10. Instead of waiting until tomorrow or Wednesday, Bob wants to get right to work.
11. I took more time on the last question than I did on the first four.
我在最后一个问题上所花的时间比在前四个问题上多。 12. We’re closed on Sundays, but we stay open from 8 until 6 on weekdays and from 8 until 12 on Saturdays.
13. The student kept on talking even though the teacher had asked him to stop.
14. Because she wanted to take a walk, Mrs. Jones asked Linda to keep an eye on the baby.
15. Before finding out that a neighbor had broken his window, the father scolded his child for having done it.
16. The hostess made every effort to see that her guests got the food and drinks they wanted.
17. John attended kindergarten and grade school in New York City and high school in Washington, but he received his higher education in Chicago.
约翰在纽约上的幼儿园和小学,在华盛顿读的中学,但在芝加哥受的高等教育。(grade school:美小学。)
18. It’s hard to believe that Bill is a sophomore at Memphis State University.
很难相信比尔是梦菲斯州立大学的二年级学生。 托福听力:提分遇到瓶颈怎么破 你是否有过这样的经历: 次考托福听力,分数低的不行; 第二次考,分数或有所提升;