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1. I don’t think it is _____ useless competition, because it has offered us ____valuable experience for the next competition.

A. the; a B. an; / C. a; an 2. If you _______ the book, you _______ buy it right now, I think.

A. needn’t; needn’t B. don’t need; don’t need C. don’t need; needn’t D. don’t need; needn’t to 3. How ________ the wind ________! I’m afraid he won’t arrive on time.

A. terrible; is blowing B. terrible; sounds C. terribly; is sounding 4. Don’t ask him to study too late the night. , he is only a small child. A. Above all B. After all A. makes up 6. ---Ann is in hospital.

---Oh, really? I ________ know. I ________ go and visit her. A.didn’t; would

B. don’t; would C. don’t; will

D. didn’t; will

7. — It’s raining! When did it start?

— I don’t know exactly. In fact, it _________ all this afternoon. A. lasts

B. lasted

C. has lasted

D. will last

8. —Tommy, _________ do you play the piano?

—When my mom is at home, I have to every day, but she’s away this week! A. how about

B. how long

C. how much

D. how often

9. I gave the tickets to all the students _________the ones who had already taken them. A. beyond B. except C. with D. among 10. -What a terrible earthquake!

- Yes. It came at about 6.30 this morning. I ________ to the bus stop at that time. A. walk B. was walking C. walked D. am walking 11.-Will you join us to play basketball on Saturday afternoon ? -___________,but I promised to go swimming with Amy.

A. Never mind B. Many thanks C. Take it easy D. My pleasure 12. -Do you know about 4-G mobile phones? - Yes. It’s said that they ________ at present.

A. sell well B. are sold well C. sell good D. are sold good 13. -Good news! I hear that we will go on a school trip out of our city. - Really? We wonder if not in Nanjing, _____________.

A. where we can go B. when we can go C. when can we go D. where can we go 14. Jim did what he could the poor children.

A. to care for B. care about C. to care about D. care for 15. You look so tired. You’d better some music?

A. to stop to listen to B. to stop listening to C. stop to listen to D. stop listening to 16. I couldn't get through because your car was _______. A. on my way B. in my way A. prevented B. cured

C. in some ways D. by the way

D. treated

17. When I left the hospital, I was completely _________.

C. protected

C. In all

D. First of all

5. Jack is dishonest. He always some excuses for doing something wrong.

B. sets up

C. takes up D. picks up

D. terribly; blows

D. a; /

18. Through the reform, the economic situation of China ______ to be much better than it used to be. A. turned into B. turned off

C. turned to

D. turned out

19. —Mr. Smith, please teach me how to draw on the computer today. —Oh, no. __________. You have to practice using the keyboard first. A. It’s never too old to learn C. Learn to walk before you run — _______.

A. Not until next Tuesday 二、单词拼写

1. The beauty of Taizhou is so amazing that words cannot ____________(描述) it.

2.The Spring Festival usually comes in ________(一月)or February, people in China get together to celebrate it.

3. ---Next month I’ll take a ___________(直接的) flight to Guilin. ---Really? Have a pleasant trip! 4.In order to protect our national ____________(产品), the Chinese government has taken action to control overseas purchasing(海外代购).

5. The (花费) of the trip to Shanghai Disneyland Park is about 800 yuan per person. 6. The father took a pair of ____________(剪刀) and cut her hair. 7. You’ll find differences between two ___________(文化).

8. I saw the White House where the (总统) of the USA lives.

9.Watching English movies has become one of the (活动) we enjoy most in our English classes. 10. The __________ (架子) in the library are full of different kinds of books. 11. The Smiths will travel __________ (在国外) to spend their summer holiday. 12. Two big hamburgers were ___________ (吃) within two minutes by Eddie. 13. When I arrived, I found her in a ____________(谈话) with Mr. Li. 三、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空

1.It’s _________ possible that robot teachers will be popular in schools some day.(true) 2.This is one of the most famous ________ names. It is often seen in newspapers. (hero) 3.My English teacher is ___________ (strict) teacher I have ever met, but I like her a lot. 4. Since you ____________ (graduate), you shouldn’t depend on your parents any more. 5.---When will we go to watch the film Captain America: Civil War《美国队长3》? ---Not until the work ___________(finish) tomorrow.

6. Mary’s mother looks even _________ (slim) than before. She is on a diet.(节食)

7. (hope), all the places of interest in Nanjing will be open to local people for free in the near future.

8. Look! The young guide is collecting all the (visit) ID cards to buy them high-speed rail tickets.

9. Many children like to wear trainers. They can walk everywhere ___________ (comfort). 10. How (sad) she was telling me that he lost another bike! 11. Many doctors on the flying hospital fly to poor areas ____________(treat) people with eye problems. 12. Few students turn off the tap when _____ ______(brush) teeth. B. After a week C. Till next Tuesday

D. For a few days

B. Think twice before you do

D. Many hands make light work

20.—When will the boss come back from Italy?


Every Friday afternoon, Anni, a primany school teacher, asks her students to write down who they’d like to 1 the following week. She also asks the students to recommend one student who has been an 2 student that week. The result is kept secret and nobody 3 her knows it. And every Friday afternoon, 4 the students go home, Anni takes out those pieces of paper and studies the names. Who is not getting required by anyone else? Who never gets 5 enough to be recommended? Who had a lot of friends last week but 6 this week? You see, Anni is not looking for a new seating form or “excellent students.” In fact, she is looking for 7 children unnoticed by their classmates. Anni’s special method is like taking an X-ray of a classroom to see into the hearts of students. It is also like looking for gold --- those little 8 who need a little help. And it did work because such kids are often too 9 to share their loneliness. But as she said --- the 10 comes out on those little pieces of paper. After she watched the documentary about teenagers’ violence(暴力), this 11 woman knew that All Violence Begins With Loneliness. She found that the children unnoticed will try to be noticed in any way 12 . And so she 13 to start fighting violence early. When she sits in her 14 classroom and studies those names, 15 Anni is doing --- is SAVING LIVES. ( ) 1.A. play ( ) 2.A.honest ( ) 3.A.except ( ) 4.A.until ( ) 5.A.seen ( ) 6.A.many ( ) 7.A.popular ( ) 8.A.student ( ) 9.A.shy ( ) 10.A.opinion ( ) 11.A.brave ( ) 12.A. in the end ( ) 13.A.agreed ( ) 14.A.clean ( ) 15.A.what

B.play with B.excellent B.beside B.before B.noticed B.much B.lonely B.child B.patient B.truth B.honest B. to the end B.remembered B.noisy B. when

C.sit C.important C.besides C.when C.watched C.none C.alone C.one C.nervous C.idea C.friendly C.by the end C. decided C.empty C. how

D.sit with D.ideal D.including D.after D.looked D.some D.good D.ones D.proud D.way D.wise D.at the end D.began D.bright D. why



