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阶梯英语单词 - 图文

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Letters and Sounds: A:

apple ankle(脚踝) ax ant arrow(箭) anger(愤怒) actor(男演员) actress(女演员) aunt


afternoon arm animal B:

banana bed bench(长凳) bird body book box boy bird bedroom blanket(毛毯,垫) bathroom bathtub bowl ball bathmat blackboard blue

brother buy bread ballpoint pen(圆珠笔)


build (建造) baby-sitter baby bacon(熏猪肉,咸肉) breakfast bib C:

cake cap car cat coffee count(计数) cow cup classroom chair curtain(窗帘) clock come chimney(烟囱,壁炉) children clever

cloud classmate clap(拍手) child closet(衣橱,厕所) chalk(粉笔) cousins (堂,表兄弟、姐妹) cow cheek(面颊) chest card(名片)



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castle(城堡型建筑物) cradle(摇篮) calendar(日历) channel(频道,海峡) remote control (遥控器) chick(小宝宝,少妇) D:

dancer deer desk doctor dog doll door duck

desk daughter dining room(饭厅) desk lamp (台灯) drive duckling(小鸭) E:

Echo(回声) edge(边缘) egg elephant elf(小精灵) end(终点) entrance(加入) envelope(信封)

eye ear eight eleven eraser equal eighteen eyebrows evening(傍晚,黄昏) F:

family father fence five food foot fork four face flower fifteen finger fourteen

fingernail(指甲) fountain(泉水,喷泉) fruit flower bed

feed(喂养) Friday G:

garden gate(大门,城门) gift girl goat gold(黄


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金,金币,金色) golf goose(鹅,鹅肉)

go green grandma grape(葡萄,深紫色)

grandpa go to bed get up


hammer(铁锤) hand hat head hen home horse house

he husband hamburger hour ham(火腿) hurry(匆忙) hot I:

Igloo(冰屋,圆顶建筑) inch(英寸,少量) Indian infant(婴幼儿,幼稚的) ink insect(昆虫) itch(痒,渴望) introduce J:

jacket jam(果酱,拥挤) jar(争执) jeep jelly(果子冻,肉冻) jewel(宝石,宝玉) juice jump join(参加) jog(慢跑) jungle gym(儿童攀爬器具) K:

kangaroo kettle(水壶) key kick(踢) king kiss kitchen kite(风筝,骗子,流氓,光棍) knife L:

lake(小湖) leaf(叶子,茶叶,烟叶) leg lemon light(光,灯) lion lips(嘴唇) living room(起居室)


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lovely listen learn


man map math milk monkey moon mother mouth

model plane minus math teacher


morning minute Monday N:

Nail(指甲,爪,钉) napkin(餐巾,尿布,手帕) neck nest net(网,陷阱) nose number nurse nine nod neighbor nephew(侄子,外甥) nineteen niece(侄女,外甥女) night(夜间,夜晚) noon O:

October octopus(章鱼) on operate(动手术) ostrich(鸵鸟) ox(公牛) one orange P:

Pants park path(车子走不过的小路) pear pen pencil pig pink pillow(枕头) parents(父亲,母亲) plate play place mat put down one's hand

pretty potato point purple plus photo frame(镜框) photo playground pick up paper


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phone Q:

quarrel(争吵) quarter(四分之一) queen question(问题) quiet quilt(被子,毛毯) R:

rabbit rainbow(彩虹) ring(环,戒指) rock(岩石) rooster rope(麻绳) rose rug(小地毯) raise one's hand roof(屋顶) repeat reach(到

达) radio read


seven sign(记号,暗号) silver(银币,银白色的) sink(下沉,沉没) six soap sofa sun she student stand up sit down sheet(被单) son shake one's head

seven slippers shampoo(洗发剂) spoon

sunshine(,日光) sky skirt show(出示) star sister shirt store(贮藏) sunny spell say sea

seesaw(跷跷板) swing(荡秋千) sixteen seventeen slide(滑动) sandwich sunglasses sand(沙滩,沙漠) sheep sorry second(第二的) sixty sweat(出汗)


