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Unit 1 Can you play the guitar单元测评

第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分(80分)


16.Her sister can play ______ piano,but she can't play ______ basketball. A.the;the B./;the C.the;/ D./;/ 17.Tom helps his parents ______ the housework. A.with B.in C.at D.on

18.We want three good musicians ______ the school music festival. A.to B.with C.at D.for

19.He can play the guitar,______ he can't play it very well. A.or B.but C.and D.also 20.—Can Peter ______ Chinese? —Yes,but only a little.

A.speak B.tell C.talk D.say 21.Lisa wants to ______ us her new pictures.

A.show B.take C.draw D.teach

22.Miss Read is good ______ music.She can be good ______ children in the music club. A.at;at B.with;with C.at;with D.with;at

23.—What club do you want ______? —The ______.I like sports very much.

A.join;chess club B.to join;swimming club C.to join;music club D.join;English 24.Please ______ me ______ 88966558.

A.call;at B.tell;at C.call;in D.tell;in 25.—What can you do,Li Tao? —______.

A.I like sports B.I want to join the music club C.I am well D.I can do Chinese Kung Fu


I have two friends,Jane and John.They __26__ sister and brother.They like music.Jane can play the piano.But she __27__ play the violin.John can't play the piano.But he can play __28__ violin.Today they __29__ to carry a piano to __30__ bedroom.__31__ piano is heavy(重的).They can't __32__ it.__33__ parents aren't at home.But they __34__ a cousin brother Mike.He is here today.They ask Mike to __35__ them. 26.A.is B.am C.are D.be 27.A.can B.can't C.doesn't D.isn't 28.A.the B.a C.an D.∕ 29.A.like B.want C.can D.love 30.A.John B.his C.Jane D.Jane's 31.A.The B.A C./ D.An 32.A.take B.carry C.help D.play 33.A.Jane's and John B.Jane and John's C.They's D.Theirs 34.A.have B.like C.want D.has 35.A.come B.go C.helps D.join Ⅵ.阅读理解(30分)


Tom and Mike are good friends.They are good to kids.They want to fiind summer jobs.One day Tom tells Mike that Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp needs help with sports,music and computers.They are both very glad to hear this.

Tom can play basketball and volleyball,and he can swim,too.Mike can play the violin,the drums and the guitar,and he also likes soccer.Tom and Mike like computers very much.Can they join the Summer Camp? 36.What do Tom and Mike want to do?

A.They want to help with sports,music and computers. B.They want to be good with kids.

C.They want to join the Summer Camp.

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D.They want to get help from the Camp. 37.What does the Summer Camp need with?

A.Making cakes. B.Drawing pictures.

C.Telling stories. D.Sports,music and computers. 38.What can Tom do?

A.Play the guitar. B.Play soccer. C.Swim. D.Play chess. 39.What can't Mike do?

A.Play the violin. B.Play the piano. C.Play the drums. D.Play soccer. 40.What do Tom and Mike both like?

A.Soccer. B.Computers. C.Swimming. D.Sports.


English Tutor(家教)Wanted

Do you like kids?Are you outgoing(开朗的)?Do you have three years' experience(经验)as an English teacher?Do you have free time on Saturday or Sunday?We need a woman teacher for our daughter.She is twelve and she is not good at English.

For the job,you will:

Teach from 3:00 p.m.to 6:00 p.m. Play with our daughter. Tell her stories in English.

You will work at our house.We live in Xinyuan Road,Garden District. The pay is $40 each hour.

If you want to know more information,please call Mrs.Yang at 82569876. 41.Mrs.Yang wants ______ for her daughter.

A.a Chinese teacher B.a music teacher C.an English tutor D.a math tutor

42.If you are the tutor,you must teach the daughter for ______ on Saturday.

A.a day B.two hours

C.three hours D.a whole afternoon 43.What is not a part of the job?

A.Cooking for the kid. B.Working at the kid's house.

C.Being good with the kid. D.Telling English stories to the kid. 44.If you want to be the tutor,you need to ______.

①be beautiful ②have three years' English teaching experience ③have time on weekends ④be a woman teacher

A.①② B.②③ C.②③④ D.①②③ 45.Which is NOT true?

A.The tutor must teach the kid on weekends. B.The kid is not good at English. C.The tutor can speak English.

D.The tutor can get $360,if she teaches the kid for two weekends.


Dear Lisa,

Thank you very much for your letter.You want to know about my favorite sport and instrument(乐器).Now I tell you.I like swimming very much,(1)______ I like tennis,volleyball and basketball.Swimming is my favorite sport.(2)I_am_good_at_chess,too. My favorite instrument is violin.I like playing the violin every weekend.What about you?What's your favorite sport?Do you like to play the violin?Please write to me soon.

Yours, Gina



________________________________________________________________________ 47.请写出(2)处画线句子的同义句。

________________________________________________________________________ 48.What does Lisa want to know?

________________________________________________________________________ 49.What sport can Gina do?

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________________________________________________________________________ 50.What's Gina's favorite sport and instrument?



A.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(5分) 51.You can ______(结交)friends in our club.

52.Grace likes music and she wants to be a m______. 53.Can the little boy read or ______(写)? 54.Can Bill d______ pictures?

55.What do you usually do on w______?

B.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(5分) 56.Victor wants to join the ______(sing)club. 57.Miss Chen ______(teach)us Chinese this term.

58.Mike and Jack are two good ______(piano)in our school. 59.Can he help me ______(swim)?

60.My father often tells me ______(story)in the evening.



Lily,Lucy:We want to join the music club. Teacher:62.______,Lucy? Lucy:I can sing.


Lily:Yes,I can also play the piano,but I can't play it well. Teacher:64.______,Lucy? Lucy:Yes,I can. Teacher:65.______?

Lucy:Sorry,I can't play it very well. Ⅸ.书面表达(15分)


Students Wanted for Summer Camp Boys and girls(12~16) Are you good with kids? Happy kids summer camp Needs help with Sports,music,English Come and join us! Send your information to 假设你是王颖,想参加这个夏令营,根据表格上的内容发一封电子邮件,介绍你的个人情况、兴趣爱好及能力。

Name Age School Like Can playing the guitar,swim,play the Wang Ying 13 No.7 Middle School drawing,playing violin,speak computer games English Dear Sir or Madam, ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Yours, Wang Ying

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Ⅰ.1.D 2.A 3.C 4.E 5.G Ⅱ.6.B 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.A Ⅲ.11.B 12.C 13.C 14.B 15.A Ⅳ.16.C 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.A

21.A 22.C 23.B 24.A 25.D Ⅴ.

26.C 27.B 28.A 29.B 30.D 31.A 32.B 33.B 34.A 35.D Ⅵ.

36.C 37.D 38.C 39.B 40.B 41.C 42.C 43.A 44.C 45.D 46.and

47.I'm also good at chess.

48.She wants to know about Gina's favorite sport and instrument.

49.She can swim and she can also play tennis,volleyball and basketball. 50.Swimming and violin.

Ⅶ.51.make 52.musician 53.write 54.draw 55.weekends 56.singing

57.teaches 58.pianists 59.(to) swim 60.stories Ⅷ.

61.What club do you want to join 62.What can you do 63.Can you sing

64.Can you play the piano 65.Can you play it well Ⅸ.

Dear_Sir_or_Madam, My name is Wang Ying.I am 13 years old.I am in No.7 Middle School.I like playing the guitar and drawing.And I also like playing computer games very much.I can do many things.For example,I can swim and play the violin.And I can also speak English.Can I join the summer camp?

Yours, Wang_Ying

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