14 - Fire Protection / Life Safety Marriott Hotel - International
Zurich Services Corporation:
? Automatic sprinkler / standpipe system shop drawings, hydraulic calculations and equipment product sheets. ? Set of construction (contract) drawings. 2. Mailing Addresses:
? Marriott International, Inc.; Marriott Corporate Fire Protection, Dept. 52/924.36; 10400 Fernwood Road; Bethesda, MD 20817 ? Zurich Services Corporation; Risk Engineering Department; 1818 Market Street, 21ST Floor; Philadelphia, PA 19103; Attn: Mr. Richard Gallagher, Sr. Risk Engineering Consultant F. Automatic Sprinkler / Standpipe System
1. Design Requirements:
? Standards: NFPA 13 (not NFPA 13R), 14 and 20.
? Water Source: Perform flow-test(s) and document. Provide dependable source of water quantity and pressure from municipal water main or from on-site cistern or tank(s) if municipal water is not available. ? Safety Factor: Provide a 10% hydraulic safety factor. ? Pressure Reducing Valves: Design system within maximum pressure of 175 psi without use of pressure reducing valves.
? Low-Rise Buildings: Provide control valves, flow and tamper switches at each connection monitored on the fire alarm system. Locate inspector's test assembly at remote end of zone (not in guestrooms) with discharge piped to exterior drain. See example detail at end of this Module. ? High Rise Buildings: Connect guestroom floor sprinkler piping to 2 risers at each floor with a control valve and flow and tamper switches at each connection. See example \test drain assembly detail at end of this Module. At guestroom and non-guestroom levels, locate inspector test assembly at remote end of zone, hardpiped to exterior similar to low-rise building.
2. System Application: Equip Marriott properties with
complete hydraulically designed combination / automatic sprinkler / standpipe system zoned by floor.
? Building Footprint: Sprinkler building areas within building “footprint”.
? Parking Garages / Decks: Provide sprinkler protection, unless greater than 50% of perimeter is open to exterior air and not under hotel footprint.
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Marriott Hotel - International
Fire Protection / Life Safety - 14
? Utility Spaces: Provide complete sprinkler protection in
electrical, mechanical, telephone and computer rooms. ? Loading Docks and Truck Bays: Provide sprinkler
protection. If subject to freezing, provide dry-pipe system.
? Freezer and Cooler Boxes: Protect with dry-type heads
off of area wet sprinkler system.
? Guestroom Bathrooms: Sprinklers are not required if
bathroom is less than 5.10 m2 (55 sq. ft.). Regardless of bathroom area, sprinklers are required when combustible tubs or shower or tub surrounds (plastic / fiberglass) enclosures are used.
? Closets and Pantries: Sprinklers are not required in
clothes closets, linen closets and pantries within hotel guestrooms where the area of the space does not exceed 2.2 m2 (24 sq. ft.). Closets and pantries with washer, dryer, water heater, mechanical or electrical equipment require sprinklers.
? Building Exception: Sprinkler / standpipe system may not
be required in existing buildings of 2 stories or less where all guestrooms exit directly to exterior (no enclosed corridors).
3. Wet-Pipe Sprinkler: Provide wet-pipe sprinklers for
habitable spaces such as guestrooms, guestroom corridors, restaurants, ballrooms / meeting rooms, public and back-of-house areas. 4. Dry-Pipe Sprinklers: Provide dry-pipe sprinklers in attic and
unheated areas to avoid the possibility of freezing.
? Dry type heads from the wet system may be used in
small unheated areas.
? Wet sprinkler piping covered with attic insulation, pipe
insulation or heat tape is not considered “freeze protected” and is unacceptable. ? Use galvanized steel pipe.
? Design for dry valve trip test that provides water to the
remote inspector test assembly within 60 seconds.
? Provide system with valve, trim, tank mounted
compressor, control and test valves, gauges, pressure and high / low air pressure switches and approved drains.
5. Sprinkler Heads: Fast-response 68° to 74° C (155° to
165° F), recessed, semi-recessed and concealed throughout, except where listed for a particular application as follows:
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14 - Fire Protection / Life Safety
Room / Space Attic Systems
Marriott Hotel - International
Temp. Rating
100° C (212° F)
141° C (286° F) 100° C (212° F)
141° C (286° F) 68° to 74° C (155 to 165° F) 100° C (212° F) 100° C (212° F) 100° C (212° F) 68° to 74° C (155° to 165° F) 141° C (286° F) 74° C (165° F)
Dry-pipe Systems
Head Type
Standard Response - ventilatedStandard Response - unventilated
Standard Response - ventilated (unoccupied spaces) Standard Response - unventilated
Mechanical / Electrical Quick Response
Balcony (combustible) Dry-side wall, corrosion – resistant / Quick Response
Dry-side wall, corrosion – Porches resistant / Quick Response
Elevator Machinery Standard Response Swimming Pools Corrosion-resistant / Quick (Indoor) Response
Sauna / Steam Rooms Corrosion-resistant / Quick Laundry Dryer Plenum Response Walk-in Coolers / Dry pendent Quick Response Freezers
6. Sprinkler Coordination:
? Install sprinkler heads with the manufacturer’s minimum allowable projection from the wall or ceiling. ? Coordinate locations of sprinkler heads at guestrooms and public areas with the interior designer to avoid location conflicts and minimize appearance impact. ? In corridor ceilings, generally, position heads along centerline of corridor width.
