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_商务英语 专业 06商务英语 班级 商务基础英语 学科 题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 得分 试卷A


PartⅠ Vocabulary & Grammar

Directions: In this section, there are 20 sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. (20%)

1. Mrs. Green _______ in her leather handbag till she collected exactly the

correct change for admission. A. felt

B. searched C. found D. rummaged

2. I’m not interested in any football team at all. Whether your favori

te football

team will win is a matter of _______ to me.

A. indifference B. discrimination C. deviation D. interests

3. _______ for the timely investment from the general public, our company

would not be so thriving as it is.

A. Had it not been B. Were it not C. Be it not D. Should it not be

4. Very few experts could completely come _______ new solutions to the world’s economic problems. A. to

B. up with C. round D. through

5. _______ dog was the first animal to be domesticated is generally agr

eed upon by authorities n the field.

A. Until the B. That the C. The D. It was the 6. If negotiations for the new trade agreements take _______, critical food

shortage will develop in several countries.

A. too much longer B. the longer C. much too long D. the longes


7. You can take ______ seat you like.

A. no matter what B. no matter which

C. what D. whi


8. At the South Pole _______, the coldest and most desolate region on Earth.

A. Antarctica lies where B. where Antarctica lies

C. lies Antarctica

D. Antarctica lies and 9. But in the present organization of the Olympics there is far too much ______encourages aggressive patriotism. A. which B. that

C. this

D. what

10. A foreman’s job is to _______ the men while they work, to see that


do the job properly and don’t waste time.

A. control B. urge C. guard D. supervise

11. It has been estimated that only 21 percent of the world’s land surface _____ cultivatable and that only 7.6 percent is actually under cultivation.

A. are B. have been C. has been D. is

12. Only then _______ aware of the fact that there were more difficulti

es ahead than he had expected.

A. he became B. did he became C. did he become D. he becomes

13. It is a tradition on Wall Street to _______ periods of sustained economic

loss and recession as “bear” markets.

A. make out B. look out C. go over D. refer to 14. Getting to know potential romantic partners requires the awkward and time-consuming process called dating. At this stage, relationships are new, unstable, and often _______.

A. striking B. chaotic C. strategic D. smart 15. If Bernard wants to call me or _______, I’ll be here all day.

A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

16. An old woman was badly hurt in _______ the police describe as an

apparently motiveless attack.

A. that B. what C. whatever

D. which

17. Pollution is caused either by the release of completely new and oft

en ______substances into the environment, or by releasing greatly increased amounts of natural substances. A. artificial B. false

C. unnatural D. unreal

18. The senior librarian at the circulation desk promised to get the bo

ok for me _______ she could remember who last borrowed it. A. ever since B. much as

C. if only

D. ev

en though

19. We are all astonished to learn that the apparently _______ professor was really a spy.

A. respectful B. respective C. respectable



20. This article _______ more attention to the problem of cultural

interference in foreign language teaching.

A. cares for B. applies for

C. allows for




Part II Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are 3 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each of them, there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. (30%)

Passage One

Psychiatrists who work with older parents say that maturity can be an asset in child rearing - older parents are more thoughtful, use less physical discipline and spend more time with their children. But raising kids takes money and energy. Many older parents find themselves balancing their limited financial resources, declining energy and failing health against the growing demands of an active child. Dying and leaving young children is probably the older parents' biggest, and often unspoken, fear. Having late-life children, says an economics professor, often means parents, particularly fathers, \becomes an unobtainable dream.

Henry Metcalf, a 54-year-old journalist, knows it takes money to raise kids. But he's also worried that his energy will give out first. Sure, he can still ride bikes with his athletic fifth grader, but he's learned that young at heart doesn't mean young. Lately he's been taking afternoon naps to keep up his energy. \body is aging,\says Metcalf. \can't get away from that.\

Often, older parents hear the ticking of another kind of biological clock. Therapists who work with middle-aged and older parents say fears about aging are nothing to laugh at. \grandparents, or that they'll need help getting up out of those little chairs in nursery school,\

core of those little fears there is often a much bigger one: \they won't be alive long enough to support and protect their child,\

Many late-life parents, though, say their children came at just the right time. After marrying late and undergoing years of fertility (受孕) treatment, Marilyn Nolen and her husband. Randy, had twins. \both wanted children,\says Marilyn, who was 55 when she gave birth. The twins have given the couple what they desired for years, \

Kids of older dads are often smarter, happier and more sociable because their fathers are more involved in their lives. 'The dads are older, more mature,\

1. Why do psychiatrists regard maturity as an asset in child rearing? A) Older parents can better balance their resources against children's demands.

