A common property of R(E,F) and B(R~n,R~m) and a new method for seeking a path to connect
A common property of R(E,F) and B(R~n,R~m) and a new method for seeking a path to connect two
【期刊名称】《中国科学》 【年(卷),期】2010(000)010
【摘要】Given two Banach spaces E,F,let B(E,F) be the set of all bounded linear operators from E into F,and R(E,F) the set of all operators in B(E,F) with finite rank.It is well-known that B(Rn) is a Banach space as well as an algebra,while B(Rn,Rm) for m = n,is a Banach space but not an algebra;meanwhile,it is clear that R(E,F) is neither a Banach space nor an algebra.However,in this paper,it is proved that all of them have a common property in geometry and topology,i.e.,they are all a union of mutual disjoint path-connected and smooth submanifolds (or hypersurfaces).Let Σr be the set of all operators of finite rank r in B(E,F) (or B(Rn,Rm)).In fact,we have that 1) suppose Σr∈ B(Rn,Rm),and then Σr is a smooth and path-connected submanifold of B(Rn,Rm) and dimΣr = (n + m)r-r2,for each r ∈ [0,min{n,m});if m = n,the same conclusion for Σr and its dimension is valid for each r ∈ [0,min{n,m}];2) suppose Σr∈ B(E,F),and dimF = ∞,and then Σr is a smooth and path-connected submanifold of B(E,F) with the tangent space TAΣr = {B ∈ B(E,F) : BN(A)-R(A)} at each A ∈Σr for 0 r < ∞.The routine methods for seeking a
A common property of R(E,F) and B(R~n,R~m) and a new method for seeking a path to connect