? In ceilings with acoustical tiles, position heads in center of tiles. G. Fire Alarm and Communications
1. Requirements: Equip entire building with a central fire
alarm system. See the Fire Alarm System Sequence Matrix in this Module. Coordinate with <15C>. ? Standard: NFPA 72.
? System: Provide fully point addressable, analog system (all alarm initiating and supervisory devices individually addressable) in all buildings. ? Campus Style Sites: Provide point addressable networking that reports to the continuously attended property location.
? Testing: Provide the following at the Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP).
+ Disconnect switches to disable notification, audible
appliances, visual strobes, and auxiliary function points for testing purposes.
+ Alarm sensitivity testing at FACP.
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Marriott Hotel - International
Fire Protection / Life Safety - 14
2. Smoke Sensors (Detectors):
? Guestrooms, Suite Rooms and other Sleeping Units:
Provide smoke sensors with sounder bases to meet the following:
+ Photoelectric type sensor.
+ Sounder Base: Provide minimum audible alarm of 85 dBA at 10 feet; minimum of 75 dBA “at the pillow”.
+ Activation of room smoke sensor to immediately and automatically sound an alarm within the room of incident.
+ System smoke sensor normal and emergency power is provided by the FACP.
+ In suites and other mixed sleeping spaces, provide smoke sensors in each separate sleeping room, in living rooms convertible to sleeping and in areas providing access to the corridor doorway. Multiple sensor sounder bases located within the same suite or unit shall activate at the same time.
? Public Areas, Corridor and Back of House Areas: Provide
system smoke sensors where: + Required by governing code.
+ Smoke exhaust is required in compliance with the other requirements of this Module.
? Duct Smoke Sensors: Provide duct smoke sensors as
required by the Life Safety Code. Provide remote test switch and indicator light accessible from floor level.
3. Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Install CO detectors with
sounders connected to the FACP.
? General: Provide in rooms and areas containing fuel
burning appliances and equipment.
? Fireplaces: Provide detector in guestrooms and public
spaces containing gas or wood burning fireplaces.
4. Manual Pull Stations: At Front Desk only, unless required
in other locations by applicable codes.
5. Firefighter Communication Systems: Comply with
governing code requirements.
6. Alarm Notification Appliances: Provide audible notification
appliances (speakers, mini-horns, horns, or sounder bases of system connected smoke sensors) and visual notification strobe lights in locations according to the following:
? Guestroom, Suite Rooms and Other Sleeping Spaces:
Provide audible appliances in each sleeping room. In properties with separate multiple sleeping spaces such as suites and apartments, provide in each sleeping room.
? In ADA Accessible and Hearing Accessible designated
Guestrooms, Suites, or Apartments: provide audible alarm and visual alarm strobe(s).
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14 - Fire Protection / Life Safety Marriott Hotel - International
+ Arrange strobe(s) to flash in each room or area
and bathroom when smoke sensor(s) in room(s) or unit(s) activate.
+ Arrange strobe(s) to flash in each room or area
and bathroom when the building fire alarm notification alarms activate. Low Rise Buildings:
? Guestrooms, Sleeping Rooms: Provide smoke sensor with sounder base.
? Accessible Guestrooms / Sleeping Rooms: Provide smoke sensor with sounder base and visual stobe(s). Additionally provide a strobe in the bathroom.
? Public Areas, Corridors & Back of House (BOH): Provide mini horns and visual strobes. High Rise Buildings:
? Guestrooms, Sleeping Rooms: Speaker only.
? Accessible Guestrooms / Sleeping Rooms: Speaker and strobe(s). Additionally, provide strobe in bathroom(s).
? Public Areas, Corridors & BOH: Speaker and strobe. 7. Emergency Message Appliances:
? Low-Rise Buildings: Alert tone (three-pulse temporal pattern). ? High-Rise Buildings: Pre-recorded, alert and automatic voice message with manual voice communication override.
8. Annunciator: Provide point address to indicate floor,
device and type of alarm. Provide annunciator(s) in area(s) monitored 24 hours by property Associates (Security, AYS, PABX room, Front Desk) in a location(s) approved by Marriott and governing authority. H. Mechanical Smoke Control <15A>
1. Standard: NFPA 92A and 92B. 2. Building Configuration:
? Low-Rise Buildings: Mechanical smoke control may be required by Marriott Fire Protection Department, if judged that fire department access is limited or exiting is not adequate.
? High-Rise Buildings: Mechanical smoke control is required.
? Atrium: Consult Marriott Fire Protection Department for atrium smoke control requirements.
3. Application:
? Public Areas: Provide mechanical smoke exhaust in lobby, atriums, restaurants, pre-function areas, ballrooms and meeting rooms. Activate by area smoke detectors.
14 - 8 January 2005 Design Standards - Copyright, Marriott International, Inc.