B) Older parents are usually more experienced in bringing up their children.

C) Older parents are often better prepared financially. D) Older parents can take better care of their children. 2. What does the author mean by saying \an unobtainable dream\

A) They have to go on working beyond their retirement age. B) They can't get full pension unless they work some extra years. C) They can't obtain the retirement benefits they have dreamed of. D) They are reluctant to retire when they reach their retirement age. 3. The author gives the example of Henry Metcalf to show that ____. A) many people are young in spirit despite their advanced age B) taking afternoon naps is a good way to maintain energy C) older parents tend to be concerned about their aging bodies D) older parents should exercise more to keep up with their athletic children

4. What's the biggest fear of older parents according to New York psychologist Joan Galst?

A) Being laughed at by other people.

B) Slowing down of their

pace of life.

C) Being mistaken for grandparents.

D) Approaching of death.

5. What do we learn about Marilyn and Randy Nolen?

A) They thought they were an example of successful fertility treatment.

B) Not until they had the twins did they feel they had formed a family. C) They believed that children born of older parents would be smarter. D) Not until they reached middle age did they think of having children.

Passage Two

Speeding off in a stolen car, the thief thinks he has got a great catch. But he is in for an unwelcome surprise. The car is fitted with a remote immobiliser (锁止器), and a radio signal from a control centre miles away will ensure that once the thief switches the engine off, he will not be able to start it again.

The idea goes like this. A control box fitted to the car contains a mini-cellphone, a micro- processor and memory, and a GPS (全球定位系统) satellite positioning receiver. If the car is stolen, a coded cellphone signal will tell the control centre to block the vehicle's engine management system and prevent the engine being restarted.

In the UK, a set of technical fixes is already making life harder for car thieves. 'The pattern of vehicle crime has changed,' says Martyn Randall, a security expert. He says it would only take him a few minutes to teach a person how to steal a car, using a bare minimum of tools. But only if the car is more than 10 years old.

Modern cars are far tougher to steal, as their engine management computer won't allow them to start unless they receive a unique ID code beamed out by the ignition (点火) key. In the UK, technologies like this have helped achieve a 31% drop in vehicle-related crime since 1997.

But determined criminals are still managing to find other ways to steal cars, often by getting bold of the owner's keys. And key theft is responsible for 40% of the thefts of vehicles fitted with a tracking system.

If the car travels 100 metres without the driver confirming their ID, the system will send a signal to an operations centre that it has been stolen. The hundred metres minimum avoids false alarms due to inaccuracies in the GPS signal.

Staff at the centre will then contact the owner to confirm that the car really is missing, and keep police informed of the vehicle's movements via the car's GPS unit.

6. What's the function of the remote immobilizer fitted to a car? A) To allow the car to lock automatically when stolen. B) To prevent the car thief from restarting it once it stops. C) To help the police make a surprise attack on the car thief. D) To prevent car theft by sending a radio signal to the car owner. 7. By saying 'The pattern of vehicle crime has changed' (Lines 1-2. Para. 3). Martyn Randall suggests that ____.

A) self-prepared tools are no longer enough for car theft B) the thief has to make use of computer technology

C) it takes a longer time for the car thief to do the stealing

D) the thief has lost interest in stealing cars over 10 years old 8. What is essential in making a modem car tougher to steal? A) A GPS satellite positioning receiver. B) A unique ID card. C) A special cellphone signal.

D) A coded ignition


9. Why does the tracking system set a 100-metre minimum before sending an alarm to the operations centre?

A) To give the driver time to contact the operations centre. B) To allow for possible errors in the GPS system. C) To keep police informed of the car's movements.

D) To leave time for the operations centre to give an alarm. 10. What will the operations centre do first after receiving an alarm? A) Start the tracking system. B) Locate the missing car. C) Contact the car owner. D) Block the car engine. Passage Three

Interest in pursuing international careers has soared in recent years, enhanced by chronic (长久的 ) personnel shortages that are causing companies to search beyond their home borders for talent.

Professionals seek career experience outside of their home countries for a variety of reasons. They may feel the need to recharge their batteries with a new challenge. They may want a position with more responsibility that encourages creativity and initiative. Or they may wish to expose their children to another culture, and the opportunity to learn a second language.



