(Company Name) To: _____________________________ For and on behalf of ACCEPTED Apr.30,2007 (Date) Globe Importing Co. (Company Name) BILL OF EXCHANGE For 100,000.00 At 30 days after sight of this bill of exchange April 20, 2007 (date of issue) (amount in figure) (SECOND being unpaid) Pay to _XYZ Bank____ or order the sum of US Dollars One Hundred Thousand Only _(amount in words) for value received. To: For and on behalf of International Exporting Co. Globe Importing Co. _____________________________
5、请依据所给条件,完成下列汇票的出票行为。 The requisite items of a bill are as follows:
Drawer: China National Chemicals Import & Export Corporation ,S.B. Drawee: The Citi Bank. New York, N.Y. , U.S.A.
Payee: the order of the Bank of China Sum: US$1000. Date of issue: 25 March, 1998. Place of issue: Shanghai Tenor: at 90 days after sight
Fill in the following blank form to issue a bill.
(1分) for US$1000. (1分) , (1分) At (1分) pay to (4分) Only value received.
To: (1分)
For (1分)
(1分) Exchange for US$1000. (1分)Shanghai , (1分 March25,1998 At (1分) 90 days after sight pay to (4分) the order of the Bank of China the sum of one thousand U.S. dollars Only value received. To: (1分) The Citi Bank.
New York ,N.Y. , U.S.A. For (1分)China National Chemicals Import& Export Corporation ,S. B. (signed)