1、–__________ father took part in the charity activity in the neighbourhood yesterday? – Peter's. 答案:Whose
2、 I heard that you really had a wonderful time at John's birthday party, _____?
答案:didn't you
3、__________ important it is for kids to imagine freely!
4、— Sorry, I made a mistake again.
—_________ Practise more and you’ll succeed. 答案:Never mind. 5、—________________ —She gave two weeks.
答案:How much time did she give?
6、—Could I help you with your heavy box? You are so tired — _____________ I can manage it.
答案:No. thanks.
7、—How did you find your visit to Qingdao, Joanna? —_____________
答案:Oh, wonderful indeed.
8、—I'm more than happy to go out this weekend.
—_________________ We've got so much work to do at that time. 答案:Forget it.
9、He gave up his study in college in _______.
10、I took it for _______ that you wouldn't come here again.
11、If you need further information, please _______ our office.
12、It's ___________ to point to or talk about strangers in public.
答案:not polite
13、The _______ was only sentenced to pay a fine of $10,000.
14、The light is too _______ for me to read. I can not stand any more.
15、Under no circumstance _____ to tell lies to parents.
答案:are children allowed
二、翻译。为下面的句子选择正确的翻译(每题 10 分)。 操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。
1. Though they have a lot of applicants, they can't find the people they want.
A.虽然有很多应用,他们还是找不到他们想要的人。 B.虽然有很多应聘者,但是他们却找不到合适的人。 C.虽然有很多程序,但是他们却找不到合适的程序员。 2. Practising more is the key to leaning a language.
A. 学习语言的关键是要多练习。 B. 勤于练习就是学习英语的钥匙。 C. 多做运动对于语言学习来说有好处。
3. Some are still nervous about losing their jobs despite the low wages.
A. 尽管工资不高,但还是有很多人担心失去这份工作。 B. 因为工资低,很多人打算去辞职。
C. 尽管福利不好,但还是有很多人担心失去这份工作。 4. The teacher pointed out the grammar mistakes in the writing.
A. 老师指出了书法里的语法错误。 B. 老师指出了作文里的拼写错误。 C. 老师指出了作文里的语法错误。
5. How will the evaluation of these investments be carried out?
A. 如何进行这些项目的投资? B. 如何对这些投资进行评估呢? C. 如何对这些项目进行评价?
二、听力理解。听对话录音,根据对话内容判断正误(每题 10 分)。