Abstract I.
II. The Relationship Between Culture and Advertising Language….1 A. Language and Culture…………………………………………… 1 B. Advertisement and Culture………………………………………. 2 C. Advertisement Language and Culture…………………………….2 III. Culture-Specific in Advertisement Translation…………………..2 A. Differences in related cultural background …………………........3 B. Differences in cultural value........................................................... 3 C. Differences in numbers....................................................................3 IV. The Principle of English-Chinese Advertisement Translation…..4 A. Understand target language culture adequately...............................4 B. Balance the relationship between metaphrase and paraphrase........4 C. Adopt transliteration and free translation.................................... 4 V. Conclusion ...........................................................................................5 Bibliography.............................................................................................6
Introduction ..……………………………………………………1
Cultural Differences In English-Chinese
Advertisement Translation
As Mark Twain says that many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising, advertisement has become one of the most important product of culture in the modern age. It is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume products or service of a brand. Especially, advertising language is characterized by cultural and age background.
Advertising has gone through five major stages of development: domestic, export, international, multi-national and global. Nowadays, since the economic globalization, the relationship between advertisement and culture become more closely. This paper gives a detailed analysis of culture-specific in advertisement translation and then probes into some effective methods of its translation
I. Introduction
American Marketing Association defines advertising as the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media. However, whatever the strategies advertiser takes, language is an essential carrier of inspiration. There are many unsuccessful cases of advertisement translation which lead no sale for product. The main reason is that the translator doesn't have adequate understanding of target culture, and is limited by superficial meaning of the text. In order to attract the target especially non-domestic consumers, it is a significant task to be aware of the differences between Chinese culture and western culture, and the key to translate advertisement is to have the same strong influence on the people who read the translated version.
II. The Relationship Between Culture and Advertising Language
A. Language and Culture
There are various cultural types such as national culture and foreign culture, while they have common feature that almost each culture exists in a form of language. Although lots of factors result in the formation of culture, its spread relies on some certain forms. The practice indicates that language use is heavily tinted with its culture. We can infer that a language not only expresses facts, ideals, or events which represent similar world knowledge by its people, but also reflects the people’s attitudes, beliefs,
world outlooks etc. In a word, language expresses cultural reality.
B. Advertisement and Culture
Advertisement and culture have reciprocal and bidirectional relationship. From macro level, advertisement industry accelerates the development of social economy. From micro level , the advertisement is one of the agents which lead to the reform of culture. Contemporary culture contains the advertisement, meanwhile, it is also the disseminator and creator of the culture. While publicizing products or services, the advertisement unconsciously outputs some cultural awareness and changes people’s thinking ways or values. Let’s take Coca-Cola advertisement for example. Its original message is “I can’t catch that feeling”. But Japanese version means “I enjoy Coca-Cola” and Italian version means “The unique feeling”. Therefore, it implies that only the advertisement information truly reflects local culture will it live up to the cultural expectation.
C. Advertisement Language and Culture
Advertisement language is the core of an ads. Social culture influences even limits this kind of language and expression, meanwhile, the advertisement language contains and reflects the social culture. The advertisement exists in a society which means philosophical concept, thinking mode, cultural psychology, moral caliber and cultural habits of a nation certainly have a great effect on the advertisement language. In the fact, people tend to accept such messages that arouse their sense of identity.
For instance, the publicity of a product or service closely related to sexy life sometimes in English advertisement. In order to increase its allure, we can find such words as condoms or sex in it. Although western people are accustomed to it, these kinds of advertisements have definitely surpassed the cultural psychological endurance of common people in China. So apprehension of the advertisement language should be based on local culture.
III. Culture-Specific in Advertisement Translation
The target of advertisement writer is the native reader who has same values,
thinking ways and living habits, while, the advertisement translator needs to face the people whose cultural background, tradition and social values are utterly different. Therefore, as an intercultural activity, advertisement translation requires the translator to put acceptance degree of target people in the first place and adequately consider culture-specific in advertisement. Otherwise, it is impossible to put publicity into effect. Ultimately, the company fails to achieve its market value. Now, this part list several aspects related to culture-specific in advertisement translation and discuss its problems and solutions.
