阿基米德原理Archimedes Principle (2)
半经验理论Semi—emperical Theory(4) 比能曲线Specific—energy curve (7) 比容Specific volume (1) 边界层Boundary layer (4)
边界层分离Separation of boundary layer (4) 边界层厚度Boundary layer thickness (4) 边坡系数Side slope (6)
变水头出流Flow under varied head (3) 标准大气Standard atmosphere (2) 表面力Surface force (1) 表面张力Surface tension (1) 并联管路Pipes in parallel (4) 波速Wave speed (7)
波形水跃Undular Hydraulic jump (7) 伯努利方程Bernoulli’S equation (3) 勃拉修斯公式Blasius Equation (4) 薄壁堰Sharp crested weir (8)
不可压缩流体Incompressible Fluid(1)
侧向收缩系数Coefficient of end contraction (8) 测压管Piezometric tube (2) 测压管水头Piezometric head (2) 层流Laminar flow (2)
层流边界层Laminar boundary layer (4) 长管Long pipe (5)
承压含水层Confined aquifer (11) 串联管路Pipes in series (5)
垂直补给Vertical infiltration recharge (11) 粗糙系数(糙率)Roughness coefficient (4)
达西定律Darcy’S law (11) 达西公式Darcy’S formula (11)
达西——魏斯巴赫公式Darcy—Weisbach Formula(4) 当地大气压力Local pressure(2)
当地加速度(时变加速度)Local acceleration(Tempolal acceleration) (3) 当量粗糙度Equivalent roughness (4) 导出量纲Derived dimension (10) 等势线Equiposition line (3) 等压面Equipressure surface(2) 底坡Bottom slope (6) 地下水Ground water (11)
点汇Point sink (12) 点涡Point vortex (12) 点源Point sourse (12) 调压井Surge chamber (5) 跌水Drop (7)
定倾半径Metacentric radius (2) 定倾中心Metacenter (2)
动力相似Dynamic similarity (4) 动力粘度Dynamic viscosity (4) 动量方程Momentum equation (3)
动量修正系数Correction factor of momentum flux (3) 动能修正系数Correction factor of velocity head (3) 动压强Dynamical Pressure(2) 陡坡Steep.slope (6) 短管Short pipe (5)
断面比能Specific energy of cross section (7) 断面平均流速Mean Velocity(3)
断面突然扩大Abrupt enlargement of section (4) 断面突然缩小Abrupt contraction of section(4) 多孑L介质Porous medium (11)
非恒定流Unsteady flow (3) 非均匀流Nonuniform flow (3)
非牛顿流体Non—Newtonian F1uid(1) 非完全井Partically penetrating well (11) 分段求和法The Standard Step Method(7)
分子动量交换Molecular momentum exchange (4) 弗劳德数Froude number (7) 弗劳德准则Froude Criterion(7) 浮力Buoyancy(2) 浮体Floating Body(2)
浮体的平衡和稳定Equilibrium and stability of floating body (2) 浮心Center of buoyancy (2)
各向同性渗流Isotropic seepage flow (11) 给水系数Coefficient of yield water (11)
共轭水深Conjugate depths of Hydraulic jump (7) 骨架Frame of soil (11)
管流雷诺数Reunolds number of pipe flow (4) 管嘴Nozzle (8)
管嘴出流Nozzle Efflux & Nozzle discharge (8) 惯性Inertia (1)
惯性矩Moment of inertia (2) 惯性力Inertia force (1)
惯性水头Inertia head (12)
过流断面Cross Section & Flow cross section (3)
恒定流Steady Flow(3) 虹吸管Siphon pipe (5) 缓流Subcritical Flow (7) 缓坡Mild slope (7)
缓坡渠道Mild Slope Channel (7) 汇Sink (12)
混合长度Mixing Length(4)
迹线Path Line (3) 迹线Trajectory (3)
基本量纲 Fundamental Dimension (10) 基本物理量Basic quantity (10) 基准面Datum Plane (3) 急流 Supercritical Flow (7)
急坡渠道Steep Slope Channel (7)
集水廊道Water—collecting gallery (11) 几何相似Geometric Similarity (10) 加速度Acceleration (3) 间接水击Slow Closure (5) 剪切变形速率Rate of strain (1) 简单管路Single pipe (5)
