01 ÉíÌ嶯×÷ head
He hung / dropped / lowered / bent / bowed his head in shame. ËûÐßÀ¢µØµÍÏÂÁËÍ·¡£
They nodded their heads in agreement. ËûÃǵãͷͬÒâ¡£
She shook her head in disbelief. Ëý»³ÒɵØÒ¡Ò¡Í·¡£
He scratched his head, not understanding a word. ËûÄÓÁËÄÓÍ·£¬Ò»¸ö×ÖÒ²Ìý²»¶®¡£ scratch [skr?t?] v ×¥£»ÄÓ She buried her head in the pillow. ËýÓÃÕíÍ·ÎæסÄÔ´ü¡£
She rested her head on his shoulder. Ëý½«Í·¿¿ÔÚËûµÄ¼ç°òÉÏ¡£
His head drooped and tears fell into his lap. ËûÞÇÀ×ÅÄÔ´ü£¬ÑÛÀáµÎÂäÔÚ´óÍÈÉÏ¡£ droop [dru:p] vi µÍ´¹£¬´¹Âä
I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. ÎÒÍ·Ò»Åöµ½ÕíÍ·¾Í˯×ÅÁË¡£
He put / held his head in his hands, greatly annoyed. ËûË«ÊÖ±§Í·£¬Ê®·ÖÉúÆø¡£
It never entered my head that he might be lying. ÎÒ´ÓδÏë¹ýËû»áÊÇÔÚÈö»Ñ¡£
I decided to go for a walk to clear my head. ÎÒ¾ö¶¨È¥×ß×ߣ¬ÇåÐÑÒ»ÏÂÍ·ÄÔ¡£
He could feel his head spinning after only one drink. ËûÖ»ºÈÁËÒ»±¾Í¾õµÃÌìÐýµØת¡£ spin [spin] v Ðýת£»Ñ£ÔÎ
He turned and headed for the door. ËûתÉí³¯ÃÅ¿Ú×ßÈ¥¡£
She stood up and headed towards the exit. ËýÆðÉí³¯³ö¿Ú×ßÈ¥¡£ face
A bright smile appeared on / spread across / crossed his face. ËûµÄÁ³É϶³öÁ˲ÓÀõÄЦÈÝ¡£
Her face lit up / brightened / glowed when I gave her the present. ÎÒ¸øËýÀñÎïʱ£¬ËýµÄÁ³ÉÏ»À·¢³öÁ˹â²Ê¡£ His face suddenly grew serious. ËûµÄ±íÇéͻȻÑÏËàÆðÀ´¡£ His face looked a little confused. Ëû¿´ÆðÀ´ÓеãÀ§»ó¡£
Jack¡¯s face flushed / burned with embarrassment. ½Ü¿Ë¾½µÃÂúÁ³Í¨ºì¡£ flush [fl??] v ·¢ºì£»Á³ºì Her face paled with fright. ËýÏŵÃÁ³¶¼°×ÁË¡£
He had a slight frown on his face. ËûµÄÁ³ÉÏÏÔ³öÓеã¶ù³îü²»Õ¹µÄÑù×Ó¡£ frown [fra?n] n Öåü cheek
He rested his cheek on her shoulder. Ëû°ÑÃæ¿¿ÔÚËýµÄ¼çÉÏ¡£
He felt his cheeks burning with shame. ËûÒòΪÐßÀ¢¶ø¸Ðµ½Á³¼Õ·¢ÉÕ¡£ Her cheeks were wet with tears. ËýÀáÁ÷ÂúÃæ¡£
Color rushed / flooded / rose to her cheeks when she realized she was being watched.
