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圣才电子书 www.100xuexi.com 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 单项选择替换


1. A land ethic of course cannot prevent the conversion, management, and use of the resources of soil, waters, plants and animals. A. altercation B. alternation C. alteration D. allocation 【答案】C


2. In the absence of a breadwinner, girls are the most likely to be denied entrance to school to head a household. A. admission B. access C. admittance D. admiration 【答案】B

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圣才电子书 www.100xuexi.com 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 【解析】entrance进入之权利。access与之同义。admission承认,许可。admittance入场权。admiration赞赏,钦佩。

3. The HIV/AIDS pandemic is cutting into a generation of young adults—in Swaziland, it is estimated that three to four teachers die every week of AIDS. A. epidemic B. plague C. pestilence D. ailment 【答案】A


4. Heavy traffic on the Mississippi River brought affluence to Keokuk, Iowa, until the mid-nineteenth century, when the arrival of the railroads diverted river shipping. A. wealth B. tourism C. development D. commerce 【答案】A


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圣才电子书 www.100xuexi.com 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 5. George Pullman, who invented the railroad sleeping car, designed a town for his factory employees in the outskirts of Chicago. A. surrounding regions B. stock yards

C. manufacturing district D. backstreets 【答案】A

【解析】句意:发明卧车车厢的乔治·普尔曼在芝加哥近郊为他的工厂职工设计了一个城镇。outskirt近郊,边界。surrounding region周围地区。stock yard家畜饲养场。manufacturing district生产厂区。backstreet(贫穷地区的)后街小巷。

6. The combination of lenses in a compound microscope makes possible greater amplification than can be achieved with a single lens. A. management B. magnetism C. magnificence D. magnification 【答案】D


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圣才电子书 www.100xuexi.com 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 7. Permeable rocks have tiny openings of sufficient size to permit water to pass through them. A. pores B. tunnels C. caves D. trunks 【答案】A

【解析】句意:透水岩有细小的孔足够让水流通过。tiny opening细小的孔。pore毛孔,气孔,小孔。tunnel隧道,地下道。cave洞穴,凹陷。trunk树干;大衣箱。

8. Juveniles who run away frequently seek out large metropolitan areas with the hope of gaining anonymity and being able to “hustle a living” more easily. A. teenagers B. dwarfs C. theorists D. economists 【答案】A


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圣才电子书 www.100xuexi.com 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 9. The Navajo people of Arizona and New Mexico build their hogans, cone-shaped dwellings made of logs and earth, during the summer. A. stadiums B. residences C. stacks D. stalls 【答案】B


10. Scientific evidence from different fields of study demonstrates that in most

humans the left hemisphere of the brain controls language. A. spectaculars B. disciplines C. spectrums D. instructions 【答案】B

【解析】句意:不同研究领域的科学证据表明,绝大多数人是靠左半脑控制语言。field of study研究领域。discipline学科,科目。spectacular盛大的场面;展览品。spectrum系列;光谱。instruction指令,命令。

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