F I R E P R O T E C T I O N /LI F E S A F E T YInternationalDesign Standards
J A N U A R Y 2 0 0 5
14 - Fire Protection / Life Safety
Fire Protection / Life Safety
Table of Contents
Marriott Hotel - International
Subject...................................................................................Page A. General Requirements.............................................................1 B. Definitions................................................................................1 C. Codes, References and Standards..........................................2 D. Systems Testing......................................................................2 E. Submittals................................................................................3 F. Automatic Sprinkler / Standpipe System..................................4 G. Fire Alarm and Communications..............................................6 H. Mechanical Smoke Control......................................................8 I. Kitchen Hood and Duct Fire Suppression................................9 J. Emergency Electrical Systems................................................9 K. Central Control Station (Fire Command Room).....................10 L. Emergency Egress.................................................................10 M. Example Diagrams.................................................................11
Module Organization
? This Module is a part of an integrated series of 17 Modules. ? Coordination with information from other Modules is required.
? The reference symbol
Marriott Confidential and Proprietary Information The contents of the Design Standards are confidential and proprietary to Marriott International, Inc. and may not be reproduced, disclosed, distributed or used without the express permission of an authorized representative of Marriott.
Copyright, Marriott International, Inc., unpublished material. All rights Reserved
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January 2005
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Marriott Hotel - International
Fire Protection / Life Safety
Fire Protection / Life Safety - 14
A. General Requirements
1. Application:
? Marriott's Fire Protection and Life Safety Design
Standards apply to all Marriott International Brands and owned, managed and franchised properties.
? The Marriott Fire Protection and Life Safety Design
Standards include design standards, performance criteria, reference standards and life safety process verification that defines a comprehensive fire protection program. Coordinate requirements with Modules 10, 15A, 15B and 15C.
? Application of these standards to a specific project
requires a design analysis to define project requirements and establish a project's unique standards compliance program.
For example, a project's qualification as either a low-rise or high-rise building will significantly affect the elements of a project's fire protection and life safety program.
? When a Marriott property is integrated with or
interconnected with another building, the building shall provide protection equal to the fire protection and life safety standards required for the Marriott property, as defined by Marriott’s Fire Protection Department on a case-by-case evaluation.
2. Systems: Provide the following functional systems in
compliance with the listed Performance Criteria: ? Sprinkler / Standpipe System ? Fire Alarm and Communications ? Mechanical Smoke Control
? Kitchen Hood and Duct Fire Suppression
? Standby Power, Emergency Power and Lighting ? Central Control Station (Fire Command Room) ? Emergency Egress B. Definitions 1. Low-Rise Building: A building that does not qualify as a
High-Rise Building as defined below. 2. High-Rise Building: A building conforming to one or both of
the following configurations:
? Stories: More than 6 stories (required by Marriott's Fire
Protection Department).
? Height: More than 23 m (75 ft.) in height to the floor of
the highest occupiable story in compliance with NFPA 101.
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14 - Fire Protection / Life Safety Marriott Hotel - International
? Exception: Buildings more than 6 stories and less than 23 m (75 ft.) high (as defined above) may be designed as a Low-Rise Building except must be provided with guestroom corridor and public area smoke exhaust and stairwell pressurization.
3. Back of House (BOH): Includes areas such as
employee spaces, employee restrooms, laundry, offices, work areas, kitchen, storage areas, shops, etc. C. Codes, References and Standards
1. Application: Current edition and associated references
are the basis for Marriott's Fire Protection / Life Safety Design Standards and are applicable to all Marriott managed, owned and franchised properties. 2. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Standards: Comply with the following:
? NFPA 101:
Life Safety Code (except no “horizontal
? NFPA 13: Standards for the Installation of Sprinkler
? NFPA 14: Standpipe Systems ? NFPA 17: Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems ? NFPA 20: Centrifugal Fire Pumps ? NFPA 70: National Electric Code ? NFPA 72: National Fire Alarm Code ? NFPA 92A, 92B: Smoke Control Systems ? NFPA 96: Ventilation and Fire Protection of
Commercial Cooking Operations
? NFPA 110: Emergency and Standby Power Systems
3. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Listing: Provide UL listed materials, appliances and equipment. 4. Governing Regulations: Follow governing laws, codes,
and regulations that are more stringent. Refer regulation conflicts with Marriott's Design Standards to Marriott for resolution.
5. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Comply with
Life Safety requirements. See the Design Standards for general accessibility requirements. D. Systems Testing
1. Application: Before a property is opened to the public,
the fire protection and life safety systems shall be fully operational, contractor tested and approval obtained from Marriott's Fire Protection Department.
In order to obtain Marriott's approval, the fire protection and life safety systems shall be operated by the contractor under simulated emergency conditions in the presence of Marriott Fire Protection personnel and the contractor shall demonstrate compliance with Marriott's standards.
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Design Standards - Copyright, Marriott International, Inc.
Marriott Hotel - International
Fire Protection / Life Safety - 14
2. Automatic Sprinkler / Standpipe System (Paragraph F.):
? Contractor shall flush and pressure test system prior to
Marriott's observation of the test of water flow and tamper switches.
? Fire pump shall be tested and certified by the
3. Fire Alarm and Communications (Paragraph G.):
? Contractor shall pretest and operate system without
trouble lights exhibited.
? Contractor shall demonstrate compliance by activating all
devices to set-off alarms and verifying that proper point address or zone indications appear on alarm panel.
4. Mechanical Smoke Control (Paragraph H.):
? Prior to testing smoke control systems, HVAC systems
shall be contractor tested and balanced.
? Public area, atrium and guestroom corridor smoke
exhaust, and stairwell pressurization systems shall be operational and tested to clear \signs are visible within 10 minutes of activation.
5. Kitchen Hood and Duct Fire Suppression (Paragraph I.):
? Contractor shall pretest all coordinated components by
activation of kitchen hood and duct flow switch or control unit.
? Contractor shall demonstrate compliance by operating
initiating devices, activating coordinated alarms, gas, electric and hood supply air fan shut-downs.
6. Emergency Electrical Systems (Paragraph J.):
? Diesel generator shall be operational and tested to
automatically activate upon loss of normal incoming power and to provide standby and emergency service to operate emergency lighting and specified systems.
? Battery standby power and UPS systems providing
emergency power and lighting shall be fully operational.
7. Central Control Station (Fire Command Room) – (K.):
Panels, indicators, controls and systems shall be operational, tested and approved. 8. Emergency Egress (Paragraph L.): Facilities for
emergency egress shall be operational and unobstructed. E. Submittals
1. General: Prior to installation of systems, submit the following
for review and approval to:
Marriott Corporate Fire Protection:
? Floor plans with exiting and occupant load diagrams.
? Fire alarm system diagrams, shop drawings and
equipment product sheets.
? Automatic sprinkler / standpipe system shop drawings,
hydraulic calculations and equipment product sheets.
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