【期刊名称】《实用放射学杂志》 【年(卷),期】2011(027)008
【摘要】目的 探讨多排螺旋CT多平面重建对足踝隐匿性骨折的诊断价值.方法 回顾性分析50例X线平片漏诊,而后经多排螺旋CT薄层扫描并多平面重建的足踝隐匿性骨折患者资料.结果 CT扫描显示本组50例骨折部位包括外踝15例,距骨7例,跟骨6例,骰状骨4例,舟骨5例,跖骨4例,内踝6例,第一楔骨2例及趾骨1例.多排螺旋CT多平面重建能准确显示足踝部骨折碎块大小、骨折线方向、移位程度及关节受累范围.结论 多排螺旋CT多平面重建能对足踝隐匿性骨折作出准确诊断,并对治疗方案的选择及预后的评估有重要价值.%Ob.jective To discuss the diagnostic value of multislice spiral CT multiplanar reconstruction( MPR) for the occult fracture of the foot and ankle joint. Methods 50 patients with occult fracture of the feet and ankle joints were examined by X-ray and multislice spiral CT . All cases were missed by X-ray. Results CT images were reconstructed with MPR, which demonstrated the fractures located in the external malleolus( n=15 ) , talus( n= 7) , calcaneus( n= 6) , cuboid bone( n=4) , navicular bone( n= 5) , metatarsal bone ( n= 4) , internal malleolus( n= 6 ) , medial cunciform bone( n= 2) and phalanx( n= I ) . CT MPR could accurately visualized the involved extent of fractures of the feet and ankle joints and the size or displacemEnt degrce of bone fragments . Conclusion
MSCT MPR can be used to diagnose definitely occult fractures of the foot and ankle joint, and it play an important role in guiding therapeutic project and evaluating prognosis of the fracture. 【总页数】3页(1236-1238)
【关键词】足;踝关节;隐匿性骨折;体层摄影术,X线计算机 【作者】肖树恺;吴春慧;朱宇辉
【作者单位】深圳市龙岗区人民医院影像科,广东,深圳,518172;深圳市龙岗区人民医院影像科,广东,深圳,518172;深圳市龙岗区人民医院影像科,广东,深圳,518172 【正文语种】中文
【中图分类】R683.42;R814.42 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_journal-practical-radiology_thesis/0201239688272.html 【相关文献】
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