Òâʶµ½ÓÐÈËÔÚ¿´Ëý£¬Ëý¶ÙʱÕǺìÁËÁ³¡£ A tear slid down her cheek. Ò»µÎÀá˳×ÅËýµÄÁ³¼Õ»¬ÂäÏÂÀ´¡£
He kissed her on both cheeks and got on the train. ËûÇ×ÁËÇ×ËýµÄÁ³¼Õ£¬È»ºóÉÏÁ˻𳵡£ eye
His eyes were wide with horror. Ëû¾ª¿ÖµØµÉ´óÁËÑÛ¾¦¡£
The dog¡¯s hungry eyes fell on my sandwich. ÄÇÌõ¹·¼¢¶öµÄÑÛÉñÂäÔÚÎÒµÄÈýÃ÷ÖÎÉÏ¡£
He turned his eyes to the door when he heard the handle turning. Ìýµ½ÃÅ°Ñת¶¯µÄÉùÒô£¬ËûÏòÃÅÄDZ߿´È¥¡£ Tina shut her eyes tightly and bit her lip. µÙÄȽô±ÕÉÏË«ÑÛ£¬Ò§ÁËÒ§×ì´½¡£
She looked her father straight in the eye and answered his question truthfully. ËýÖ±ÊÓ¸¸Ç×µÄÑÛ¾¦£¬³ÏʵµØ»Ø´ðÁËËûµÄÎÊÌâ¡£ He seemed unwilling to meet my eyes. ËûËƺõ²»Ô¸ÒâÓëÎÒµÄÄ¿¹â½Ó´¥¡£
His eyes grew wide / widened with horror at what she had done. ¿´µ½ËýËù×öµÄÊ£¬Ëû¾ª¿ÖµØÕö´óÁËÑÛ¾¦¡£ She laughed, her eyes shining with excitement. ËýЦÁË£¬ÑÛÀïÉÁ˸×ÅÐ˷ܵĹââ¡£ Her eyes filled with tears. ËýµÄÑÛÀï³äÂúÀáË®¡£
She tried to sit up, her eyes fixed on Joan's face. ËýÊÔͼ×øÆðÀ´£¬Ä¿¹â½ô¶¢×ÅÇíµÄÁ³¡£ His eyes scanned the room as he entered. Ëû½øÎÝʱÑÛ¾¦É¨ÊÓÁËÕû¸ö·¿¼ä¡£
Her eyes dropped to her lap as she answered. Ëý»Ø´ðʱ´¹ÏÂÑÛ¾¦¶¢×ÅÍÈ¡£ Tears blurred her eyes / vision. ÀáˮģºýÁËËýµÄË«ÑÛ¡£ blur [bl?:(r)] vt ʹ±äÄ£ºý I felt tears well up in my eyes. ÎҸе½ÀáË®ÔÚÑÛÀïÓ¿³öÀ´¡£ mouth
She opened her mouth to say something. ËýÕÅ¿ª×ìҪ˵ʲô¡£
He covered his mouth to hide his yawn.
ËûÎæס×ì͵͵´òÁ˸ö¹þÇ·¡£ Our mouths dropped open in surprise. ÎÒÃǾªÆæµØÕÅ´óÁË×ì¡£
My mouth started watering when I smelled the food. Îŵ½Ê³ÎïµÄÏã棬ÎÒ¿ªÊ¼Á÷¿ÚË®ÁË¡£ His mouth widened to a smile. ËûßÖ¿ª×ìЦÁË¡£
Suddenly a hand cupped her mouth. ͻȻһֻÊÖÎæסÁËËýµÄ×ì¡£ A smile played around his mouth. ËûµÄ×ìÉϹÒ×Åһ˿ЦÒâ¡£
He straightened up and looked at me, open-mouthed. ËûÖ±ÆðÉí£¬Ä¿µÉ¿Ú´ôµØ¿´×ÅÎÒ¡£
My heart was in my mouth when I walked into her office. ÎÒ×ß½øËýµÄ°ì¹«ÊÒʱ£¬½ôÕŵÃÐĶ¼µ½ÁËɤ×ÓÑÛ¡£ She froze, her mouth hanging open. Ëý´ôסÁË£¬×ìÕÅ¿ª×Å¡£ hand
She took the child¡¯s hand and helped him climb the steps. ËýÀסº¢×ÓµÄÊÖÇ£×ÅËûÅÀÉĮ̈½×¡£ He reached for her hand and held it tightly. ËûÉìÊÖץסËýµÄÊÖ²¢½ô½ôÎÕס¡£ They walked along, holding hands. ËûÃÇÊÖÀÊÖ²¢¼ç×ß×Å¡£ He held the key in his hand.