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High-efficiency calculation method for watershed rainfall-runoff routing using one-dimensi

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High-efficiency calculation method for watershed rainfall-runoff routing using one-dimensional

dynamic wave equations

LI Jun;GUO Xiao-jun;ZHAO Ling-ling

【期刊名称】《山地科学学报(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2017(014)010

【摘要】Efficiency in solving the Saint-Venant equations for watershed rainfall-runoff routing is important in flood hydrology.This paper presents a high-efficiency numerical solution of one-dimensional dynamic wave equations (HEDWE) for watershed rainfall-runoff routing,in which the full momentum equation is written as a quadratic equation with only one unknown variable Q,water depth is derived from the continuity equation using the two-step predictorcorrector method,and the discrete scheme is the explicit upwind scheme.The results of numerical tests showed the HEDWE approach has several major advantages.1) It is a stable numerical method,even for an initially dry area.2) Its computational efficiency is higher than 4.76E+05 times/s.3) It can be used for overland flow,river flow,and combinations thereof.The primary disadvantages of the HEDWE approach are its unsuitability for rapidly varying flow,such as dam-break floods. 【总页数】9页(2097-2105) 【关键词】

High-efficiency calculation method for watershed rainfall-runoff routing using one-dimensi


