在德国读大学,有的学校要求每个学期都重新注册。并且在本科阶段,入学分为第一学期入学和高级学期入学。亚琛工业大学就属于这种大学。那么,对于国际学生来说,亚琛工业大学的第一学期和高级学期分别怎么申请呢?下面和出guo一起来看看吧! What to Do
1.Fill out the Online Application and then print it out. 2.Send the signed application with the required documents to Division 2.1 of the RWTH Aachen International Office before the deadline has passed. 国际学生第一学期申请 1.填写线上申请表并打印。
2.在截止日期之前,将签名的申请连同所需材料一起,送到亚琛工业大学国际办公室。 Your Documents
Please supplement your application with the following documents:
Print out of the signed online application, also called the admissions application
Copy of your school-leaving certificate, secondary school certificate, or likewise
If you have already pleted an at least four year long academic degree in your home country, such as a Bachelor, Licence, or Lisans diplomasi, you do not need to submit your school certificates. 提交以下文件:
1.打印签名的线上申请表(也叫入学申请表) 2.毕业证书或中学证书副本
如果你已经在自己的国家完成了至少四年的学术学位学习,比如学士、执照,则不需要提交中学证书。 Tabular resume
Please include a resume of one to two pages without any gaps with your application. This should cover your entire career and education up until this point and contain the following points: education from elementary school until now, employment, stays abroad, volunteer work, awards, honors, etc. 和申请表一起,附上一到二页不空格的简历。简历应该包含截至申请时的完整教育经历和以下信息:从中学到现在的教育经历、就业、海外经历、志愿工作、获奖、荣誉等。 Letter of Motivation
1.What perceptions do you have when thinking of studies in Germany?
2.Why do you want to study at RWTH Aachen?
3.Why do you want to study this specific subject? (Please mention your past academic or university experiences) 4.Where did you receive information about RWTH Aachen and your desired subject (e.g. inter, alumni, fair, ...)? 5.What career prospects do you hope to obtain by studying at RWTH Aachen?
1.考虑在德国学习的时候有些什么想法? 2.为什么想在亚琛工业大学学习?
5.通过在亚琛工业大学的学习,你想拥有什么样的职业前景? Additional documents that are required by the respective course of study exam regulation (e.g. proof of participation in a self assessment or a pre-internship, etc.)
If applicable:
Copy of language certificate. Applicants for an open admission course of study can submit this at the time of enrollment.