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2020年春人教新目标英语七年级下册Unit1单元 练习试题(无答案)

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第I卷 (选择题 共100分)

一、 听力选择(共20小题,计30分。) Ⅰ.听句子,选答案


1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________ Ⅱ. 听对话,选答案


6. What club does Bob want to join?

A. He wants to join the swimming club. B. He wants to join the sports club. C. He wants to join the soccer club. 7. Can Bill swim?

A. Yes, he can. B. No, he can't. C. We don't know. 8. What can't Tina play?

A. She can't play the violin. B. She can't play the piano . C. She can't play any instrument. 9. What can the girl do?

A. She can dance. B. She can play the guitar .C. She can play chess. 10. What does the boy like?

A. He likes drawing. B. He likes singing. C. He likes dancing. Ⅲ.听对话或独白,回答问题

请听下面两段对话和一段独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听一段对话,回答第11至12小题。 11. Can the boy swim?

A. Yes, he can. B. No, he can't. C. We don't know. 12. What club can the boy join?

A. The soccer club. B. The basketball club. C. The volleyball club. 听一段对话,回答第13至15小题。 13. What can Dave do?

A. Draw pictures. B. Play ping-pong. C. Play chess. 14. What sport does Dave like?

A. Basketball. B. Ping-pong C. Swimming. 15. What club does Jenny want to join?

A. An art club. B. A music club. C. A sports club. 听一段独白,回答第16至20小题。

16.There are(有)________ people in Bill's family.

A. three B. four C. five 17. Bill's father can ________.

A. play soccer B. play chess C. swim 18. Bill's mother likes ________.

A. swimming B. singing C. playing chess 19. What does Bill's sister want to learn?

A. She wants to learn to sing. B. She wants to learn to play chess. C. She wants to learn to swim. 20. What club does Bill want to join?

A. The chess club. B. The music club. C. The sports club. 二、选择填空(共15小题,计15分)

从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 21.— Can you play table tennis?

— No, I like music. I can play piano very well.

A. /; the B. the; the C. the; / D. /;/ 22.—Is Ms Liu good drawing?

—Yes, she is, but she isn’t good the children. A. at; for

B. for; with C. at; with

D. with; for

23. Miss Zhang is _______ teacher. She teaches English. She is very strict. A. our;us B. we;us C. our;our D. ours ;us 24.He can Chinese and he is good at stories. A. talk; speaking B. tell; saying C. speak; telling D. say; talking 25.—Can Lucy ?

—Yes, he loves the song of Lion King.

A. dance B. draw C. swim D. sing 26.—Can your brother play chess? —Yes, he . And he plays it well.

A. the; does B ./;is C. /;can D. a; does 27.—I don’t know how to do Chinese kungfu. —Let me ______ you.

A. think B. watch C. show D. thank

28. Lisa can sing and dance, so she can join the ______ club. A. English B. chess C. swimming D. music 29. —Can you dance or paint? —______.

A. Yes, I can dance. B. No, I can’t paint. C. I can paint D. I can’t dance. 30. My brother doesn’t like music _______ art.

A. and B. but C. or D. so

31. Lisa, I need you ________ the classroom. Will you help me?

A. clean B. to clean C. cleans D. cleaned 32. He is always _______ children. He often helps them _________ their English. A. good at;to B. good for;for C. good in;at D. good with;with 33. — We want to go swimming. Would you like to us? —Sure, I’d love to. Let’s go. A. join

B. join in C. take part D. take part in

D. well; good

34.Beckham (贝克汉姆)is a very ________ player and he plays soccer very ________. A. good; good B. good; well C. well; well 35. —Lucy, ?

—She wants to join the art club. A. does your sister want to join the art club B. can your sister draw well C. what can your sister do

D. what club does your sister want to join 三、完形填空(共10小题,计10分)


In our country, our parents are 36 and they can’t often be with us. 37 school, we often go to kids’ clubs to play and learn.

38 the clubs, we have many good teachers. They know 39 to work with kids. And the clubs have many volunteers(志愿者). They like kids 40 they are good with kids. They often come to the clubs to help us with our 41 and play with us. In the clubs, we can 42 many games about sports, art, science and some 43 things. We can really learn 44 in the clubs.

