【期刊名称】《安徽农业科学》 【年(卷),期】2012(040)001
【摘要】This article describes practical skills of how to make multi-colored wind rose diagram using Excel radar chart software, and compares the products, it indicates that the use of the skills for making the wind rose products are better than products that don't use. Practical skills are concluded that; ① Realize more color wind rose diagram principle: Excel chart function is support for more series data graphics drawing in a picture, using radar chart, to realize multiple wind, and wind speed, static wind profile line and coloring. ② Through splitting wind data source, to realize 16 independent color wind graphics area establishment automatically, and can adjust and fill graphics regional color and boundary color separately. ③ Through increasing data sources, to increase static wind frequency and wind speed profile line as well as features coordinates profile line graphics in the same chart. ④ If a data graphics is covered, you can change the order of data series in the property or the data location in the table. ⑤Make classical wind rose diagram, data modifications should be assigned zero, then change into negative static wind frequency value, and set coordinate minimum as the negative value of static wind frequency.%介绍了如何利用Excel软