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Sunday Saturday T:

table tea teacher ten tie toe(脚趾) towel two teacher three toothbrush toothpaste tree they look at t-shirt twelve thirteen touch

tomato take out twenty television(TV) tiger

tooth tell a story tell time

toast(烤面包片) tongue(舌) Tuesday Thursday U:

umbrella uncle under up V:

Van(有盖货车) vase(花瓶) veil(面纱,面罩) vest(背心,马甲) village(村庄) violin vomit(呕吐) W:

walkman wall wash watch wind window woman word we woman wave(波浪) write wife walk wrong wait week weekend Wednesday X: x-ray Y:


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Yacht(快艇,游艇) yam(山药) yard(围场,院子) year yellow yo-yo you Z:

zebra zero zipper(拉链) zoo

Short Vowels: A:

apple bag bat cat E:

bed bell egg hen I:


fan hat pen map mat red well net . .

bib hill ink kiss lick pig pin six O:

box octopus on operate ostrich ox sock U:

bus cup gun nut sun umbrella uncle under

Magic E: a_e:

cape name tape e_e: these i_e:


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bite five kite o_e:

nose rope rose u_e:

cube June tube

Long Vowels: Long A: ai:

jail maid nail pain paint rail rain tail ay:

bay hay lay may pay ray say way


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Long E: ee:

bee eel feet jeep peel reeds see teeth ea:

eagle leaf meat pea peach peanut sea tea ey:

donkey hockey jockey key money monkey trolley turkey Long I: ie:

die lie pie tie igh:

fight high light night right sigh sight tight Long O: oa:

boat coal coat goat road soap toad toast ow:

bowl hollow low pillow rainbow row window yellow Long U: ui:

fruit juice suit


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blue glue Sue Long I: y:

cry dry fly my shy sky spy type Long E: y:

baby dirty sunny

R-vowels or:

corn fork pork ar:

.页脚 dizzy happy pony puppy fort horn horse morning

rainy porch . .

arm armchair car card cart farm garden park ur:

fur hurt nurse purse surfing turkey turtle er:

brother marker mermaid mother rooster sister under winter ir:

bird birthday circle circus dirt dirty girl

Diphthongs ou:

count fountain house mountain mouse mouth


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out shout ow:

brown clown cow crown flower owl towel tower oi:

boil coil coin noise oil oy:

boy cowboy oyster soy

Vowel Digraphs au:


point toy poison soil . .

applause August autumn naughty sauce sausage aw:

draw lawn paw saw straw strawberry oo:

boots food zoo oo:

book cook wool ea:

bear feather

.页脚 roof room rooster spoon cookie foot hook look woods head leather pear sweat sweater

moon . .

Consonant Digraphs ch:

beach bench chair cheese cherry chicken church lunch sh:

dish fish push sheep ship shirt shoes shovel wh:

whale wheat wheel wheelchair whip whisper whistle white ph:

alphabet elephant pharmacy photo telephone trophy th:

brother father feather leather mother th:

bath bathmat mouth teeth thief thirsty three thumb kn:

knee knife knit knob knock wr:

wrap wreath wrinkle wrist write


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bomb comb crumb lamb numb thumb Blends bl:

black blanket bleach blocks blonde hair bloom blouse blue fl:

flag flame flat floor flower flu flute fly pl:

plane planet plant plate platform play plum plus cl:

clap clay clean climb clock close cloud clown gl:

glass glasses glider globe glove glue cr:

crab crayon cream crocodile croissant crow crown cry gr:

grandma grapes grass gray green ground


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grow pr:

prawn pray press price prince princess prize br:

bread brick bride bright brim brook brother brown fr:

frame French fries Friday friend frog front frost fruit tr:

tractor train tray tree triangle trolley truck trunk dr:

draw dream dress drink drive drop drum dry sm:

small smell smile smoke smooth sn:

snack snail snake sneakers sneeze snore snow snowman sl:


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slap sled sleep slide slope slow sw:

swallow swan sweat sweater sweet swim swing switch sp:

spaceship spell spider spinach spoon st:

stamp stand star stick stockings store storm student sc:

scale scanner scarecrow scarf scoop scooter scorpion sk:

skates skirt skis skunk


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Other Vowels all:

ball call fall tall wall ew:

dew few hew nephew


newspaper view new

阶梯英语单词 - 图文


