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MR STAR: What did you do yesterday afternoon at the After school club, kids?
SIMON: Well, first we helped Mr Burke. Alex and I cleaned the chairs and then we carried them into the hall.
MR STAR: And what did you do, Stella?
STELLA: I played chess with Meera and then we all started to think about our school show.
SIMON: Yes, Mr Burke wanted us to do a musical. We had to sing. And we danced!
MRS STAR: Did you dance, Simon?
SIMON: Well, I didn't dance, but I hopped, skipped and jumped to the music ... and Meera and Stella laughed a lot.
STELLA: Well, Simon, you were funny. Mr Burke watched us dancing and listened to us singing, but then he stopped us!
MR STAR: So what now?
STELLA: Mr Burke doesn't want us to do a musical this year.
SIMON: It's great! I don't have to sing and dance!
Unit 4
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NARRATOR: It's Saturday morning and the children are going to Alex's new flat.
LENNY: Which floor does Alex live on?
STELLA: I think he lives on the fifteenth floor.
SIMON: Wow, the fifteenth floor. That's exciting!
MEERA: Yeah, he says he can see the city from his bedroom window. Oh, no! The lift isn't working!
LENNY: That's OK. There are some stairs. We can walk up.
STELLA: Lenny, we have to walk up to the fifteenth floor!
SIMON: That's no problem. Lenny and I love climbing. Come on, Lenny. Let's see who gets there first!
LENNY: Yeah!
STELLA: First floor, second floor, third floor, fourth floor, fifth floor ... I'm so tired!
ALEX: Hello. What's the matter?
EVERYONE ELSE: The lift isn't working.
ALEX: But it's only the fifth floor!
LENNY: Yeah, but we went up to the fifteenth floor because Stella thinks you lived there!
ALEX: Well, it's good you didn't want to see my uncle. He lives on the twentieth floor!
Unit 5 p46 8
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ALEX: Hi, Simon. Did you finish your homework yesterday?
SIMON: Yeah, I wrote about Shackleton. Who did you write about?
ALEX: Jacques Cousteau. He was a French explorer. Shackleton's adventures were more difficult than Cousteau's, but I think Cousteau is more famous.
SIMON: Really. What did he do?
ALEX: He sailed in his ship, the Calypso, and explored sea life.
SIMON: But Shackleton's life was more exciting. Why was Cousteau famous?
ALEX: Because he helped us to understand our world. He made 120 TV programmes and films and he was one of the first people to tell us to be more careful with the sea.
SIMON: Yeah, that's true. We have to look after our world.
STELLA: Huh, our homework was more boring than theirs.
LENNY: Yes, but ours was easier than theirs, so I had time to watch TV after I finished mine.
Unit 6 Page 52 2.
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GRANDMA: We want to buy a computer so we can use the Internet.I'd like to email my old friend in Australia.
SUZY: Do you know how to use a computer, Grandma?
GRANDMA: No, not really. Can you show us, please?
STELLA: Yeah, first you have to turn the computer on. Push this button here. Then you have to turn on the screen. That's this button here. Now you hold the mouse in your hand and ...
GRANDMA: What mouse?
SUZY: This here, Grandma. It's called a mouse because it's got a long tail. Look.
GRANDMA: Oh, I see.
STELLA: Then you click on this program, and you can write your email.
SIMON: OK. What do you want to do, Grandpa?
GRANDPA: I want to go on the Internet. I want to buy a DVD or a video about fishing.
SIMON: You don't want a video, Grandpa. A DVD's better because you can watch it on your new computer. Now, you need an MP3 player, Grandpa.
GRANDPA: No, Simon. Now I need a cup of tea.
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GRANDPA: Oh, I'm tired today. We went shopping yesterday.
SIMON: Oh, really? What did you buy?
GRANDPA: We bought a computer.
SIMON: How exciting, Grandpa! Which computer did you get?
GRANDMA: We got a really good one. It's a KBX4.
SIMON: Why did you choose that one?
GRANDPA: Well, we chose it because your grandma read about it and the man in the shop said it was a good one.
GRANDMA: Yes, he thought it was better than the others.
SIMON: Did you bring it home with you?
GRANDMA: Oooh, no. The nice man from the shop brought the computer home later.
GRANDPA: Yes, he took it out of the box, put it on the table and said goodbye.
GRANDMA: Yes, he thought that we knew something about computers, but we don't. We don't know how to turn it on!
Unit 7 Page 62 2.
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MR BURKE: Welcome to the Kid's Box Quiz. Let's hear it for these two clever kids in today's big final: Lenny and Stella.
LENNY AND STELLA: Hello, Mr Burke.
MR BURKE: Look at the animals on the wall behind me. Lenny, which do you think is the most exciting?
LENNY: Er, I think the most exciting animal is the tiger.
MR BURKE: Great. Now tell us about tigers. You get five points for each fact.
LENNY: Well, the Siberian tiger's the biggest and the strongest animal in the cat family. It's not the quickest cat, but it can run at 55 km an hour. The heaviest Siberian tiger weighed 465 kilograms.
MR BURKE: Very good. That's 15 points. Now, Stella, which animal do you think is the most beautiful, and what can you tell us about it?
STELLA: I think the most beautiful animal is the dolphin. It's one of the cleverest animals and I also think dolphins are the best parents - they look after their young for more than three years ... Erm ... oh, yes, and do you know that dolphins can't drink sea water? They have to get water from their food.
MR BURKE: Very good, Stella. That gives you 15 points. Now, put your hands on the buttons. The quickest person to press the button and answer the question correctly gets five points. Which animal is the loudest in the world?