What 45 clubs in your country? Let me know. 36.A.free 38.A.On 39.A.what 40.A.and 42.A.have 44.A.many 45.A.about

B.busy B.When B.With B.when B.or B.take B.few

C.happy C.After C.For C.why C.then C.play

D.angry D.As D.In D.how D.while D.exercise D.make D.another D.a lot D.do


41.A.homework 43.A.the other

B.housework B.other B.does

C.practice C.others C.little C.have





Join us, please!

Sunday Sports Club FOR YOUNG PEOPLE FROM 11 TO 16 YEARS OLD No. 15 Beijing Street 13367837988 July 10—20(basketball); July 21—30(soccer); August 1—10(baseball) 260 yuan for each sport Sunshine Club FOR YOUNG PEOPLE FROM 12 TO 18 YEARS OLD 6:30 a.m.—9:30 p.m., every weekend No. 28, London Street 87539682 or 87539683 Just 5 yuan once(一次) Games, music, dance and more 46. Where is the Sunday Sports Club?

A. On No. 28, London Street. B. On No. 28, Beijing Street. C. On No. 15, Beijing Street. D. On No. 15, London Street. 47. Mr. Black’s son wants to learn soccer and baseball. He needs .

A.260 yuan B.320 yuan C.410 yuan D.520 yuan 48. Who can join the Sunday Sports Club?

A. A 10-year-old child. B. A 14-year-old boy. C. A 19-year-old student. D. A 30-year-old man. 49. When can’t we go to the Sunshine Club?

A. At 7:00 p.m. on Saturday. B. At 10:00 a.m. on Sunday. C. At 10:00 p.m. on Sunday. D. At 1:00 p.m. on Saturday. 50. Where may we read this table?

A. On a noticeboard(布告栏). B. In a history book. C. On a school ID card. D. In a science newspaper.


In Germany, 70% of people like reading. They often read. They read in their homes. They It is easy to buy books in Germany. There are many bookshops in Germany. They are in big cities and small towns. A bookshop can sell many books every day.Germans also like to buy books

read in libraries.They read in parks. They even read in hospitals.Parents often read books for kids. on the Internet. More and more people buy books on the Internet.

In Germany, people often have reading parties. They are happy at the parties. 51.If there are 10 Germans, like reading. A. six A.医生

B. five C. seven

B.孩子 C.护士

B. At parties. D. Both A and C.

D. eight

52.The underlined word “kids” means in Chinese.


53. Where can Germans buy books? A. In bookshops. C. On the Internet.

54.What kind of parties do Germans have according to the passage? A. Birthday parties. B. New Year parties. C. Christmas parties. D. Reading parties. 55.What is the best title(标题) of the passage? A. Germans like reading books B. Germans like buying books C. Germans like watching TV D. Germans like surfing the Internet


Are you good with children? Do you like children? Do you have time in the afternoon? We need a babysitter for our son. He’s five years old.The working time is from Monday to Friday, 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The pay(薪水)is $5 an hour.

We need help with: Looking after our son, reading to him, playing with him. You must work at our house. We live in Fourth Road, near Huaxing Clothes Store. Please call Mr. Wang at 010-58899333.

56. The underlined word “babysitter”in paragraph 1 means ________.

A.婴儿 B.售货员 C.临时保姆 D. 前台服务员 57. The babysitter must work ___________.

A. at the babysitter’s house B. at Miss Wang’s school C. at Huaxing Clothes Store D. at Miss Wang’s house 58. Which is NOT the work that the babysitter needs to do? A. Cooking for the Child. B. Playing with the child. C. Reading books to the child. D. Looking after the child. 59. How much can the babysitter get in a week?

A.$15 B.$60 C.$75 D.$105 60. From the ad (广告), who can get the job?

A. Lily likes children, but she has no time in the afternoon.

B. Kate likes children, but she doesn’t know how to play with them. C. Lucy is good with children, and she is free in the afternoon. D. Betty is good at cooking, but she can’t read or write.


2020年春人教新目标英语七年级下册Unit1单元 练习试题(无答案)


