Part I: Vocabulary and Structure
Section A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.
1. Almost every United States citizen is the descendant of a(n) three generations.
immigrantby fewer than Correct answer
Your answer
immigrant immigrant
2. With a(n) shrugof her shoulders, Nancy showed that she wasn't concerned with their problems.
Your answer Correct answer
shrug shrug
3. Televisions nowadays come with
parentalcontrols that help prevent young Your answer
Correct answer
children from watching certain programmes.
parental parental
4. I don't know about you, but I would never
want to
encountera grizzly bear in the woods.
Correct answer
Your answer
encounter encounter
5. Ever since the restaurant reopened under new
management, I've found that their food just Correct answer
isn't as good.
Your answer
management management
6. I hope you'll be agreeableto the changes I suggested in your contract.
Your answer Correct answer
agreeable agreeable
7. Tim and Josh were in a big argument this morning but, in the end, I know that cooler heads will
prevailand they will get over it.
Correct answer
Your answer
prevail prevail
8. Instead of presents for his birthday, Tom asked people to make a(n) favourite charity.
donationto his