Introduction of electrical equipments
of MSW power plant
主要电气设备 Main electrical equipments
In order to satisfy the equipment’s requirement to power and the safety and stability running of the electric energy system and the economic benefit, the priority mission of the electrical system is, start and stop the unit, adjust the load, switch between equipment and line, constant survey major equipment, quickly react to failure or unusual situation, etc. The above missions are completed by operation of major electrical equipment. The main electrical equipment in this plant as follow:
1.1.1 汽轮发电机
Generator is one kind of rotate electrical equipment which follows the rule of electromagnetic induction, transferring mechanic energy into electric energy. t directly couples to the turbine and rotates. The direction of generator rotating is clockwise seen from the turbine end.
型号 QFW-7-2 6600V 额定功率 7000 kW 功率因数 power factor model rated power 额定定子电流power factor(COSφ) 额定定子电压 6600V 额定转速 3000 r/min rated stator current 相数 765A rated stator voltage rated rotation speed 定子接法 3 极数 2 number of phase
stator connection type Y number of polar 柴油发电机
It is usually in backup status. When the plant is under emergency shutdown, the auto control system will isolate the plant supply busbar and the security section, at the same time sends out
signal to command the diesel generator to start, adjust speed, boost up pressure, shut valve and series of action, and supply power to security section, keep basic equipment running in10 to15 second, guaranteeing the safety shutdown of boiler and turbine and other auxiliary equipments.
Motor is a kind of rotating electric equipment which follows the rules of electromagnetic induction. It transfers electric energy to mechanical energy, driving fans, pumps, compressors and other machines in the plant. According to the technical requirement, primary fan, secondary fan, induced draft fan, water feed pump and condensing water pump adopt frequency control, their motors adopt converter motors in correspondence.
高压电动机 High voltage motor 低压电动机Low voltage motor
主变压器 Main transformer
Transformer is a static appliance. It follows the rules of electromagnetic induction, makes one kind of AC power into another kind with same frequency but different voltage and current.
油浸式主变压器Oil-immersed main transformer
厂用变压器 Plant transformer
Transformer factory is specialized for power plant their power supply.