内 容 摘 要
Small and micro-sized enterprise is not only an important part of national economic and social development, but stimulating the growth of these industries is also an important method for creating jobs and improving the common person’s living standard. Nevertheless, the financing of small and micro-sized enterprises is not always easy, straightforward, or with out problems. Under the guidance of governmental and banking policies and the demands of social need, commercial banks globally began vigorously developing the microfinance sector. The commercial banks in China are no exception to this rule and have also been developing microfinance business rapidly; however, the banks have encountered various problems with this financial industry. Studying the current approach of Chinese and other foreign commercial banks in the microfinance sector serves as a foundation for this paper’s examination of how commercial banks develop microfinance here in China.
KEYWORDS: Small and micro sized enterprise, commercial bank,
microfinance, development
第一章 引言 ...................................................... 1
第一节 选题背景................................................. 1 第二节 选题意义................................................. 1 第三节 研究的基本内容与框架..................................... 2 第三节 国内外文献综述........................................... 2
第二章 商业银行小微金融的概述 ................................. 8
第一节 商业银行小微金融的定义................................... 8 第二节 商业银行小微金融的现状................................... 8 第三节 商业银行小微金融面临的机遇和挑战......................... 8
第三章 泰隆商业银行小微金融案例研究 ......................... 20
第一节 泰隆商业银行简介......................................... 20 第二节 泰隆银行小微金融现状..................................... 21 第三节 泰隆银行小微金融发展对策................................. 23
第四章 结束语 .................................................. 33
第一节 研究结论................................................ 33 第二节 研究不足................................................ 33
第五章 参考文献 ......................................... 34 致谢 .................................................... 35