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五四-英语-学考传奇-试卷+答案 五四题型六 五四真题剖析

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Some bad habits are making you grow older fast. Cut down the following habits today for a more beautiful, healthier tomorrow.

◆Waiting for your sadness to go away

Sadness isn't just uncomfortable; it also makes you become older fast. Take your mental(精神的) health as seriously as your physical health. If you've been fighting with your sadness for more than two weeks, be sure to find professional help. Paying to attention to your sadness or just waiting without doing anything can do harm to your mental health and make you older.

◆Having a cigarette or two on weekends

If you smoke only when you are with your friends on weekends, can you keep away from the harmful effects of smoking? The answer is “No”. Smoking can break down your skin's elasticity(弹性). Your smoking habit may even make your hair become gray. Changing your smoking habit is changing your life.

◆Having a long todo list day after day

It's natural to have a todo list in our “go, go, go” daily life. But if you're always running from one thing to the next, and caught in too much business, you are turning older fast, because your too long todo list makes you tired and under lots of stress. Stress can cause heart disease, high blood pressure and other physical diseases. It can also cause mental health problems or make the problems worse and worse.



____________________________________________________________________ 2.If you can't get out of your sadness, what should you do?

____________________________________________________________________ 3.What are the harmful effects of smoking?

____________________________________________________________________ 4.List two kinds of physical diseases that can be caused by stress.

____________________________________________________________________ 5.What's the author's purpose in writing the passage?





Notes: draw 抽奖;entry form 报名表; receipt 收据; claim 认领 1.When is the last day to enter the “Lemonade Lucky Draw”?



2.Where will the draw for the car take place?

____________________________________________________________________ 3.Which one is more possible to win, a free trip to Bangkok or a brand new car? ____________________________________________________________________ 4.If you want to enter the Lucky Draw, what should you email to whluckydraw@qq.com?

____________________________________________________________________ 5.How will the Lemonade Tshirts be dealt with if they aren't claimed by 30 July? ____________________________________________________________________




Most of you will enter high school this autumn. By that time, you'll find yourself immersed in(沉浸于) traditional Chinese culture. 83 The traditional Chinese culture can help students build cultural confidence. Nowadays, the education focuses more on the traditional Chinese culture.

At public schools, the students are called for to recite(背诵) 72 ancient poems or articles. Besides Chinese language, other subjects such as fine arts, music and physical education will also focus more on traditional Chinese culture. For example, fine arts will include new lessons on Chinese calligraphy(书法) and painting.

China has also seen a growing interest in traditional culture in the private(私立的) education area. It is reported that more than 3,000 traditional private schools have been built since 2004. They mainly teach traditional Chinese classics(经典).

五四-英语-学考传奇-试卷+答案 五四题型六 五四真题剖析