简化的N—S方程Reduced N—S equations (12) 渐变流Gradually Flow(3)
渐变渗流Gradually varied seepage flow (11) 渐扩管Gradual enlargement pipe (4) 渐缩管Gradual contraction pipe (4) 降水曲线Drawdown curve (7)
角变形速度Rate of angular deformation (12) 井Well (11)
井函数Well Function (11)
井群Multiple—well & Battery of wells (2) 静压强Static pressure (2)
静压强分布图Diagram of static pressure distribution (2) 静压强特征Characteristics of hydraustatic pressure (2) 局部水头损失Local head loss (4)
局部水头损失系数Iocal loss coefficient (4) 矩形渠道断面Rectangular channel section (6) 绝对粗糙度Roughness (4) 绝对压强Absolute Pressure(2) 均匀流Uniform Flow (6)
卡门常数Karman’S constant (4) 孔口Orifice (8)
孔口出流Orifice Flow & 0rifice discharge(8) 孔隙率Porosity (11)
控制面Control Surface(3) 控制体Control Volume (3) 宽顶堰Broad—crested Weir (8) 宽深比Aspect Ratio(6)
拉格朗日法Lagrangian Method (3) 拉普拉斯方程Laplace Equation (12) 雷诺数Reynolds Number (4)
雷诺准则 Reynolds Criterion (12) 棱柱形渠道Prismatic channel (6) 理想流体Ideal Fluid (1) 连续介质Continuum (1)
连续性方程Continuity Equation (3) 量纲(或“因次”)Dimension(10)
量纲分析Dimensional Analysis (10)
临界雷诺数Critical Reynolds Number (4) 临界流Critical Flow (7) 临界坡度Critical slope (7) 临界水深Critical depth (7)
临界水跃Critical Hydraulic jump (7) 流场Fluid Field(3) 流管Stream tube (3)
流函数Stream function (12) 流量Discharge (3)
流量模数Converyance of discharge (6) 流量系数Coefficient of discharge (3) 流速水头Velocity Head (3) 流体Fluid (1)
流体静力学Fluid statics (2)
流体微团 Material Elements of Fluid &Fluid element(12) 流网Flow Net (11) 流线Streamline (3)
脉动流速Fluctuating Velocity (4) 曼宁公式Manning formula (4) 密度Density (1)
明渠0pen channel (6)
明渠均匀流Uniform flow in open channel (6) 明渠流Open channel flow (6) 模型Model (10)
摩擦阻力Drag due to Friction(4) 摩阻速度Friction velocity(4) 莫迪图Moody diagram (4)
内聚力Cohesive force (1)
内摩擦力 Internal Frictional Force (1)
纳维一斯托克斯方程Navier—stokes equation (12) 尼古拉兹曲线Nikuradse Curve (4) 逆坡Adverse slope (7)
牛顿迭代法Newton iterative method (6) 牛顿流体Newtonian Fluid (1)
牛顿内摩擦定律Newton’S law of viscosity (1)
欧拉法Eulerian method (3) 欧拉数Euler number (12)
欧拉运动方程Euler’S equation of motion (12) 欧拉准则Eulerian Criterion (12)
π定理πtheorem (12)
平均流速Mean velocity (3)
平面上的静止液体总压力Resultant hydrostatic pressure on plane surface (2) 平面势流Two—dimensional Potential Flow(12) 平坡Horizontal slope (6)
汽化压强Vapor pressure (2)
迁移加速度Convective Acceleration (2)
潜水含水层(无压含水层)Unconfined aquifer (11) 潜水面Surface of phreatic water (11) 裘布依公式Dupuit’S formula (11) 裘布依假设Dupuit’S suppose (11)
曲面上的静止流体总压力Resultant hydrostatic pressure on curved surface (2) 渠道断面Channel cross section (6)
渗流Seepage flow (11)
渗流流网Seepage flownet (11) 渗流速度Seepage velocity (11)
渗流系数 Coefficient of Permeability&Permeability coefficient (11) 声速Speed of Sound (12) 湿周Wetted Perimeter (5)
时均流速Time—mean Velocity (4) 实用堰Practical weir (8) 势流Potentional flow (12)
势流叠加Superposition of potential flow (12) 收缩因数Coefficient of Contraction (8)



