured problems _____________. a. are easily solved
b. present familiar circumstances
c. force managers to deal with incomplete or ambiguous information d. are routine (c)
26. Lower-level managers typically confront what type of decision making? a. unique b. nonroutine c. programmed d. nonprogrammed (c)
27. What best describes the psychological orientation of an individual making a “maximax” choice? a. optimist b. realist c. pessimist d. satisficer (a)
28. What is the psychological orientation of a decision maker who makes a “maximin” choice? a. optimist b. realist c. pessimist d. satisficer (c)
29. When decision makers tend to think they know more than they do or hold unrealistically positive views of themselves and their performance, they are exhibiting _______________. a. self-serving bias b. the anchoring effect
c. immediate gratification bias d. overconfidence bias (d)
30. Which Decision-making style is characterized by a preference for internal sources of information and processing this with internal insights, feelings and hunches to guide decisions and actions? a. Linear thinking b. Behavioral thinking c. Nonlinear thinking d. Conceptual thinking
The First Job (Scenario)
Upon graduation, you search for a job with the university’s job placement center. Although you have studied and prepared to work in an advertising agency, the first job that you are offered is a supervisor in a manufacturing company working the afternoon shift from 3:00 P.M. until 11:00 P.M.
31. If you had made a larger search using the Internet and other employment search processes, you might have been able to find more employment opportunities. This would have been a more _________ decision-making process. a. nonprogrammable b. uncertain c. risky
d. perfectly rational (d)
32. Under bounded rationality, you would be expected to search for a job by ________________.
a. looking at all the opportunities that can be analyzed in the time available b. looking at all the opportunities available c. looking “outside the box” in your search
d. analyzing all the opportunities until you find the perfect job (a)
33. If you use a shortened process of searching for a job, it is likely that you ___________ rather than maximized in your decision process. a. minimized