A. Differences in related cultural background
Let's start from the headline of a famous American wine's advertisement \—The spirit of New Orleans since 1860.\
Actually, the success of this advertisement relies on people's understanding of American traditional culture. \comes from New Orleans. Based on cultural identity, we can easily find out its pun meaning. That is \become widely familiar in America from middle period of 19th century when people began to create Jazz music, and it presents spirit of New Orleans-deploitation, innovation and optimism. However, due to the lack of related cultural background, it is hard for Chinese reader to perceive cultural connotation in the original text. So, the translation should be based on target audience's point of view and focus on cultural apprehension.
B. Differences in cultural values
The following sentence is excerpted from an advertisement of an American magazine.
\is always translated into \个人主义者\or \利己主义者\Meanwhile, it could not be considered as equivalent because of the differences in cultural values. The word \in English contains positive and commendatory meaning. It is used to describe a kind of people who prize personal right and are willing to show his or her personality. However, \个人主义者\in Chinese is a derogatory term which means self-concern. They seek benefits for themselves at the expense of others. Consequently, the translator must readjust the original text on the basis of apprehending cultural values, otherwise, it is impossible to realize intended function of the advertisement. \一个有主见的人,一个有个性的人。\the target people.
C. Differences in numbers
The differences in numbers reflects typical culture-specific in advertisement translation. First, let's take a beverage brand-\implies positive meaning in American-European countries. It is equal to the number eight in China which stands for a good luck. Meanwhile, \is just an ordinary number in China. In order to convey the happy feeling of this brand, \七喜\an appropriate Chinese version. Then, the following example is \三枪\brand underwear which is produced in Shanghai. Its English brand is \Guns\The reason why it is well received by consumers in Japan, Colombia and North Africa area is that \is often used for expressing the meaning \the elder in China. There is \same effect on the English-speaking people due to the distinction of figure between English and Chinese culture.
IV. The Principle of English-Chinese Advertisement Translation
When we translate advertisement, it is necessary for us to consider such factors
as language, culture, politics,. If we just transfer the literal meaning into target language, the products are impossibly approved in international market. One of the most significant aspects of advertisement translation is to appropriately grasp the relationship between translation and cultural effect. So this chapter introduces several methods to translate international advertisement better.
A. Understand target language culture adequately
The translator needs to probe into the target language culture. It includes not only the characteristic of target language but also the religion, belief, principle, social structure, social role, spatial relation, cosmology, observance and etc. However, if the translator fails to be aware of them, it will lead to the negative effect.
For instance, there is a famous brand of battery named \白象\and it is translated as \because \elephant\presents the goods which are unpractical but expensive. Therefore, it has been proved that one thing which has a profound respect in this culture may not has the same resonance in the other culture.
B. Balance the relationship between metaphrase and paraphrase
Since translation is a process that recreates the language information by the most suitable and natural equivalent, how to deal with the relationship between \suitable and natural words\information theory, the transmission process of advertisement has three stages, i.e. coding ( advertiser)-advertisement-decoding(consumer). It also means that advertisement translation is the process of recreation other than simple duplication.
For instance, the following is an advertisement of British airline company . \
The Chinese version is \维系你和我,世上乐事多\translation seems a little far away from the literal meaning \我们共同飞跃这一世界\it reflects the core of advertisement and has good effect among the target people.
Another example: \The Chinese version is \滴滴香浓,意犹未尽\of coffee. The translator shakes off the restriction of original language and conveys connotation of the advertisement by paraphrasing the original text. However, the key is that we should readjust the original advertisement on the basis of analyzing and understanding connotation of the advertisement.
C. Adopt transliteration and free translation
The translator can adopt two different translation modes-transliteration and free translation to translate advertisement trademark according to principle of target culture. Actually, it is quite difficult to accurately translate a trademark and to the point. The practice proves that good advertisement translation can integrate
Cultural Differences In English-Chinese Advertisement Translation