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第一单元 英语词汇概说

1. 词是语音、形态和意义的统一体,音和形是词的物质外壳,意义是词的物质内容。 Word is the combination of pronunciation, morphology and meaning.

2. 词是在口语和书面语中能独立、自由使用的并具备完整意义的语言最小单位。

Word is the smallest meaningful linguistic unit that can be used on its own in oral and written language.

3. 词汇(vocabulary, lexicon): collection of words

4. 词汇是语言(language)的基本要素(语音、语法、词汇)之一。 Pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary

5. Active vocabulary(积极性词汇): speaking/writing vocabulary Passive vocabulary(消极性词汇): reading/guessing vocabulary 6. 词汇学(lexicology): the science of words

Lexicology is the branch of linguistics that investigates, describes and theorizes about vocabulary. 作为语言学的一个分支,词汇学对词汇进行调查研究、描述并予以理论化。

第二、三单元 英语基本构词法

1. 词素(morpheme)是语言中语音和语义的最小结合体。 Morpheme is the minimum unit of meaning. 2. 构词法

(1)词缀法(affixation/derivation派生法) Prefixation 前缀法;Suffixation 后缀法

Prefix do not generally change the world-class(词性) of the stem but only modify its meaning.

(except “en-”, ”be-”, ”a-”) 三个可以决定词性的前缀 Suffix mainly change the word-class ( except “less”)

(2)复合法(compounding或composition)→复合词compound (3)转化法(conversion)

也叫功能转换法(functional shift)或转移法(transmutation) (4)缩略法(abbreviation或shortening) ·截短词 clipped words

apocope截除词尾,aphaeresis 截除词首

front and back clipping截除首尾,syncope截除词腰 ·首字母缩略词 initialisms ·首字母拼音词 acronyms

·拼缀词 blending e.g. stagflation = stagnation + inflation

注:Acronym differ from initialism in that they are pronouncedas words rather than as sequences of letter.

(5)逆生法(back formation)

e.g. laser为首字母拼音词,因词尾形似后缀-er,则逆生出动词lase。 (6)拟声法(onomatopoeia)

拟声词onomatopoetic word, imitative word或echo word

第四单元 词的意义

1. 词义三角triangle of significance

意义(概念) Meaning ( Concept )

词 Word

形式 Form 所指对象 Referent

2. *词的理据(motivation):人们通常用理据来说明语言符号和意义之间的关系。 词的形式与意义的关系是任意的和约定俗成的。

The relations between form and meaning are arbitrary and conventional.

大多数词可以说是没有理据的。/ 符号和意义之间没有逻辑上的解释性。 3. 四个理据

(1)拟声理据 onomatopoeic motivation

(2)形态理据 morphologic motivation e.g. desk + mate = deskmate (3)语义理据 semantic motivation (4)词源理据 etymologic motivation

第五单元 词的语用意义

1. 英语词汇可以表示语言意义(linguistic meaning)和语用意义(pragmatic meaning)。 2. 语言意义是研究词的静态意义(static meaning); .. *Linguistic meaning deals with the literal meaning of words and the way they are combined. 语用意义是研究词的动态意义(dynamic meaning)。 .. *Pragmatic meaning deals with all the ways in which literal meaning must be refined, enriched or extended to arrive at an understanding of what a speaker meant in uttering a particular expression.

3. 语境是词汇语用意义产生的必要条件。

Context is necessary conditions for pragmatic meaning.

4. *语用意义的特点:原词附属性、主观体验性、词义不确定性、概念临时性、语境共生性。

第六单元 词义的关系

1. 同义关系(synonymy)-- 同义词 synonym 同义词类型:*p92

完全同义词(absolute、exact、perfect synonyms) 部分同义词(near、partial、loose synonyms)

*in the situation, on the occasion, under the circumstance 2. 反义关系(antonymy)-- 反义词 antonym p94 绝对反义词 true antonym 两级反义词 polar antonym

相对反义词 converse antonym

多项不相容词 multiple incompatibility 3. 多义关系(一词多义polysemy现象)p98 A single word with several different meanings.

原始意义与引申意义 普遍意义与特殊意义 抽象意义与具体意义 字面意义与比喻意义

4. 同形异义关系(homonymy)

One of two or more words that are identical in sound or spelling but different in meaning. 同形异义关系指的是两个或两个以上词的形式相同但意义不同的语言现象。 同形(同音)异义词 homonym 同音异形(异义)词 homophone 同形(异音)异义词 homograph 5. 下义关系(hyponymy) 6. 分类关系(taxonomy)

7. 部分整体关系(partonomy)meronymy

第七单元 词义的变化

1. 词义演变的原因

①语言内部(linguistic);②语言外部(extra-linguistic) 2. 词义演变的方式(7种) 注意举例子 ①词义的扩大 generalization of meaning ②词义的缩小 specialization of meaning ③词义的升格 elevation of meaning ④词义的降格 degradation of meaning ⑤委婉语 euphemism

⑥新义的诞生 new meaning of old words ⑦旧义的消亡 loss of old meaning 3. 词义的转移(例子、区分) ①隐喻 metaphor ②借代 metonymy ③提喻 synecdoche

④移位修饰 transferred epithet ⑤通感 synaesthesia ⑥拟声 onomatopoeia

第八单元 英语词汇的来源

1. 谱系分类法genetic classification

汉藏语系(Sino-Tibetan)(Chinese),印欧语系(Indo-European)(English) 闪含语系(Semito-Hamitic),班图语系(Bantu),乌拉尔语系(Uralic),阿尔泰语系(Altaic),马来—波利尼西亚语系(Malayo-Polynesian),印第安语系(Indian)。



