【期刊名称】《应用海洋学学报》 【年(卷),期】2012(031)003
【摘要】Although Litopenaeus vannamei is the most economically important shrimp species in the world, brood-stock breeding is still limited and molecular genetics seems to be a promising method to overcome the problem. This study is to establish an AFLP reaction system for Litopenaeus vannamei. We analyzed the dilution multiple, the concentration of dNTP, Taq, Mg2+ and primers for the pre-amplification and selective amplification. It showed that clear and repeatable gel profiles could be obtained under the reaction protocol, with 300 ng genomic DNA digested by 5TJ of PstI and MseI, then conjugated at 16℃ overnight, the ligation products diluted for 10 times as template for pre-amplification. After pre-amplification, the products were diluted for 50 times and used as template for selective amplification. Using the optimized reaction system, we selected 12 informative primer combinations out of 64, which would be useful for the further study of Litopenaeus vannamei genetic diversity. The establishment of the system might lay a foundation for the application of AFLP techniques for genetic diversity studies of Litopenaeus vannamei.%凡纳滨对虾是当今世界公认的重要对虾养殖品种之一,然而良种选