试卷 A
did the woman buy for her husband A. A. A phone. Wait a short B. time. A watch C. A camera does the woma n tell appo in tme nt. does the woma n say A. She hasn't k.
the man to do B. Come back at four. C. Change the about the report fini it yet. it. week typi B. She will type it n ext wee C. She spent a is the possible relati on ship betwee n the speakers
A. Policeman and driver. B. Boss and employee. C. Officer and soldie r.
does the con versati on A. At a bus stop. 6至8题
most probablB. In take place a shop C. In a car. is the mart s father
A. A lawyer. A. A.
Engin eeri ng.
B. A doctor B. B. 9至11题
Mathematics. In an office.
C. C. place
A dentist
Computer tech no logy.
did the man major in at college does the con versati on
most probably take
At home. C. In a classroom.
was the mari s flight scheduled to take off A.
At 7:00 am. B. At 9:00 am.
missed the
At 11:30 pm. |
did the man do after he A. He B.
got to
airport by taxi.
He stayed in a cafe for the night. C. He went
back to the
city by subway.
do we know about the man A.
He missed his flight. B.
He changed his flight. C. He was to
o early for his flight.
was the Union founded A.
In 1906. B. In 1916.
at special times
In 1960.
13 what does the Union orga nize
A. Short trips. B. Food parties. can a stude nt join the Union A. By sending an email.
B. C.
By maki ng a phone call.
C. Summer camps.
By signing up in the office.
do we know about the weekend events
A. B. C.
Some have a number limit. Some require a high Some are long
试卷B is the A. woma n going to do this weeke nd Go shopping. B. Get married. C. Make a plan. did the man do last night A. He we nt to see a film. B. He talked with his friend. C. H
e watched TV at home. does the conversation
most probably take place
A. In a travel agency. B. In a lecture hall. C. In an art gall ery. is the man today
A. He is cold. B. He is better. C. He is sick in bed.
does the man tell the woman to do A. Use the phone on the table. B. C.
Help herself to some food. Bring some food to the table.
exercise does the woman dislike
A. Dan ci ng B. Jogg ing is the woman advised to do first start.
听下面一段对话,回答 9至11题
C. Weight-lifti ng.
A. She is doubtful. B. She is disappo in ted. C. She is eager to
is the game worth watching It
is free. B. It is the final. C. It could be excit ing.
time doethe man suggest arrivi ng for thgame A. At one. B. At two. C. At three.
A. Watch a football game. B. Study for the whole day. C. Pick u p a
ticket for the is A. A.
game. 12至15题
B Safety. allowed to B. Roll
down car
the main focus of the Seen ery. Feed ani mals.
speaker do there
C. En viro nment.
13. What are people
windows. C. Take pictures withou
t flash.
ani mal was in volved A. A deer.
A. A headmaster B.
in the accide nt B A bea. A tour guide.
C. A monkey. C. An animal doctor.
15. What is probably the speaker
2016高考英语天津卷 A录音原文
1. M:Have you bought your Christmas prese nts yet
W: Almost. I got a watch for my husband. And I 'm going to find a camera or a mobile phone for my dad. 2.
M: Hi,I 'm here for my four o 'clock appointment.
W: why don't you have a seat for a moment Doctor Smith will be here soon. 3.
M: Have you fini shed your paper
W:Fin ally. I have done nothing else this whole week but type it. 4.
W:What s the problem,officer
you'll be fined.
M:Well,you can 't park here,or W:Oh. I didn 't see a sign.
M:There's a sign right there,behind the tree. 5.
W:It 's fifty kilometers to the next town.
M:We must stop at the gas stati on and get some gas.
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